PLoS computational biology
Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences of the United States of America
The British journal of radiology
Jason Brett Hartman
Hiroko Watase
Jie Sun
Daniel S Hippe
Louis Kim
Michael Levitt
Laligam Sekhar
Niranjan Balu
Thomas Hatsukami
Chun Yuan
Mahmud Mossa-Basha
Pediatric and developmental pathology : the official journal of the Society for Pediatric Pathology and the Paediatric Pathology Society
AJNR. American journal of neuroradiology
Journal of science and medicine in sport
Sarah J Hardcastle
Chloé Maxwell-Smith
Dana Hince
Max K Bulsara
Terry Boyle
Patrick Tan
Michael Levitt
Paul Salama
Ganendra Raj Kader Ali Mohan
Stuart Salfinger
Gregory Makin
Jason Tan
Cameron Platell
Paul A Cohen
Frontiers in neuroscience
Surgical neurology international
Scandinavian journal of medicine & science in sports
Sarah J Hardcastle
Chloe Maxwell-Smith
Vinicius Cavalheri
Terry Boyle
Marta Leyton Román
Cameron Platell
Michael Levitt
Christobel Saunders
Frank Sardelic
Sophie Nightingale
Jacob McCormick
Craig Lynch
Paul A Cohen
Max Bulsara
Dana Hince