Euro surveillance : bulletin Europeen sur les maladies transmissibles = European communicable disease bulletin
Journal of the International AIDS Society
Vita W Jongen
Thijs Reyniers
Maarten Schim van der Loeff
Tom Smekens
Elske Hoornenborg
Mark van den Elshout
Hanne Zimmermann
Liza Coyer
Chris Kenyon
Irith De Baetselier
Udi Davidovich
Henry J C de Vries
Maria Prins
Bea Vuylsteke
Anders Boyd
BMC health services research
Euro surveillance : bulletin Europeen sur les maladies transmissibles = European communicable disease bulletin
Journal of the International AIDS Society
Vita W Jongen
Thijs Reyniers
Zorah Mh Ypma
Maarten F Schim van der Loeff
Udi Davidovich
Hanne Ml Zimmermann
Liza Coyer
Mark Am van den Elshout
Henry Jc de Vries
Kristien Wouters
Tom Smekens
Bea Vuylsteke
Maria Prins
Elske Hoornenborg
Sexually transmitted diseases
Epidemiology and infection
Sexual and reproductive health matters
AIDS patient care and STDs
Frontiers in public health
Journal of the International AIDS Society
International journal of environmental research and public health
Sociology of health & illness
Journal of acquired immune deficiency syndromes (1999)
Sexually transmitted infections
Jef Vanhamel
Valeska Laisnez
Laurens Liesenborghs
Isabel Brosius
Nicole Berens-Riha
Thibaut Vanbaelen
Chris Kenyon
Koen Vercauteren
Naïma Hammami
Oriane Lambricht
Romain Mahieu
Amaryl Lecompte
Wim Vanden Berghe
Bea Vuylsteke
Sexual health
Bea Vuylsteke
Thijs Reyniers
Catherine Lucet
Christiana Nöstlinger
Jessika Deblonde
Agnes Libois
Anne-Sophie Sauvage
Edwinne Deprez
Jean-Christophe Goffard
Sabine D Allard
Eric Florence
Rémy Demeester
Steven Callens
Sexually transmitted infections
The lancet. HIV
Christiana Nöstlinger
Theo Cosaert
Ella Van Landeghem
Jef Vanhamel
Gary Jones
Dominik Zenner
Jantine Jacobi
Teymur Noori
Anastasia Pharris
Alyna Smith
Rosalie Hayes
Elena Val
Elisabeth Waagensen
Elena Vovc
Sarita Sehgal
Henk Van Renterghem