European journal of anaesthesiology
Investigative and clinical urology
ANZ journal of surgery
Clancy Mulholland
Christopher Soliman
Marc A Furrer
Niranjan Sathianathen
Niall M Corcoran
Belinda Schramm
Evie Mertens
Justin Peters
Anthony Costello
Nathan Lawrentschuk
Philip Dundee
Benjamin Thomas
European urology oncology
Neurourology and urodynamics
Journal of clinical medicine
European journal of cancer (Oxford, England : 1990)
Ken Chow
Justin Bedő
Andrew Ryan
Dinesh Agarwal
Damien Bolton
Yee Chan
Philip Dundee
Mark Frydenberg
Marc A Furrer
Jeremy Goad
Dennis Gyomber
Uri Hanegbi
Laurence Harewood
Dennis King
Alastair D Lamb
Nathan Lawrentschuk
Peter Liodakis
Daniel Moon
Declan G Murphy
Justin S Peters
Paul Ruljancich
Clare L Verrill
David Webb
Lih-Ming Wong
Homayoun Zargar
Anthony J Costello
Anthony T Papenfuss
Christopher M Hovens
Niall M Corcoran
BJU international
Marc A Furrer
Nathan Papa
Sandro Luetolf
Beat Roth
Marcus Cumberbatch
Mihai Dorin Vartolomei
Benjamin C Thomas
Harriet C Thoeny
Roland Seiler
George N Thalmann
Bernhard Kiss
European urology focus
Christopher Soliman
Clancy J Mulholland
Pasqualina Santaguida
Niranjan J Sathianathen
Nathan Lawrentschuk
Gianluca Giannarini
Patrick Y Wuethrich
Lukas M Loeffel
Giovanni E Cacciamani
Henry Y C Pan
Rajesh Nair
Marcus G Cumberbatch
Bernhard Riedel
Benjamin C Thomas
Jamie Kearsley
Niall Corcoran
Philip Dundee
Marc A Furrer
Gautier Marcq
Luca Afferi
Yann Neuzillet
Timo Nykopp
Charlotte S Voskuilen
Marc A Furrer
Wassim Kassouf
Atiqullah Aziz
Anne Sophie Bajeot
Mario Alvarez-Maestro
Peter Black
Morgan Roupret
Aidan P Noon
Roland Seiler
Kees Hendricksen
Mathieu Roumiguie
Karl H Pang
Paul Laine-Caroff
Evanguelos Xylinas
Guillaume Ploussard
Marco Moschini
Paul Sargos
Auteur inconnu
Niranjan J Sathianathen
Marc A Furrer
Clancy J Mulholland
Andreas Katsios
Christopher Soliman
Nathan Lawrentschuk
Justin S Peters
Homi Zargar
Anthony J Costello
Christopher M Hovens
Conrad Bishop
Ranjit Rao
Raymond Tong
Daniel Steiner
Daniel Moon
Benjamin C Thomas
Philip Dundee
Jose Antonio Rodriguez Calero
George N Thalmann
Niall M Corcoran