Mahmoud Sani
Mahmoud Sani
Department of Medicine, Bayero University, Kano & Aminu Kano Teaching Hospital, Kano, Nigeria.
Publications (15)
A body shape index in a small sample of Saudi adults with type 2 diabetes.
Journal of family medicine and primary care
Faisal Khalid A Zakri
Hassan Ali Abd El-Wahid
Mubarack Sani
Mohamed Salih Mahfouz
In Situ Monitoring of Bacteria under Antimicrobial Stress Using
International journal of molecular sciences
Sarah A Overall
Shiying Zhu
Eric Hanssen
Frances Separovic
Marc-Antoine Sani
Measurement of exclusive
The European physical journal. C, Particles and fields
A M Sirunyan
A Tumasyan
W Adam
F Ambrogi
E Asilar
T Bergauer
J Brandstetter
E Brondolin
M Dragicevic
J Erö
A Escalante Del Valle
M Flechl
M Friedl
R Frühwirth
V M Ghete
J Grossmann
J Hrubec
M Jeitler
A König
N Krammer
I Krätschmer
D Liko
T Madlener
I Mikulec
E Pree
N Rad
H Rohringer
J Schieck
R Schöfbeck
M Spanring
D Spitzbart
A Taurok
W Waltenberger
J Wittmann
C-E Wulz
M Zarucki
V Chekhovsky
V Mossolov
J Suarez Gonzalez
E A De Wolf
D Di Croce
X Janssen
J Lauwers
M Pieters
M Van De Klundert
H Van Haevermaet
P Van Mechelen
N Van Remortel
S Abu Zeid
F Blekman
J D'Hondt
I De Bruyn
J De Clercq
K Deroover
G Flouris
D Lontkovskyi
S Lowette
I Marchesini
S Moortgat
L Moreels
Q Python
K Skovpen
S Tavernier
W Van Doninck
P Van Mulders
I Van Parijs
D Beghin
B Bilin
H Brun
B Clerbaux
G De Lentdecker
H Delannoy
B Dorney
G Fasanella
L Favart
R Goldouzian
A Grebenyuk
A K Kalsi
T Lenzi
J Luetic
T Seva
E Starling
C Vander Velde
P Vanlaer
D Vannerom
R Yonamine
T Cornelis
D Dobur
A Fagot
M Gul
I Khvastunov
D Poyraz
C Roskas
D Trocino
M Tytgat
W Verbeke
B Vermassen
M Vit
N Zaganidis
H Bakhshiansohi
O Bondu
S Brochet
G Bruno
C Caputo
A Caudron
P David
S De Visscher
C Delaere
M Delcourt
B Francois
A Giammanco
G Krintiras
V Lemaitre
A Magitteri
A Mertens
M Musich
K Piotrzkowski
L Quertenmont
A Saggio
M Vidal Marono
S Wertz
J Zobec
W L Aldá Júnior
F L Alves
G A Alves
L Brito
G Correia Silva
C Hensel
A Moraes
M E Pol
P Rebello Teles
E Belchior Batista Das Chagas
W Carvalho
J Chinellato
E Coelho
E M Da Costa
G G Da Silveira
D De Jesus Damiao
S Fonseca De Souza
H Malbouisson
M Medina Jaime
M Melo De Almeida
C Mora Herrera
L Mundim
H Nogima
L J Sanchez Rosas
A Santoro
A Sznajder
M Thiel
E J Tonelli Manganote
F Torres Da Silva De Araujo
A Vilela Pereira
S Ahuja
C A Bernardes
A Calligaris
T R Fernandez Perez Tomei
E M Gregores
P G Mercadante
S F Novaes
Sandra S Padula
D Romero Abad
J C Ruiz Vargas
A Aleksandrov
R Hadjiiska
P Iaydjiev
A Marinov
M Misheva
M Rodozov
M Shopova
G Sultanov
A Dimitrov
L Litov
B Pavlov
P Petkov
W Fang
X Gao
L Yuan
M Ahmad
J G Bian
G M Chen
H S Chen
M Chen
Y Chen
C H Jiang
D Leggat
H Liao
Z Liu
F Romeo
S M Shaheen
A Spiezia
J Tao
C Wang
Z Wang
E Yazgan
H Zhang
J Zhao
Y Ban
G Chen
J Li
Q Li
S Liu
Y Mao
S J Qian
D Wang
Z Xu
Y Wang
C Avila
A Cabrera
C A Carrillo Montoya
L F Chaparro Sierra
C Florez
C F González Hernández
M A Segura Delgado
B Courbon
N Godinovic
D Lelas
I Puljak
P M Ribeiro Cipriano
T Sculac
Z Antunovic
M Kovac
V Brigljevic
D Ferencek
K Kadija
B Mesic
A Starodumov
T Susa
M W Ather
A Attikis
G Mavromanolakis
J Mousa
C Nicolaou
F Ptochos
P A Razis
H Rykaczewski
M Finger
M Finger
E Carrera Jarrin
S Khalil
M A Mahmoud
Y Mohammed
S Bhowmik
R K Dewanjee
M Kadastik
L Perrini
M Raidal
C Veelken
P Eerola
H Kirschenmann
J Pekkanen
M Voutilainen
J Havukainen
J K Heikkilä
T Järvinen
V Karimäki
R Kinnunen
T Lampén
K Lassila-Perini
S Laurila
S Lehti
T Lindén
P Luukka
T Mäenpää
H Siikonen
E Tuominen
J Tuominiemi
T Tuuva
M Besancon
F Couderc
M Dejardin
D Denegri
J L Faure
F Ferri
S Ganjour
S Ghosh
A Givernaud
P Gras
G Hamel de Monchenault
P Jarry
C Leloup
E Locci
M Machet
J Malcles
G Negro
J Rander
A Rosowsky
M Ö Sahin
M Titov
A Abdulsalam
C Amendola
I Antropov
S Baffioni
F Beaudette
P Busson
L Cadamuro
C Charlot
R Granier de Cassagnac
M Jo
I Kucher
S Lisniak
A Lobanov
J Martin Blanco
M Nguyen
C Ochando
G Ortona
P Paganini
P Pigard
R Salerno
J B Sauvan
Y Sirois
A G Stahl Leiton
Y Yilmaz
A Zabi
A Zghiche
J-L Agram
J Andrea
D Bloch
J-M Brom
E C Chabert
C Collard
E Conte
X Coubez
F Drouhin
J-C Fontaine
D Gelé
U Goerlach
M Jansová
P Juillot
A-C Le Bihan
N Tonon
P Van Hove
S Gadrat
S Beauceron
C Bernet
G Boudoul
N Chanon
R Chierici
D Contardo
P Depasse
H El Mamouni
J Fay
L Finco
S Gascon
M Gouzevitch
G Grenier
B Ille
F Lagarde
I B Laktineh
H Lattaud
M Lethuillier
L Mirabito
A L Pequegnot
S Perries
A Popov
V Sordini
M Vander Donckt
S Viret
S Zhang
T Toriashvili
Z Tsamalaidze
C Autermann
L Feld
M K Kiesel
K Klein
M Lipinski
M Preuten
M P Rauch
C Schomakers
J Schulz
M Teroerde
B Wittmer
V Zhukov
A Albert
D Duchardt
M Endres
M Erdmann
S Erdweg
T Esch
R Fischer
A Güth
T Hebbeker
C Heidemann
K Hoepfner
S Knutzen
M Merschmeyer
A Meyer
P Millet
S Mukherjee
T Pook
M Radziej
H Reithler
M Rieger
F Scheuch
D Teyssier
S Thüer
G Flügge
B Kargoll
T Kress
A Künsken
T Müller
A Nehrkorn
A Nowack
C Pistone
O Pooth
A Stahl
M Aldaya Martin
T Arndt
C Asawatangtrakuldee
K Beernaert
O Behnke
U Behrens
A Bermúdez Martínez
A A Bin Anuar
K Borras
V Botta
A Campbell
P Connor
C Contreras-Campana
F Costanza
V Danilov
A De Wit
C Diez Pardos
D Domínguez Damiani
G Eckerlin
D Eckstein
T Eichhorn
A Elwood
E Eren
E Gallo
J Garay Garcia
A Geiser
J M Grados Luyando
A Grohsjean
P Gunnellini
M Guthoff
A Harb
J Hauk
M Hempel
H Jung
M Kasemann
J Keaveney
C Kleinwort
J Knolle
I Korol
D Krücker
W Lange
A Lelek
T Lenz
K Lipka
W Lohmann
R Mankel
I-A Melzer-Pellmann
A B Meyer
M Meyer
M Missiroli
G Mittag
J Mnich
A Mussgiller
D Pitzl
A Raspereza
M Savitskyi
P Saxena
R Shevchenko
N Stefaniuk
H Tholen
G P Van Onsem
R Walsh
Y Wen
K Wichmann
C Wissing
O Zenaiev
R Aggleton
S Bein
V Blobel
M Centis Vignali
T Dreyer
E Garutti
D Gonzalez
J Haller
A Hinzmann
M Hoffmann
A Karavdina
G Kasieczka
R Klanner
R Kogler
N Kovalchuk
S Kurz
V Kutzner
J Lange
D Marconi
J Multhaup
M Niedziela
D Nowatschin
T Peiffer
A Perieanu
A Reimers
C Scharf
P Schleper
A Schmidt
S Schumann
J Schwandt
J Sonneveld
H Stadie
G Steinbrück
F M Stober
M Stöver
D Troendle
E Usai
A Vanhoefer
B Vormwald
M Akbiyik
C Barth
M Baselga
S Baur
E Butz
R Caspart
T Chwalek
F Colombo
W De Boer
A Dierlamm
N Faltermann
B Freund
R Friese
M Giffels
M A Harrendorf
F Hartmann
S M Heindl
U Husemann
F Kassel
S Kudella
H Mildner
M U Mozer
Th Müller
M Plagge
G Quast
K Rabbertz
M Schröder
I Shvetsov
G Sieber
H J Simonis
R Ulrich
S Wayand
M Weber
T Weiler
S Williamson
C Wöhrmann
R Wolf
G Anagnostou
G Daskalakis
T Geralis
A Kyriakis
D Loukas
I Topsis-Giotis
G Karathanasis
S Kesisoglou
A Panagiotou
N Saoulidou
E Tziaferi
K Kousouris
I Papakrivopoulos
I Evangelou
C Foudas
P Gianneios
P Katsoulis
P Kokkas
S Mallios
N Manthos
I Papadopoulos
E Paradas
J Strologas
F A Triantis
D Tsitsonis
M Csanad
N Filipovic
G Pasztor
O Surányi
G I Veres
G Bencze
C Hajdu
D Horvath
Á Hunyadi
F Sikler
T Á Vámi
V Veszpremi
G Vesztergombi
N Beni
S Czellar
J Karancsi
A Makovec
J Molnar
Z Szillasi
M Bartók
P Raics
Z L Trocsanyi
B Ujvari
S Choudhury
J R Komaragiri
S Bahinipati
P Mal
K Mandal
A Nayak
D K Sahoo
S K Swain
S Bansal
S B Beri
V Bhatnagar
S Chauhan
R Chawla
N Dhingra
R Gupta
A Kaur
M Kaur
S Kaur
R Kumar
P Kumari
M Lohan
A Mehta
S Sharma
J B Singh
G Walia
A Bhardwaj
B C Choudhary
R B Garg
S Keshri
A Kumar
Ashok Kumar
S Malhotra
M Naimuddin
K Ranjan
Aashaq Shah
R Sharma
R Bhardwaj
R Bhattacharya
S Bhattacharya
U Bhawandeep
D Bhowmik
S Dey
S Dutt
S Dutta
S Ghosh
N Majumdar
K Mondal
S Mukhopadhyay
S Nandan
A Purohit
P K Rout
A Roy
S Roy Chowdhury
S Sarkar
M Sharan
B Singh
S Thakur
P K Behera
R Chudasama
D Dutta
V Jha
V Kumar
A K Mohanty
P K Netrakanti
L M Pant
P Shukla
A Topkar
T Aziz
S Dugad
B Mahakud
S Mitra
G B Mohanty
N Sur
B Sutar
S Banerjee
S Bhattacharya
S Chatterjee
P Das
M Guchait
Sa Jain
S Kumar
M Maity
G Majumder
K Mazumdar
N Sahoo
T Sarkar
N Wickramage
S Chauhan
S Dube
V Hegde
A Kapoor
K Kothekar
S Pandey
A Rane
S Sharma
S Chenarani
E Eskandari Tadavani
S M Etesami
M Khakzad
M Mohammadi Najafabadi
M Naseri
S Paktinat Mehdiabadi
F Rezaei Hosseinabadi
B Safarzadeh
M Zeinali
M Felcini
M Grunewald
M Abbrescia
C Calabria
A Colaleo
D Creanza
L Cristella
N De Filippis
M De Palma
A Di Florio
F Errico
L Fiore
A Gelmi
G Iaselli
S Lezki
G Maggi
M Maggi
B Marangelli
G Miniello
S My
S Nuzzo
A Pompili
G Pugliese
R Radogna
A Ranieri
G Selvaggi
A Sharma
L Silvestris
R Venditti
P Verwilligen
G Zito
G Abbiendi
C Battilana
D Bonacorsi
L Borgonovi
S Braibant-Giacomelli
R Campanini
P Capiluppi
A Castro
F R Cavallo
S S Chhibra
G Codispoti
M Cuffiani
G M Dallavalle
F Fabbri
A Fanfani
D Fasanella
P Giacomelli
C Grandi
L Guiducci
S Marcellini
G Masetti
A Montanari
F L Navarria
F Odorici
A Perrotta
A M Rossi
T Rovelli
G P Siroli
N Tosi
S Albergo
S Costa
A Di Mattia
F Giordano
R Potenza
A Tricomi
C Tuve
G Barbagli
K Chatterjee
V Ciulli
C Civinini
R D'Alessandro
E Focardi
G Latino
P Lenzi
M Meschini
S Paoletti
L Russo
G Sguazzoni
D Strom
L Viliani
L Benussi
S Bianco
F Fabbri
D Piccolo
F Primavera
V Calvelli
F Ferro
F Ravera
E Robutti
S Tosi
A Benaglia
A Beschi
L Brianza
F Brivio
V Ciriolo
M E Dinardo
S Fiorendi
S Gennai
A Ghezzi
P Govoni
M Malberti
S Malvezzi
R A Manzoni
D Menasce
L Moroni
M Paganoni
K Pauwels
D Pedrini
S Pigazzini
S Ragazzi
T Tabarelli de Fatis
S Buontempo
N Cavallo
S Di Guida
F Fabozzi
F Fienga
G Galati
A O M Iorio
W A Khan
L Lista
S Meola
P Paolucci
C Sciacca
F Thyssen
E Voevodina
P Azzi
N Bacchetta
L Benato
D Bisello
A Boletti
R Carlin
A Carvalho Antunes De Oliveira
P Checchia
P De Castro Manzano
T Dorigo
U Dosselli
F Gasparini
U Gasparini
A Gozzelino
S Lacaprara
P Lujan
M Margoni
A T Meneguzzo
N Pozzobon
P Ronchese
R Rossin
F Simonetto
A Tiko
M Zanetti
P Zotto
G Zumerle
A Braghieri
A Magnani
P Montagna
S P Ratti
V Re
M Ressegotti
C Riccardi
P Salvini
I Vai
P Vitulo
L Alunni Solestizi
M Biasini
G M Bilei
C Cecchi
D Ciangottini
L Fanò
P Lariccia
R Leonardi
E Manoni
G Mantovani
V Mariani
M Menichelli
A Rossi
A Santocchia
D Spiga
K Androsov
P Azzurri
G Bagliesi
L Bianchini
T Boccali
L Borrello
R Castaldi
M A Ciocci
R Dell'Orso
G Fedi
L Giannini
A Giassi
M T Grippo
F Ligabue
T Lomtadze
E Manca
G Mandorli
A Messineo
F Palla
A Rizzi
P Spagnolo
R Tenchini
G Tonelli
A Venturi
P G Verdini
L Barone
F Cavallari
M Cipriani
N Daci
D Del Re
E Di Marco
M Diemoz
S Gelli
E Longo
B Marzocchi
P Meridiani
G Organtini
F Pandolfi
R Paramatti
F Preiato
S Rahatlou
C Rovelli
F Santanastasio
N Amapane
R Arcidiacono
S Argiro
M Arneodo
N Bartosik
R Bellan
C Biino
N Cartiglia
R Castello
F Cenna
M Costa
R Covarelli
A Degano
N Demaria
B Kiani
C Mariotti
S Maselli
E Migliore
V Monaco
E Monteil
M Monteno
M M Obertino
L Pacher
N Pastrone
M Pelliccioni
G L Pinna Angioni
A Romero
M Ruspa
R Sacchi
K Shchelina
V Sola
A Solano
A Staiano
S Belforte
M Casarsa
F Cossutti
G Della Ricca
A Zanetti
D H Kim
G N Kim
M S Kim
J Lee
S Lee
S W Lee
C S Moon
Y D Oh
S Sekmen
D C Son
Y C Yang
H Kim
D H Moon
G Oh
J A Brochero Cifuentes
J Goh
T J Kim
S Cho
S Choi
Y Go
D Gyun
S Ha
B Hong
Y Jo
Y Kim
K Lee
K S Lee
S Lee
J Lim
S K Park
Y Roh
J Almond
J Kim
J S Kim
H Lee
K Lee
K Nam
S B Oh
B C Radburn-Smith
S H Seo
U K Yang
H D Yoo
G B Yu
H Kim
J H Kim
J S H Lee
I C Park
Y Choi
C Hwang
J Lee
I Yu
V Dudenas
A Juodagalvis
J Vaitkus
I Ahmed
Z A Ibrahim
M A B Md Ali
F Mohamad Idris
W A T Wan Abdullah
M N Yusli
Z Zolkapli
H Castilla-Valdez
E De La Cruz-Burelo
M C Duran-Osuna
I Heredia-De La Cruz
R Lopez-Fernandez
J Mejia Guisao
R I Rabadan-Trejo
G Ramirez-Sanchez
R Reyes-Almanza
A Sanchez-Hernandez
S Carrillo Moreno
C Oropeza Barrera
F Vazquez Valencia
J Eysermans
I Pedraza
H A Salazar Ibarguen
C Uribe Estrada
A Morelos Pineda
D Krofcheck
S Bheesette
P H Butler
A Ahmad
M Ahmad
Q Hassan
H R Hoorani
A Saddique
M A Shah
M Shoaib
M Waqas
H Bialkowska
M Bluj
B Boimska
T Frueboes
M Górski
M Kazana
K Nawrocki
M Szleper
P Traczyk
P Zalewski
K Bunkowski
A Byszuk
K Doroba
A Kalinowski
M Konecki
J Krolikowski
M Misiura
M Olszewski
A Pyskir
M Walczak
P Bargassa
C Beirão Da Cruz E Silva
A Di Francesco
P Faccioli
B Galinhas
M Gallinaro
J Hollar
N Leonardo
L Lloret Iglesias
M V Nemallapudi
J Seixas
G Strong
O Toldaiev
D Vadruccio
J Varela
S Afanasiev
P Bunin
M Gavrilenko
I Golutvin
I Gorbunov
A Kamenev
V Karjavin
A Lanev
A Malakhov
V Matveev
P Moisenz
V Palichik
V Perelygin
S Shmatov
S Shulha
N Skatchkov
V Smirnov
N Voytishin
A Zarubin
Y Ivanov
V Kim
E Kuznetsova
P Levchenko
V Murzin
V Oreshkin
I Smirnov
D Sosnov
V Sulimov
L Uvarov
S Vavilov
A Vorobyev
Yu Andreev
A Dermenev
S Gninenko
N Golubev
A Karneyeu
M Kirsanov
N Krasnikov
A Pashenkov
D Tlisov
A Toropin
V Epshteyn
V Gavrilov
N Lychkovskaya
V Popov
I Pozdnyakov
G Safronov
A Spiridonov
A Stepennov
V Stolin
M Toms
E Vlasov
A Zhokin
T Aushev
A Bylinkin
V Andreev
M Azarkin
I Dremin
M Kirakosyan
S V Rusakov
A Terkulov
A Baskakov
A Belyaev
E Boos
A Ershov
A Gribushin
L Khein
V Klyukhin
O Kodolova
I Lokhtin
O Lukina
I Miagkov
S Obraztsov
S Petrushanko
V Savrin
A Snigirev
V Blinov
D Shtol
Y Skovpen
I Azhgirey
I Bayshev
S Bitioukov
D Elumakhov
A Godizov
V Kachanov
A Kalinin
D Konstantinov
P Mandrik
V Petrov
R Ryutin
A Sobol
S Troshin
N Tyurin
A Uzunian
A Volkov
A Babaev
P Adzic
P Cirkovic
D Devetak
M Dordevic
J Milosevic
J Alcaraz Maestre
A Álvarez Fernández
I Bachiller
M Barrio Luna
M Cerrada
N Colino
B De La Cruz
A Delgado Peris
C Fernandez Bedoya
J P Fernández Ramos
J Flix
M C Fouz
O Gonzalez Lopez
S Goy Lopez
J M Hernandez
M I Josa
D Moran
A Pérez-Calero Yzquierdo
J Puerta Pelayo
I Redondo
L Romero
M S Soares
A Triossi
C Albajar
J F de Trocóniz
J Cuevas
C Erice
J Fernandez Menendez
S Folgueras
I Gonzalez Caballero
J R González Fernández
E Palencia Cortezon
S Sanchez Cruz
P Vischia
J M Vizan Garcia
I J Cabrillo
A Calderon
B Chazin Quero
J Duarte Campderros
M Fernandez
P J Fernández Manteca
A García Alonso
J Garcia-Ferrero
G Gomez
A Lopez Virto
J Marco
C Martinez Rivero
P Martinez Ruiz Del Arbol
F Matorras
J Piedra Gomez
C Prieels
T Rodrigo
A Ruiz-Jimeno
L Scodellaro
N Trevisani
I Vila
R Vilar Cortabitarte
D Abbaneo
B Akgun
E Auffray
P Baillon
A H Ball
D Barney
J Bendavid
M Bianco
A Bocci
C Botta
T Camporesi
M Cepeda
G Cerminara
E Chapon
Y Chen
D d'Enterria
A Dabrowski
V Daponte
A David
M De Gruttola
A De Roeck
N Deelen
M Dobson
T du Pree
M Dünser
N Dupont
A Elliott-Peisert
P Everaerts
F Fallavollita
G Franzoni
J Fulcher
W Funk
D Gigi
A Gilbert
K Gill
F Glege
D Gulhan
J Hegeman
V Innocente
A Jafari
P Janot
O Karacheban
J Kieseler
V Knünz
A Kornmayer
M Krammer
C Lange
P Lecoq
C Lourenço
M T Lucchini
L Malgeri
M Mannelli
A Martelli
F Meijers
J A Merlin
S Mersi
E Meschi
P Milenovic
F Moortgat
M Mulders
H Neugebauer
J Ngadiuba
S Orfanelli
L Orsini
F Pantaleo
L Pape
E Perez
M Peruzzi
A Petrilli
G Petrucciani
A Pfeiffer
M Pierini
F M Pitters
D Rabady
A Racz
T Reis
G Rolandi
M Rovere
H Sakulin
C Schäfer
C Schwick
M Seidel
M Selvaggi
A Sharma
P Silva
P Sphicas
A Stakia
J Steggemann
M Stoye
M Tosi
D Treille
A Tsirou
V Veckalns
M Verweij
W D Zeuner
W Bertl
L Caminada
K Deiters
W Erdmann
R Horisberger
Q Ingram
H C Kaestli
D Kotlinski
U Langenegger
T Rohe
S A Wiederkehr
M Backhaus
L Bäni
P Berger
B Casal
N Chernyavskaya
G Dissertori
M Dittmar
M Donegà
C Dorfer
C Grab
C Heidegger
D Hits
J Hoss
T Klijnsma
W Lustermann
M Marionneau
M T Meinhard
D Meister
F Micheli
P Musella
F Nessi-Tedaldi
J Pata
F Pauss
G Perrin
L Perrozzi
M Quittnat
M Reichmann
D Ruini
D A Sanz Becerra
M Schönenberger
L Shchutska
V R Tavolaro
K Theofilatos
M L Vesterbacka Olsson
R Wallny
D H Zhu
T K Aarrestad
C Amsler
D Brzhechko
M F Canelli
A De Cosa
R Del Burgo
S Donato
C Galloni
T Hreus
B Kilminster
I Neutelings
D Pinna
G Rauco
P Robmann
D Salerno
K Schweiger
C Seitz
Y Takahashi
A Zucchetta
V Candelise
Y H Chang
K Y Cheng
T H Doan
Sh Jain
R Khurana
C M Kuo
W Lin
A Pozdnyakov
S S Yu
P Chang
Y Chao
K F Chen
P H Chen
F Fiori
W-S Hou
Y Hsiung
Arun Kumar
Y F Liu
R-S Lu
E Paganis
A Psallidas
A Steen
J F Tsai
B Asavapibhop
K Kovitanggoon
G Singh
N Srimanobhas
A Bat
F Boran
S Cerci
S Damarseckin
Z S Demiroglu
C Dozen
I Dumanoglu
S Girgis
G Gokbulut
Y Guler
I Hos
E E Kangal
O Kara
U Kiminsu
M Oglakci
G Onengut
K Ozdemir
D Sunar Cerci
B Tali
U G Tok
H Topakli
S Turkcapar
I S Zorbakir
C Zorbilmez
G Karapinar
K Ocalan
M Yalvac
M Zeyrek
I O Atakisi
E Gülmez
M Kaya
O Kaya
S Tekten
E A Yetkin
M N Agaras
S Atay
A Cakir
K Cankocak
Y Komurcu
B Grynyov
L Levchuk
F Ball
L Beck
J J Brooke
D Burns
E Clement
D Cussans
O Davignon
H Flacher
J Goldstein
G P Heath
H F Heath
L Kreczko
D M Newbold
S Paramesvaran
T Sakuma
S Seif El Nasr-Storey
D Smith
V J Smith
K W Bell
A Belyaev
C Brew
R M Brown
D Cieri
D J A Cockerill
J A Coughlan
K Harder
S Harper
J Linacre
E Olaiya
D Petyt
C H Shepherd-Themistocleous
A Thea
I R Tomalin
T Williams
W J Womersley
G Auzinger
R Bainbridge
P Bloch
J Borg
S Breeze
O Buchmuller
A Bundock
S Casasso
D Colling
L Corpe
P Dauncey
G Davies
M Della Negra
R Di Maria
Y Haddad
G Hall
G Iles
T James
M Komm
R Lane
C Laner
L Lyons
A-M Magnan
S Malik
L Mastrolorenzo
T Matsushita
J Nash
A Nikitenko
V Palladino
M Pesaresi
A Richards
A Rose
E Scott
C Seez
A Shtipliyski
T Strebler
S Summers
A Tapper
K Uchida
M Vazquez Acosta
T Virdee
N Wardle
D Winterbottom
J Wright
S C Zenz
J E Cole
P R Hobson
A Khan
P Kyberd
A Morton
I D Reid
L Teodorescu
S Zahid
A Borzou
K Call
J Dittmann
K Hatakeyama
H Liu
N Pastika
C Smith
R Bartek
A Dominguez
A Buccilli
S I Cooper
C Henderson
P Rumerio
C West
D Arcaro
A Avetisyan
T Bose
D Gastler
D Rankin
C Richardson
J Rohlf
L Sulak
D Zou
G Benelli
D Cutts
M Hadley
J Hakala
U Heintz
J M Hogan
K H M Kwok
E Laird
G Landsberg
J Lee
Z Mao
M Narain
J Pazzini
S Piperov
S Sagir
R Syarif
D Yu
R Band
C Brainerd
R Breedon
D Burns
M Calderon De La Barca Sanchez
M Chertok
J Conway
R Conway
P T Cox
R Erbacher
C Flores
G Funk
W Ko
R Lander
C Mclean
M Mulhearn
D Pellett
J Pilot
S Shalhout
M Shi
J Smith
D Stolp
D Taylor
K Tos
M Tripathi
Z Wang
F Zhang
M Bachtis
C Bravo
R Cousins
A Dasgupta
A Florent
J Hauser
M Ignatenko
N Mccoll
S Regnard
D Saltzberg
C Schnaible
V Valuev
E Bouvier
K Burt
R Clare
J Ellison
J W Gary
S M A Ghiasi Shirazi
G Hanson
G Karapostoli
E Kennedy
F Lacroix
O R Long
M Olmedo Negrete
M I Paneva
W Si
L Wang
H Wei
S Wimpenny
B R Yates
J G Branson
S Cittolin
M Derdzinski
R Gerosa
D Gilbert
B Hashemi
A Holzner
D Klein
G Kole
V Krutelyov
J Letts
M Masciovecchio
D Olivito
S Padhi
M Pieri
M Sani
V Sharma
S Simon
M Tadel
A Vartak
S Wasserbaech
J Wood
F Würthwein
A Yagil
G Zevi Della Porta
N Amin
R Bhandari
J Bradmiller-Feld
C Campagnari
M Citron
A Dishaw
V Dutta
M Franco Sevilla
L Gouskos
R Heller
J Incandela
A Ovcharova
H Qu
J Richman
D Stuart
I Suarez
J Yoo
D Anderson
A Bornheim
J Bunn
J M Lawhorn
H B Newman
T Q Nguyen
C Pena
M Spiropulu
J R Vlimant
R Wilkinson
S Xie
Z Zhang
R Y Zhu
M B Andrews
T Ferguson
T Mudholkar
M Paulini
J Russ
M Sun
H Vogel
I Vorobiev
M Weinberg
J P Cumalat
W T Ford
F Jensen
A Johnson
M Krohn
S Leontsinis
E MacDonald
T Mulholland
K Stenson
K A Ulmer
S R Wagner
J Alexander
J Chaves
Y Cheng
J Chu
A Datta
K Mcdermott
N Mirman
J R Patterson
D Quach
A Rinkevicius
A Ryd
L Skinnari
L Soffi
S M Tan
Z Tao
J Thom
J Tucker
P Wittich
M Zientek
S Abdullin
M Albrow
M Alyari
G Apollinari
A Apresyan
A Apyan
S Banerjee
L A T Bauerdick
A Beretvas
J Berryhill
P C Bhat
G Bolla
K Burkett
J N Butler
A Canepa
G B Cerati
H W K Cheung
F Chlebana
M Cremonesi
J Duarte
V D Elvira
J Freeman
Z Gecse
E Gottschalk
L Gray
D Green
S Grünendahl
O Gutsche
J Hanlon
R M Harris
S Hasegawa
J Hirschauer
Z Hu
B Jayatilaka
S Jindariani
M Johnson
U Joshi
B Klima
M J Kortelainen
B Kreis
S Lammel
D Lincoln
R Lipton
M Liu
T Liu
R Lopes De Sá
J Lykken
K Maeshima
N Magini
J M Marraffino
D Mason
P McBride
P Merkel
S Mrenna
S Nahn
V O'Dell
K Pedro
O Prokofyev
G Rakness
L Ristori
A Savoy-Navarro
B Schneider
E Sexton-Kennedy
A Soha
W J Spalding
L Spiegel
S Stoynev
J Strait
N Strobbe
L Taylor
S Tkaczyk
N V Tran
L Uplegger
E W Vaandering
C Vernieri
M Verzocchi
R Vidal
M Wang
H A Weber
A Whitbeck
W Wu
D Acosta
P Avery
P Bortignon
D Bourilkov
A Brinkerhoff
A Carnes
M Carver
D Curry
R D Field
I K Furic
S V Gleyzer
B M Joshi
J Konigsberg
A Korytov
K Kotov
P Ma
K Matchev
H Mei
G Mitselmakher
K Shi
D Sperka
N Terentyev
L Thomas
J Wang
S Wang
J Yelton
Y R Joshi
S Linn
P Markowitz
J L Rodriguez
A Ackert
T Adams
A Askew
S Hagopian
V Hagopian
K F Johnson
T Kolberg
G Martinez
T Perry
H Prosper
A Saha
A Santra
V Sharma
R Yohay
M M Baarmand
V Bhopatkar
S Colafranceschi
M Hohlmann
D Noonan
T Roy
F Yumiceva
M R Adams
L Apanasevich
D Berry
R R Betts
R Cavanaugh
X Chen
S Dittmer
O Evdokimov
C E Gerber
D A Hangal
D J Hofman
K Jung
J Kamin
I D Sandoval Gonzalez
M B Tonjes
N Varelas
H Wang
Z Wu
J Zhang
B Bilki
W Clarida
K Dilsiz
S Durgut
R P Gandrajula
M Haytmyradov
V Khristenko
J-P Merlo
H Mermerkaya
A Mestvirishvili
A Moeller
J Nachtman
H Ogul
Y Onel
F Ozok
A Penzo
C Snyder
E Tiras
J Wetzel
K Yi
B Blumenfeld
A Cocoros
N Eminizer
D Fehling
L Feng
A V Gritsan
W T Hung
P Maksimovic
J Roskes
U Sarica
M Swartz
M Xiao
C You
A Al-Bataineh
P Baringer
A Bean
S Boren
J Bowen
J Castle
S Khalil
A Kropivnitskaya
D Majumder
W Mcbrayer
M Murray
C Rogan
C Royon
S Sanders
E Schmitz
J D Tapia Takaki
Q Wang
A Ivanov
K Kaadze
Y Maravin
A Modak
A Mohammadi
L K Saini
N Skhirtladze
F Rebassoo
D Wright
A Baden
O Baron
A Belloni
S C Eno
Y Feng
C Ferraioli
N J Hadley
S Jabeen
G Y Jeng
R G Kellogg
J Kunkle
A C Mignerey
F Ricci-Tam
Y H Shin
A Skuja
S C Tonwar
D Abercrombie
B Allen
V Azzolini
R Barbieri
A Baty
G Bauer
R Bi
S Brandt
W Busza
I A Cali
M D'Alfonso
Z Demiragli
G Gomez Ceballos
M Goncharov
P Harris
D Hsu
M Hu
Y Iiyama
G M Innocenti
M Klute
D Kovalskyi
Y-J Lee
A Levin
P D Luckey
B Maier
A C Marini
C Mcginn
C Mironov
S Narayanan
X Niu
C Paus
C Roland
G Roland
G S F Stephans
K Sumorok
K Tatar
D Velicanu
J Wang
T W Wang
B Wyslouch
S Zhaozhong
A C Benvenuti
R M Chatterjee
A Evans
P Hansen
S Kalafut
Y Kubota
Z Lesko
J Mans
S Nourbakhsh
N Ruckstuhl
R Rusack
J Turkewitz
M A Wadud
J G Acosta
S Oliveros
E Avdeeva
K Bloom
D R Claes
C Fangmeier
F Golf
R Gonzalez Suarez
R Kamalieddin
I Kravchenko
J Monroy
J E Siado
G R Snow
B Stieger
A Godshalk
C Harrington
I Iashvili
D Nguyen
A Parker
S Rappoccio
B Roozbahani
G Alverson
E Barberis
C Freer
A Hortiangtham
A Massironi
D M Morse
T Orimoto
R Teixeira De Lima
T Wamorkar
B Wang
A Wisecarver
D Wood
S Bhattacharya
O Charaf
K A Hahn
N Mucia
N Odell
M H Schmitt
K Sung
M Trovato
M Velasco
R Bucci
N Dev
M Hildreth
K Hurtado Anampa
C Jessop
D J Karmgard
N Kellams
K Lannon
W Li
N Loukas
N Marinelli
F Meng
C Mueller
Y Musienko
M Planer
A Reinsvold
R Ruchti
P Siddireddy
G Smith
S Taroni
M Wayne
A Wightman
M Wolf
A Woodard
J Alimena
L Antonelli
B Bylsma
L S Durkin
S Flowers
B Francis
A Hart
C Hill
W Ji
T Y Ling
W Luo
B L Winer
H W Wulsin
S Cooperstein
O Driga
P Elmer
J Hardenbrook
P Hebda
S Higginbotham
A Kalogeropoulos
D Lange
J Luo
D Marlow
K Mei
I Ojalvo
J Olsen
C Palmer
P Piroué
J Salfeld-Nebgen
D Stickland
C Tully
S Malik
S Norberg
A Barker
V E Barnes
S Das
L Gutay
M Jones
A W Jung
A Khatiwada
D H Miller
N Neumeister
C C Peng
H Qiu
J F Schulte
J Sun
F Wang
R Xiao
W Xie
T Cheng
J Dolen
N Parashar
Z Chen
K M Ecklund
S Freed
F J M Geurts
M Guilbaud
M Kilpatrick
W Li
B Michlin
B P Padley
J Roberts
J Rorie
W Shi
Z Tu
J Zabel
A Zhang
A Bodek
P de Barbaro
R Demina
Y T Duh
T Ferbel
M Galanti
A Garcia-Bellido
J Han
O Hindrichs
A Khukhunaishvili
K H Lo
P Tan
M Verzetti
R Ciesielski
K Goulianos
C Mesropian
A Agapitos
J P Chou
Y Gershtein
T A Gómez Espinosa
E Halkiadakis
M Heindl
E Hughes
S Kaplan
R Kunnawalkam Elayavalli
S Kyriacou
A Lath
R Montalvo
K Nash
M Osherson
H Saka
S Salur
S Schnetzer
D Sheffield
S Somalwar
R Stone
S Thomas
P Thomassen
M Walker
A G Delannoy
J Heideman
G Riley
K Rose
S Spanier
K Thapa
O Bouhali
A Castaneda Hernandez
A Celik
M Dalchenko
M De Mattia
A Delgado
S Dildick
R Eusebi
J Gilmore
T Huang
T Kamon
R Mueller
Y Pakhotin
R Patel
A Perloff
L Perniè
D Rathjens
A Safonov
A Tatarinov
N Akchurin
J Damgov
F De Guio
P R Dudero
J Faulkner
E Gurpinar
S Kunori
K Lamichhane
S W Lee
T Mengke
S Muthumuni
T Peltola
S Undleeb
I Volobouev
Z Wang
S Greene
A Gurrola
R Janjam
W Johns
C Maguire
A Melo
H Ni
K Padeken
J D Ruiz Alvarez
P Sheldon
S Tuo
J Velkovska
Q Xu
M W Arenton
P Barria
B Cox
R Hirosky
M Joyce
A Ledovskoy
H Li
C Neu
T Sinthuprasith
Y Wang
E Wolfe
F Xia
R Harr
P E Karchin
N Poudyal
J Sturdy
P Thapa
S Zaleski
M Brodski
J Buchanan
C Caillol
D Carlsmith
S Dasu
L Dodd
S Duric
B Gomber
M Grothe
M Herndon
A Hervé
U Hussain
P Klabbers
A Lanaro
A Levine
K Long
R Loveless
V Rekovic
T Ruggles
A Savin
N Smith
W H Smith
N Woods
Auteur inconnu
Narrative Persuasion and Social Norms in Entertainment-Education: Results from a Radio Drama in Mozambique.
Health communication
Amy Henderson Riley
Suruchi Sood
Massimiliano Sani
Search for Narrow Hγ Resonances in Proton-Proton Collisions at sqrt[s]=13 TeV.
Physical review letters
A M Sirunyan
A Tumasyan
W Adam
F Ambrogi
E Asilar
T Bergauer
J Brandstetter
M Dragicevic
J Erö
A Escalante Del Valle
M Flechl
R Frühwirth
V M Ghete
J Hrubec
M Jeitler
N Krammer
I Krätschmer
D Liko
T Madlener
I Mikulec
N Rad
H Rohringer
J Schieck
R Schöfbeck
M Spanring
D Spitzbart
A Taurok
W Waltenberger
J Wittmann
C-E Wulz
M Zarucki
V Chekhovsky
V Mossolov
J Suarez Gonzalez
E A De Wolf
D Di Croce
X Janssen
J Lauwers
M Pieters
H Van Haevermaet
P Van Mechelen
N Van Remortel
S Abu Zeid
F Blekman
J D'Hondt
I De Bruyn
J De Clercq
K Deroover
G Flouris
D Lontkovskyi
S Lowette
I Marchesini
S Moortgat
L Moreels
Q Python
K Skovpen
S Tavernier
W Van Doninck
P Van Mulders
I Van Parijs
D Beghin
B Bilin
H Brun
B Clerbaux
G De Lentdecker
H Delannoy
B Dorney
G Fasanella
L Favart
R Goldouzian
A Grebenyuk
A K Kalsi
T Lenzi
J Luetic
N Postiau
E Starling
L Thomas
C Vander Velde
P Vanlaer
D Vannerom
Q Wang
T Cornelis
D Dobur
A Fagot
M Gul
I Khvastunov
D Poyraz
C Roskas
D Trocino
M Tytgat
W Verbeke
B Vermassen
M Vit
N Zaganidis
H Bakhshiansohi
O Bondu
S Brochet
G Bruno
C Caputo
P David
C Delaere
M Delcourt
A Giammanco
G Krintiras
V Lemaitre
A Magitteri
A Mertens
M Musich
K Piotrzkowski
A Saggio
M Vidal Marono
S Wertz
J Zobec
F L Alves
G A Alves
M Correa Martins Junior
G Correia Silva
C Hensel
A Moraes
M E Pol
P Rebello Teles
E Belchior Batista Das Chagas
W Carvalho
J Chinellato
E Coelho
E M Da Costa
G G Da Silveira
D De Jesus Damiao
C De Oliveira Martins
S Fonseca De Souza
H Malbouisson
D Matos Figueiredo
M Melo De Almeida
C Mora Herrera
L Mundim
H Nogima
W L Prado Da Silva
L J Sanchez Rosas
A Santoro
A Sznajder
M Thiel
E J Tonelli Manganote
F Torres Da Silva De Araujo
A Vilela Pereira
S Ahuja
C A Bernardes
L Calligaris
T R Fernandez Perez Tomei
E M Gregores
P G Mercadante
S F Novaes
Sandra S Padula
A Aleksandrov
R Hadjiiska
P Iaydjiev
A Marinov
M Misheva
M Rodozov
M Shopova
G Sultanov
A Dimitrov
L Litov
B Pavlov
P Petkov
W Fang
X Gao
L Yuan
M Ahmad
J G Bian
G M Chen
H S Chen
M Chen
Y Chen
C H Jiang
D Leggat
H Liao
Z Liu
F Romeo
S M Shaheen
A Spiezia
J Tao
Z Wang
E Yazgan
H Zhang
S Zhang
J Zhao
Y Ban
G Chen
A Levin
J Li
L Li
Q Li
Y Mao
S J Qian
D Wang
Z Xu
Y Wang
C Avila
A Cabrera
C A Carrillo Montoya
L F Chaparro Sierra
C Florez
C F González Hernández
M A Segura Delgado
B Courbon
N Godinovic
D Lelas
I Puljak
T Sculac
Z Antunovic
M Kovac
V Brigljevic
D Ferencek
K Kadija
B Mesic
A Starodumov
T Susa
M W Ather
A Attikis
M Kolosova
G Mavromanolakis
J Mousa
C Nicolaou
F Ptochos
P A Razis
H Rykaczewski
M Finger
M Finger
E Ayala
E Carrera Jarrin
Y Assran
S Elgammal
S Khalil
S Bhowmik
A Carvalho Antunes De Oliveira
R K Dewanjee
K Ehataht
M Kadastik
M Raidal
C Veelken
P Eerola
H Kirschenmann
J Pekkanen
M Voutilainen
J Havukainen
J K Heikkilä
T Järvinen
V Karimäki
R Kinnunen
T Lampén
K Lassila-Perini
S Laurila
S Lehti
T Lindén
P Luukka
T Mäenpää
H Siikonen
E Tuominen
J Tuominiemi
T Tuuva
M Besancon
F Couderc
M Dejardin
D Denegri
J L Faure
F Ferri
S Ganjour
A Givernaud
P Gras
G Hamel de Monchenault
P Jarry
C Leloup
E Locci
J Malcles
G Negro
J Rander
A Rosowsky
M Ö Sahin
M Titov
A Abdulsalam
C Amendola
I Antropov
F Beaudette
P Busson
C Charlot
R Granier de Cassagnac
I Kucher
A Lobanov
J Martin Blanco
C Martin Perez
M Nguyen
C Ochando
G Ortona
P Pigard
J Rembser
R Salerno
J B Sauvan
Y Sirois
A G Stahl Leiton
A Zabi
A Zghiche
J-L Agram
J Andrea
D Bloch
J-M Brom
E C Chabert
V Cherepanov
C Collard
E Conte
J-C Fontaine
D Gelé
U Goerlach
M Jansová
A-C Le Bihan
N Tonon
P Van Hove
S Gadrat
S Beauceron
C Bernet
G Boudoul
N Chanon
R Chierici
D Contardo
P Depasse
H El Mamouni
J Fay
L Finco
S Gascon
M Gouzevitch
G Grenier
B Ille
F Lagarde
I B Laktineh
H Lattaud
M Lethuillier
L Mirabito
S Perries
A Popov
V Sordini
G Touquet
M Vander Donckt
S Viret
T Toriashvili
Z Tsamalaidze
C Autermann
L Feld
M K Kiesel
K Klein
M Lipinski
M Preuten
M P Rauch
C Schomakers
J Schulz
M Teroerde
B Wittmer
A Albert
D Duchardt
M Erdmann
S Erdweg
T Esch
R Fischer
S Ghosh
A Güth
T Hebbeker
C Heidemann
K Hoepfner
H Keller
L Mastrolorenzo
M Merschmeyer
A Meyer
P Millet
S Mukherjee
T Pook
M Radziej
H Reithler
M Rieger
A Schmidt
D Teyssier
S Thüer
G Flügge
O Hlushchenko
T Kress
A Künsken
T Müller
A Nehrkorn
A Nowack
C Pistone
O Pooth
D Roy
H Sert
A Stahl
M Aldaya Martin
T Arndt
C Asawatangtrakuldee
I Babounikau
K Beernaert
O Behnke
U Behrens
A Bermúdez Martínez
D Bertsche
A A Bin Anuar
K Borras
V Botta
A Campbell
P Connor
C Contreras-Campana
V Danilov
A De Wit
M M Defranchis
C Diez Pardos
D Domínguez Damiani
G Eckerlin
T Eichhorn
A Elwood
E Eren
E Gallo
A Geiser
A Grohsjean
M Guthoff
M Haranko
A Harb
J Hauk
H Jung
M Kasemann
J Keaveney
C Kleinwort
J Knolle
D Krücker
W Lange
A Lelek
T Lenz
J Leonard
K Lipka
W Lohmann
R Mankel
I-A Melzer-Pellmann
A B Meyer
M Meyer
M Missiroli
G Mittag
J Mnich
V Myronenko
S K Pflitsch
D Pitzl
A Raspereza
M Savitskyi
P Saxena
P Schütze
C Schwanenberger
R Shevchenko
A Singh
H Tholen
O Turkot
A Vagnerini
G P Van Onsem
R Walsh
Y Wen
K Wichmann
C Wissing
O Zenaiev
R Aggleton
S Bein
L Benato
A Benecke
V Blobel
T Dreyer
A Ebrahimi
E Garutti
D Gonzalez
P Gunnellini
J Haller
A Hinzmann
A Karavdina
G Kasieczka
R Klanner
R Kogler
N Kovalchuk
S Kurz
V Kutzner
J Lange
D Marconi
J Multhaup
M Niedziela
C E N Niemeyer
D Nowatschin
A Perieanu
A Reimers
O Rieger
C Scharf
P Schleper
S Schumann
J Schwandt
J Sonneveld
H Stadie
G Steinbrück
F M Stober
M Stöver
A Vanhoefer
B Vormwald
I Zoi
M Akbiyik
C Barth
M Baselga
S Baur
E Butz
R Caspart
T Chwalek
F Colombo
W De Boer
A Dierlamm
K El Morabit
N Faltermann
B Freund
M Giffels
M A Harrendorf
F Hartmann
S M Heindl
U Husemann
F Kassel
I Katkov
S Kudella
S Mitra
M U Mozer
Th Müller
M Plagge
G Quast
K Rabbertz
M Schröder
I Shvetsov
G Sieber
H J Simonis
R Ulrich
S Wayand
M Weber
T Weiler
S Williamson
C Wöhrmann
R Wolf
G Anagnostou
G Daskalakis
T Geralis
A Kyriakis
D Loukas
G Paspalaki
I Topsis-Giotis
G Karathanasis
S Kesisoglou
P Kontaxakis
A Panagiotou
I Papavergou
N Saoulidou
E Tziaferi
K Vellidis
K Kousouris
I Papakrivopoulos
G Tsipolitis
I Evangelou
C Foudas
P Gianneios
P Katsoulis
P Kokkas
S Mallios
N Manthos
I Papadopoulos
E Paradas
J Strologas
F A Triantis
D Tsitsonis
M Bartók
M Csanad
N Filipovic
P Major
M I Nagy
G Pasztor
O Surányi
G I Veres
G Bencze
C Hajdu
D Horvath
Á Hunyadi
F Sikler
T Á Vámi
V Veszpremi
G Vesztergombi
N Beni
S Czellar
J Karancsi
A Makovec
J Molnar
Z Szillasi
P Raics
Z L Trocsanyi
B Ujvari
S Choudhury
J R Komaragiri
P C Tiwari
S Bahinipati
C Kar
P Mal
K Mandal
A Nayak
D K Sahoo
S K Swain
S Bansal
S B Beri
V Bhatnagar
S Chauhan
R Chawla
N Dhingra
R Gupta
A Kaur
M Kaur
S Kaur
R Kumar
P Kumari
M Lohan
A Mehta
K Sandeep
S Sharma
J B Singh
A K Virdi
G Walia
A Bhardwaj
B C Choudhary
R B Garg
M Gola
S Keshri
Ashok Kumar
S Malhotra
M Naimuddin
P Priyanka
K Ranjan
Aashaq Shah
R Sharma
R Bhardwaj
M Bharti
R Bhattacharya
S Bhattacharya
U Bhawandeep
D Bhowmik
S Dey
S Dutt
S Dutta
S Ghosh
K Mondal
S Nandan
A Purohit
P K Rout
A Roy
S Roy Chowdhury
G Saha
S Sarkar
M Sharan
B Singh
S Thakur
P K Behera
R Chudasama
D Dutta
V Jha
V Kumar
P K Netrakanti
L M Pant
P Shukla
T Aziz
M A Bhat
S Dugad
G B Mohanty
N Sur
B Sutar
Ravindra Kumar Verma
S Banerjee
S Bhattacharya
S Chatterjee
P Das
M Guchait
Sa Jain
S Karmakar
S Kumar
M Maity
G Majumder
K Mazumdar
N Sahoo
T Sarkar
S Chauhan
S Dube
V Hegde
A Kapoor
K Kothekar
S Pandey
A Rane
S Sharma
S Chenarani
E Eskandari Tadavani
S M Etesami
M Khakzad
M Mohammadi Najafabadi
M Naseri
F Rezaei Hosseinabadi
B Safarzadeh
M Zeinali
M Felcini
M Grunewald
M Abbrescia
C Calabria
A Colaleo
D Creanza
L Cristella
N De Filippis
M De Palma
A Di Florio
F Errico
L Fiore
A Gelmi
G Iaselli
M Ince
S Lezki
G Maggi
M Maggi
G Miniello
S My
S Nuzzo
A Pompili
G Pugliese
R Radogna
A Ranieri
G Selvaggi
A Sharma
L Silvestris
R Venditti
P Verwilligen
G Zito
G Abbiendi
C Battilana
D Bonacorsi
L Borgonovi
S Braibant-Giacomelli
R Campanini
P Capiluppi
A Castro
F R Cavallo
S S Chhibra
C Ciocca
G Codispoti
M Cuffiani
G M Dallavalle
F Fabbri
A Fanfani
E Fontanesi
P Giacomelli
C Grandi
L Guiducci
F Iemmi
S Lo Meo
S Marcellini
G Masetti
A Montanari
F L Navarria
A Perrotta
F Primavera
T Rovelli
G P Siroli
N Tosi
S Albergo
A Di Mattia
R Potenza
A Tricomi
C Tuve
G Barbagli
K Chatterjee
V Ciulli
C Civinini
R D'Alessandro
E Focardi
G Latino
P Lenzi
M Meschini
S Paoletti
L Russo
G Sguazzoni
D Strom
L Viliani
L Benussi
S Bianco
F Fabbri
D Piccolo
F Ferro
F Ravera
E Robutti
S Tosi
A Benaglia
A Beschi
F Brivio
V Ciriolo
S Di Guida
M E Dinardo
S Fiorendi
S Gennai
A Ghezzi
P Govoni
M Malberti
S Malvezzi
A Massironi
D Menasce
F Monti
L Moroni
M Paganoni
D Pedrini
S Ragazzi
T Tabarelli de Fatis
D Zuolo
S Buontempo
N Cavallo
A De Iorio
A Di Crescenzo
F Fabozzi
F Fienga
G Galati
A O M Iorio
W A Khan
L Lista
S Meola
P Paolucci
C Sciacca
E Voevodina
P Azzi
N Bacchetta
D Bisello
A Boletti
A Bragagnolo
R Carlin
P Checchia
M Dall'Osso
P De Castro Manzano
T Dorigo
U Dosselli
U Gasparini
S Y Hoh
S Lacaprara
P Lujan
M Margoni
A T Meneguzzo
M Passaseo
J Pazzini
N Pozzobon
P Ronchese
R Rossin
F Simonetto
A Tiko
E Torassa
M Zanetti
P Zotto
G Zumerle
A Braghieri
A Magnani
P Montagna
S P Ratti
V Re
M Ressegotti
C Riccardi
P Salvini
I Vai
P Vitulo
M Biasini
G M Bilei
C Cecchi
D Ciangottini
L Fanò
P Lariccia
R Leonardi
E Manoni
G Mantovani
V Mariani
M Menichelli
A Rossi
A Santocchia
D Spiga
K Androsov
P Azzurri
G Bagliesi
L Bianchini
T Boccali
L Borrello
R Castaldi
M A Ciocci
R Dell'Orso
G Fedi
F Fiori
L Giannini
A Giassi
M T Grippo
F Ligabue
E Manca
G Mandorli
A Messineo
F Palla
A Rizzi
P Spagnolo
R Tenchini
G Tonelli
A Venturi
P G Verdini
L Barone
F Cavallari
M Cipriani
D Del Re
E Di Marco
M Diemoz
S Gelli
E Longo
B Marzocchi
P Meridiani
G Organtini
F Pandolfi
R Paramatti
F Preiato
S Rahatlou
C Rovelli
F Santanastasio
N Amapane
R Arcidiacono
S Argiro
M Arneodo
N Bartosik
R Bellan
C Biino
N Cartiglia
F Cenna
S Cometti
M Costa
R Covarelli
N Demaria
B Kiani
C Mariotti
S Maselli
E Migliore
V Monaco
E Monteil
M Monteno
M M Obertino
L Pacher
N Pastrone
M Pelliccioni
G L Pinna Angioni
A Romero
M Ruspa
R Sacchi
K Shchelina
V Sola
A Solano
D Soldi
A Staiano
S Belforte
V Candelise
M Casarsa
F Cossutti
A Da Rold
G Della Ricca
F Vazzoler
A Zanetti
D H Kim
G N Kim
M S Kim
J Lee
S Lee
S W Lee
C S Moon
Y D Oh
S I Pak
S Sekmen
D C Son
Y C Yang
H Kim
D H Moon
G Oh
B Francois
J Goh
T J Kim
S Cho
S Choi
Y Go
D Gyun
S Ha
B Hong
Y Jo
K Lee
K S Lee
S Lee
J Lim
S K Park
Y Roh
H S Kim
J Almond
J Kim
J S Kim
H Lee
K Lee
K Nam
S B Oh
B C Radburn-Smith
S H Seo
U K Yang
H D Yoo
G B Yu
D Jeon
H Kim
J H Kim
J S H Lee
I C Park
Y Choi
C Hwang
J Lee
I Yu
V Dudenas
A Juodagalvis
J Vaitkus
I Ahmed
Z A Ibrahim
M A B Md Ali
F Mohamad Idris
W A T Wan Abdullah
M N Yusli
Z Zolkapli
J F Benitez
A Castaneda Hernandez
J A Murillo Quijada
H Castilla-Valdez
E De La Cruz-Burelo
M C Duran-Osuna
I Heredia-De La Cruz
R Lopez-Fernandez
J Mejia Guisao
R I Rabadan-Trejo
M Ramirez-Garcia
G Ramirez-Sanchez
R Reyes-Almanza
A Sanchez-Hernandez
S Carrillo Moreno
C Oropeza Barrera
F Vazquez Valencia
J Eysermans
I Pedraza
H A Salazar Ibarguen
C Uribe Estrada
A Morelos Pineda
D Krofcheck
S Bheesette
P H Butler
A Ahmad
M Ahmad
M I Asghar
Q Hassan
H R Hoorani
A Saddique
M A Shah
M Shoaib
M Waqas
H Bialkowska
M Bluj
B Boimska
T Frueboes
M Górski
M Kazana
M Szleper
P Traczyk
P Zalewski
K Bunkowski
A Byszuk
K Doroba
A Kalinowski
M Konecki
J Krolikowski
M Misiura
M Olszewski
A Pyskir
M Walczak
M Araujo
P Bargassa
C Beirão Da Cruz E Silva
A Di Francesco
P Faccioli
B Galinhas
M Gallinaro
J Hollar
N Leonardo
M V Nemallapudi
J Seixas
G Strong
O Toldaiev
D Vadruccio
J Varela
S Afanasiev
P Bunin
M Gavrilenko
I Golutvin
I Gorbunov
A Kamenev
V Karjavine
A Lanev
A Malakhov
V Matveev
P Moisenz
V Palichik
V Perelygin
S Shmatov
S Shulha
N Skatchkov
V Smirnov
N Voytishin
A Zarubin
V Golovtsov
Y Ivanov
V Kim
E Kuznetsova
P Levchenko
V Murzin
V Oreshkin
I Smirnov
D Sosnov
V Sulimov
L Uvarov
S Vavilov
A Vorobyev
Yu Andreev
A Dermenev
S Gninenko
N Golubev
A Karneyeu
M Kirsanov
N Krasnikov
A Pashenkov
D Tlisov
A Toropin
V Epshteyn
V Gavrilov
N Lychkovskaya
V Popov
I Pozdnyakov
G Safronov
A Spiridonov
A Stepennov
V Stolin
M Toms
E Vlasov
A Zhokin
T Aushev
M Chadeeva
P Parygin
D Philippov
S Polikarpov
E Popova
V Rusinov
V Andreev
M Azarkin
I Dremin
M Kirakosyan
S V Rusakov
A Terkulov
A Baskakov
A Belyaev
E Boos
V Bunichev
M Dubinin
L Dudko
A Ershov
A Gribushin
V Klyukhin
O Kodolova
I Lokhtin
I Miagkov
S Obraztsov
S Petrushanko
V Savrin
A Barnyakov
V Blinov
T Dimova
L Kardapoltsev
Y Skovpen
I Azhgirey
I Bayshev
S Bitioukov
D Elumakhov
A Godizov
V Kachanov
A Kalinin
D Konstantinov
P Mandrik
V Petrov
R Ryutin
S Slabospitskii
A Sobol
S Troshin
N Tyurin
A Uzunian
A Volkov
A Babaev
S Baidali
V Okhotnikov
P Adzic
P Cirkovic
D Devetak
M Dordevic
J Milosevic
J Alcaraz Maestre
A Álvarez Fernández
I Bachiller
M Barrio Luna
J A Brochero Cifuentes
M Cerrada
N Colino
B De La Cruz
A Delgado Peris
C Fernandez Bedoya
J P Fernández Ramos
J Flix
M C Fouz
O Gonzalez Lopez
S Goy Lopez
J M Hernandez
M I Josa
D Moran
A Pérez-Calero Yzquierdo
J Puerta Pelayo
I Redondo
L Romero
M S Soares
A Triossi
C Albajar
J F de Trocóniz
J Cuevas
C Erice
J Fernandez Menendez
S Folgueras
I Gonzalez Caballero
J R González Fernández
E Palencia Cortezon
V Rodríguez Bouza
S Sanchez Cruz
P Vischia
J M Vizan Garcia
I J Cabrillo
A Calderon
B Chazin Quero
J Duarte Campderros
M Fernandez
P J Fernández Manteca
A García Alonso
J Garcia-Ferrero
G Gomez
A Lopez Virto
J Marco
C Martinez Rivero
P Martinez Ruiz Del Arbol
F Matorras
J Piedra Gomez
C Prieels
T Rodrigo
A Ruiz-Jimeno
L Scodellaro
N Trevisani
I Vila
R Vilar Cortabitarte
N Wickramage
D Abbaneo
B Akgun
E Auffray
G Auzinger
P Baillon
A H Ball
D Barney
J Bendavid
M Bianco
A Bocci
C Botta
E Brondolin
T Camporesi
M Cepeda
G Cerminara
E Chapon
Y Chen
G Cucciati
D d'Enterria
A Dabrowski
N Daci
V Daponte
A David
A De Roeck
N Deelen
M Dobson
M Dünser
N Dupont
A Elliott-Peisert
P Everaerts
F Fallavollita
D Fasanella
G Franzoni
J Fulcher
W Funk
D Gigi
A Gilbert
K Gill
F Glege
M Guilbaud
D Gulhan
J Hegeman
C Heidegger
V Innocente
A Jafari
P Janot
O Karacheban
J Kieseler
A Kornmayer
M Krammer
C Lange
P Lecoq
C Lourenço
L Malgeri
M Mannelli
F Meijers
J A Merlin
S Mersi
E Meschi
P Milenovic
F Moortgat
M Mulders
J Ngadiuba
S Nourbakhsh
S Orfanelli
L Orsini
F Pantaleo
L Pape
E Perez
M Peruzzi
A Petrilli
G Petrucciani
A Pfeiffer
M Pierini
F M Pitters
D Rabady
A Racz
T Reis
G Rolandi
M Rovere
H Sakulin
C Schäfer
C Schwick
M Seidel
M Selvaggi
A Sharma
P Silva
P Sphicas
A Stakia
J Steggemann
M Tosi
D Treille
A Tsirou
V Veckalns
M Verzetti
W D Zeuner
L Caminada
K Deiters
W Erdmann
R Horisberger
Q Ingram
H C Kaestli
D Kotlinski
U Langenegger
T Rohe
S A Wiederkehr
M Backhaus
L Bäni
P Berger
N Chernyavskaya
G Dissertori
M Dittmar
M Donegà
C Dorfer
T A Gómez Espinosa
C Grab
D Hits
T Klijnsma
W Lustermann
R A Manzoni
M Marionneau
M T Meinhard
F Micheli
P Musella
F Nessi-Tedaldi
J Pata
F Pauss
G Perrin
L Perrozzi
S Pigazzini
M Quittnat
C Reissel
D Ruini
D A Sanz Becerra
M Schönenberger
L Shchutska
V R Tavolaro
K Theofilatos
M L Vesterbacka Olsson
R Wallny
D H Zhu
T K Aarrestad
C Amsler
D Brzhechko
M F Canelli
A De Cosa
R Del Burgo
S Donato
C Galloni
T Hreus
B Kilminster
S Leontsinis
I Neutelings
G Rauco
P Robmann
D Salerno
K Schweiger
C Seitz
Y Takahashi
A Zucchetta
Y H Chang
K Y Cheng
T H Doan
R Khurana
C M Kuo
W Lin
A Pozdnyakov
S S Yu
P Chang
Y Chao
K F Chen
P H Chen
W-S Hou
Arun Kumar
Y F Liu
R-S Lu
E Paganis
A Psallidas
A Steen
B Asavapibhop
N Srimanobhas
N Suwonjandee
A Bat
F Boran
S Cerci
S Damarseckin
Z S Demiroglu
F Dolek
C Dozen
I Dumanoglu
S Girgis
G Gokbulut
Y Guler
E Gurpinar
I Hos
C Isik
E E Kangal
O Kara
A Kayis Topaksu
U Kiminsu
M Oglakci
G Onengut
K Ozdemir
S Ozturk
D Sunar Cerci
B Tali
U G Tok
S Turkcapar
I S Zorbakir
C Zorbilmez
B Isildak
G Karapinar
M Yalvac
M Zeyrek
I O Atakisi
E Gülmez
M Kaya
O Kaya
S Ozkorucuklu
S Tekten
E A Yetkin
M N Agaras
A Cakir
K Cankocak
Y Komurcu
S Sen
B Grynyov
L Levchuk
F Ball
L Beck
J J Brooke
D Burns
E Clement
D Cussans
O Davignon
H Flacher
J Goldstein
G P Heath
H F Heath
L Kreczko
D M Newbold
S Paramesvaran
B Penning
T Sakuma
D Smith
V J Smith
J Taylor
A Titterton
K W Bell
A Belyaev
C Brew
R M Brown
D Cieri
D J A Cockerill
J A Coughlan
K Harder
S Harper
J Linacre
E Olaiya
D Petyt
C H Shepherd-Themistocleous
A Thea
I R Tomalin
T Williams
W J Womersley
R Bainbridge
P Bloch
J Borg
S Breeze
O Buchmuller
A Bundock
D Colling
P Dauncey
G Davies
M Della Negra
R Di Maria
Y Haddad
G Hall
G Iles
T James
M Komm
C Laner
L Lyons
A-M Magnan
S Malik
A Martelli
J Nash
A Nikitenko
V Palladino
M Pesaresi
D M Raymond
A Richards
A Rose
E Scott
C Seez
A Shtipliyski
G Singh
M Stoye
T Strebler
S Summers
A Tapper
K Uchida
T Virdee
N Wardle
D Winterbottom
J Wright
S C Zenz
J E Cole
P R Hobson
A Khan
P Kyberd
C K Mackay
A Morton
I D Reid
L Teodorescu
S Zahid
K Call
J Dittmann
K Hatakeyama
H Liu
C Madrid
B Mcmaster
N Pastika
C Smith
R Bartek
A Dominguez
A Buccilli
S I Cooper
C Henderson
P Rumerio
C West
D Arcaro
T Bose
D Gastler
D Pinna
D Rankin
C Richardson
J Rohlf
L Sulak
D Zou
G Benelli
X Coubez
D Cutts
M Hadley
J Hakala
U Heintz
J M Hogan
K H M Kwok
E Laird
G Landsberg
J Lee
Z Mao
M Narain
S Sagir
R Syarif
E Usai
D Yu
R Band
C Brainerd
R Breedon
D Burns
M Calderon De La Barca Sanchez
M Chertok
J Conway
R Conway
P T Cox
R Erbacher
C Flores
G Funk
W Ko
O Kukral
R Lander
M Mulhearn
D Pellett
J Pilot
S Shalhout
M Shi
D Stolp
D Taylor
K Tos
M Tripathi
Z Wang
F Zhang
M Bachtis
C Bravo
R Cousins
A Dasgupta
A Florent
J Hauser
M Ignatenko
N Mccoll
S Regnard
D Saltzberg
C Schnaible
V Valuev
E Bouvier
K Burt
R Clare
J W Gary
S M A Ghiasi Shirazi
G Hanson
G Karapostoli
E Kennedy
F Lacroix
O R Long
M Olmedo Negrete
M I Paneva
W Si
L Wang
H Wei
S Wimpenny
B R Yates
J G Branson
P Chang
S Cittolin
M Derdzinski
R Gerosa
D Gilbert
B Hashemi
A Holzner
D Klein
G Kole
V Krutelyov
J Letts
M Masciovecchio
D Olivito
S Padhi
M Pieri
M Sani
V Sharma
S Simon
M Tadel
A Vartak
S Wasserbaech
J Wood
F Würthwein
A Yagil
G Zevi Della Porta
N Amin
R Bhandari
J Bradmiller-Feld
C Campagnari
M Citron
A Dishaw
V Dutta
M Franco Sevilla
L Gouskos
R Heller
J Incandela
A Ovcharova
H Qu
J Richman
D Stuart
I Suarez
S Wang
J Yoo
D Anderson
A Bornheim
J M Lawhorn
H B Newman
T Q Nguyen
M Spiropulu
J R Vlimant
R Wilkinson
S Xie
Z Zhang
R Y Zhu
M B Andrews
T Ferguson
T Mudholkar
M Paulini
M Sun
I Vorobiev
M Weinberg
J P Cumalat
W T Ford
F Jensen
A Johnson
M Krohn
E MacDonald
T Mulholland
R Patel
A Perloff
K Stenson
K A Ulmer
S R Wagner
J Alexander
J Chaves
Y Cheng
J Chu
A Datta
K Mcdermott
N Mirman
J R Patterson
D Quach
A Rinkevicius
A Ryd
L Skinnari
L Soffi
S M Tan
Z Tao
J Thom
J Tucker
P Wittich
M Zientek
S Abdullin
M Albrow
M Alyari
G Apollinari
A Apresyan
A Apyan
S Banerjee
L A T Bauerdick
A Beretvas
J Berryhill
P C Bhat
K Burkett
J N Butler
A Canepa
G B Cerati
H W K Cheung
F Chlebana
M Cremonesi
J Duarte
V D Elvira
J Freeman
Z Gecse
E Gottschalk
L Gray
D Green
S Grünendahl
O Gutsche
J Hanlon
R M Harris
S Hasegawa
J Hirschauer
Z Hu
B Jayatilaka
S Jindariani
M Johnson
U Joshi
B Klima
M J Kortelainen
B Kreis
S Lammel
D Lincoln
R Lipton
M Liu
T Liu
J Lykken
K Maeshima
J M Marraffino
D Mason
P McBride
P Merkel
S Mrenna
S Nahn
V O'Dell
K Pedro
C Pena
O Prokofyev
G Rakness
L Ristori
A Savoy-Navarro
B Schneider
E Sexton-Kennedy
A Soha
W J Spalding
L Spiegel
S Stoynev
J Strait
N Strobbe
L Taylor
S Tkaczyk
N V Tran
L Uplegger
E W Vaandering
C Vernieri
M Verzocchi
R Vidal
M Wang
H A Weber
A Whitbeck
D Acosta
P Avery
P Bortignon
D Bourilkov
A Brinkerhoff
L Cadamuro
A Carnes
M Carver
D Curry
R D Field
S V Gleyzer
B M Joshi
J Konigsberg
A Korytov
K H Lo
P Ma
K Matchev
H Mei
G Mitselmakher
D Rosenzweig
K Shi
D Sperka
J Wang
S Wang
X Zuo
Y R Joshi
S Linn
A Ackert
T Adams
A Askew
S Hagopian
V Hagopian
K F Johnson
T Kolberg
G Martinez
T Perry
H Prosper
A Saha
C Schiber
R Yohay
M M Baarmand
V Bhopatkar
S Colafranceschi
M Hohlmann
D Noonan
M Rahmani
T Roy
F Yumiceva
M R Adams
L Apanasevich
D Berry
R R Betts
R Cavanaugh
X Chen
S Dittmer
O Evdokimov
C E Gerber
D A Hangal
D J Hofman
K Jung
J Kamin
C Mills
I D Sandoval Gonzalez
M B Tonjes
H Trauger
N Varelas
H Wang
X Wang
Z Wu
J Zhang
M Alhusseini
B Bilki
W Clarida
K Dilsiz
S Durgut
R P Gandrajula
M Haytmyradov
V Khristenko
J-P Merlo
A Mestvirishvili
A Moeller
J Nachtman
H Ogul
Y Onel
F Ozok
A Penzo
C Snyder
E Tiras
J Wetzel
B Blumenfeld
A Cocoros
N Eminizer
D Fehling
L Feng
A V Gritsan
W T Hung
P Maksimovic
J Roskes
U Sarica
M Swartz
M Xiao
C You
A Al-Bataineh
P Baringer
A Bean
S Boren
J Bowen
A Bylinkin
J Castle
S Khalil
A Kropivnitskaya
D Majumder
W Mcbrayer
M Murray
C Rogan
S Sanders
E Schmitz
J D Tapia Takaki
Q Wang
S Duric
A Ivanov
K Kaadze
D Kim
Y Maravin
D R Mendis
T Mitchell
A Modak
A Mohammadi
L K Saini
N Skhirtladze
F Rebassoo
D Wright
A Baden
O Baron
A Belloni
S C Eno
Y Feng
C Ferraioli
N J Hadley
S Jabeen
G Y Jeng
R G Kellogg
J Kunkle
A C Mignerey
S Nabili
F Ricci-Tam
Y H Shin
A Skuja
S C Tonwar
K Wong
D Abercrombie
B Allen
V Azzolini
A Baty
G Bauer
R Bi
S Brandt
W Busza
I A Cali
M D'Alfonso
Z Demiragli
G Gomez Ceballos
M Goncharov
P Harris
D Hsu
M Hu
Y Iiyama
G M Innocenti
M Klute
D Kovalskyi
Y-J Lee
P D Luckey
B Maier
A C Marini
C Mcginn
C Mironov
S Narayanan
X Niu
C Paus
C Roland
G Roland
G S F Stephans
K Sumorok
K Tatar
D Velicanu
J Wang
T W Wang
B Wyslouch
S Zhaozhong
A C Benvenuti
R M Chatterjee
A Evans
P Hansen
J Hiltbrand
Sh Jain
S Kalafut
Y Kubota
Z Lesko
J Mans
N Ruckstuhl
R Rusack
M A Wadud
J G Acosta
S Oliveros
E Avdeeva
K Bloom
D R Claes
C Fangmeier
F Golf
R Gonzalez Suarez
R Kamalieddin
I Kravchenko
J Monroy
J E Siado
G R Snow
B Stieger
A Godshalk
C Harrington
I Iashvili
A Kharchilava
C Mclean
D Nguyen
A Parker
S Rappoccio
B Roozbahani
E Barberis
C Freer
A Hortiangtham
D M Morse
T Orimoto
R Teixeira De Lima
T Wamorkar
B Wang
A Wisecarver
D Wood
S Bhattacharya
O Charaf
K A Hahn
N Mucia
N Odell
M H Schmitt
K Sung
M Trovato
M Velasco
R Bucci
N Dev
M Hildreth
K Hurtado Anampa
C Jessop
D J Karmgard
N Kellams
K Lannon
W Li
N Loukas
N Marinelli
F Meng
C Mueller
Y Musienko
M Planer
A Reinsvold
R Ruchti
P Siddireddy
G Smith
S Taroni
M Wayne
A Wightman
M Wolf
A Woodard
J Alimena
L Antonelli
B Bylsma
L S Durkin
S Flowers
B Francis
A Hart
C Hill
W Ji
T Y Ling
W Luo
B L Winer
S Cooperstein
P Elmer
J Hardenbrook
S Higginbotham
A Kalogeropoulos
D Lange
M T Lucchini
J Luo
D Marlow
K Mei
I Ojalvo
J Olsen
C Palmer
P Piroué
J Salfeld-Nebgen
D Stickland
C Tully
S Malik
S Norberg
A Barker
V E Barnes
S Das
L Gutay
M Jones
A W Jung
A Khatiwada
B Mahakud
D H Miller
N Neumeister
C C Peng
S Piperov
H Qiu
J F Schulte
J Sun
F Wang
R Xiao
W Xie
T Cheng
J Dolen
N Parashar
Z Chen
K M Ecklund
S Freed
F J M Geurts
M Kilpatrick
W Li
B P Padley
R Redjimi
J Roberts
J Rorie
W Shi
Z Tu
J Zabel
A Zhang
A Bodek
P de Barbaro
R Demina
Y T Duh
J L Dulemba
C Fallon
T Ferbel
M Galanti
A Garcia-Bellido
J Han
O Hindrichs
A Khukhunaishvili
P Tan
R Taus
A Agapitos
J P Chou
Y Gershtein
E Halkiadakis
M Heindl
E Hughes
S Kaplan
R Kunnawalkam Elayavalli
S Kyriacou
A Lath
R Montalvo
K Nash
M Osherson
H Saka
S Salur
S Schnetzer
D Sheffield
S Somalwar
R Stone
S Thomas
P Thomassen
M Walker
A G Delannoy
J Heideman
G Riley
S Spanier
O Bouhali
A Celik
M Dalchenko
M De Mattia
A Delgado
S Dildick
R Eusebi
J Gilmore
T Huang
T Kamon
S Luo
R Mueller
D Overton
L Perniè
D Rathjens
A Safonov
N Akchurin
J Damgov
F De Guio
P R Dudero
S Kunori
K Lamichhane
S W Lee
T Mengke
S Muthumuni
T Peltola
S Undleeb
I Volobouev
Z Wang
S Greene
A Gurrola
R Janjam
W Johns
C Maguire
A Melo
H Ni
K Padeken
J D Ruiz Alvarez
P Sheldon
S Tuo
J Velkovska
M Verweij
Q Xu
M W Arenton
P Barria
B Cox
R Hirosky
M Joyce
A Ledovskoy
H Li
C Neu
T Sinthuprasith
Y Wang
E Wolfe
F Xia
R Harr
P E Karchin
N Poudyal
J Sturdy
P Thapa
S Zaleski
M Brodski
J Buchanan
C Caillol
D Carlsmith
S Dasu
L Dodd
B Gomber
M Grothe
M Herndon
A Hervé
U Hussain
P Klabbers
A Lanaro
K Long
R Loveless
T Ruggles
A Savin
V Sharma
N Smith
W H Smith
N Woods
Auteur inconnu
Nitroxide spin-labeled peptides for DNP-NMR in-cell studies.
FASEB journal : official publication of the Federation of American Societies for Experimental Biology
Marc-Antoine Sani
Shiying Zhu
Vinzenz Hofferek
Frances Separovic
Search for the Higgs Boson Decaying to Two Muons in Proton-Proton Collisions at sqrt[s]=13 TeV.
Physical review letters
A M Sirunyan
A Tumasyan
W Adam
F Ambrogi
E Asilar
T Bergauer
J Brandstetter
E Brondolin
M Dragicevic
J Erö
A Escalante Del Valle
M Flechl
R Frühwirth
V M Ghete
J Hrubec
M Jeitler
N Krammer
I Krätschmer
D Liko
T Madlener
I Mikulec
N Rad
H Rohringer
J Schieck
R Schöfbeck
M Spanring
D Spitzbart
A Taurok
W Waltenberger
J Wittmann
C-E Wulz
M Zarucki
V Chekhovsky
V Mossolov
J Suarez Gonzalez
E A De Wolf
D Di Croce
X Janssen
J Lauwers
M Pieters
M Van De Klundert
H Van Haevermaet
P Van Mechelen
N Van Remortel
S Abu Zeid
F Blekman
J D'Hondt
I De Bruyn
J De Clercq
K Deroover
G Flouris
D Lontkovskyi
S Lowette
I Marchesini
S Moortgat
L Moreels
Q Python
K Skovpen
S Tavernier
W Van Doninck
P Van Mulders
I Van Parijs
D Beghin
B Bilin
H Brun
B Clerbaux
G De Lentdecker
H Delannoy
B Dorney
G Fasanella
L Favart
R Goldouzian
A Grebenyuk
A K Kalsi
T Lenzi
J Luetic
E Starling
C Vander Velde
P Vanlaer
D Vannerom
T Cornelis
D Dobur
A Fagot
M Gul
I Khvastunov
D Poyraz
C Roskas
D Trocino
M Tytgat
W Verbeke
B Vermassen
M Vit
N Zaganidis
H Bakhshiansohi
O Bondu
S Brochet
G Bruno
C Caputo
P David
C Delaere
M Delcourt
B Francois
A Giammanco
G Krintiras
V Lemaitre
A Magitteri
A Mertens
M Musich
K Piotrzkowski
A Saggio
M Vidal Marono
S Wertz
J Zobec
F L Alves
G A Alves
L Brito
G Correia Silva
C Hensel
A Moraes
M E Pol
P Rebello Teles
E Belchior Batista Das Chagas
W Carvalho
J Chinellato
E Coelho
E M Da Costa
G G Da Silveira
D De Jesus Damiao
C De Oliveira Martins
S Fonseca De Souza
H Malbouisson
D Matos Figueiredo
M Melo De Almeida
C Mora Herrera
L Mundim
H Nogima
W L Prado Da Silva
L J Sanchez Rosas
A Santoro
A Sznajder
M Thiel
E J Tonelli Manganote
F Torres Da Silva De Araujo
A Vilela Pereira
S Ahuja
C A Bernardes
L Calligaris
T R Fernandez Perez Tomei
E M Gregores
P G Mercadante
S F Novaes
Sandra S Padula
D Romero Abad
A Aleksandrov
R Hadjiiska
P Iaydjiev
A Marinov
M Misheva
M Rodozov
M Shopova
G Sultanov
A Dimitrov
L Litov
B Pavlov
P Petkov
W Fang
X Gao
L Yuan
M Ahmad
J G Bian
G M Chen
H S Chen
M Chen
Y Chen
C H Jiang
D Leggat
H Liao
Z Liu
F Romeo
S M Shaheen
A Spiezia
J Tao
C Wang
Z Wang
E Yazgan
H Zhang
J Zhao
Y Ban
G Chen
J Li
Q Li
S Liu
Y Mao
S J Qian
D Wang
Z Xu
Y Wang
C Avila
A Cabrera
C A Carrillo Montoya
L F Chaparro Sierra
C Florez
C F González Hernández
M A Segura Delgado
B Courbon
N Godinovic
D Lelas
I Puljak
T Sculac
Z Antunovic
M Kovac
V Brigljevic
D Ferencek
K Kadija
B Mesic
A Starodumov
T Susa
M W Ather
A Attikis
G Mavromanolakis
J Mousa
C Nicolaou
F Ptochos
P A Razis
H Rykaczewski
M Finger
M Finger
E Ayala
E Carrera Jarrin
H Abdalla
A A Abdelalim
S Khalil
S Bhowmik
A Carvalho Antunes De Oliveira
R K Dewanjee
K Ehataht
M Kadastik
L Perrini
M Raidal
C Veelken
P Eerola
H Kirschenmann
J Pekkanen
M Voutilainen
J Havukainen
J K Heikkilä
T Järvinen
V Karimäki
R Kinnunen
T Lampén
K Lassila-Perini
S Laurila
S Lehti
T Lindén
P Luukka
T Mäenpää
H Siikonen
E Tuominen
J Tuominiemi
T Tuuva
M Besancon
F Couderc
M Dejardin
D Denegri
J L Faure
F Ferri
S Ganjour
A Givernaud
P Gras
G Hamel de Monchenault
P Jarry
C Leloup
E Locci
J Malcles
G Negro
J Rander
A Rosowsky
M Ö Sahin
M Titov
A Abdulsalam
C Amendola
I Antropov
F Beaudette
P Busson
C Charlot
R Granier de Cassagnac
I Kucher
S Lisniak
A Lobanov
J Martin Blanco
M Nguyen
C Ochando
G Ortona
P Paganini
P Pigard
R Salerno
J B Sauvan
Y Sirois
A G Stahl Leiton
Y Yilmaz
A Zabi
A Zghiche
J-L Agram
J Andrea
D Bloch
J-M Brom
E C Chabert
V Cherepanov
C Collard
E Conte
J-C Fontaine
D Gelé
U Goerlach
M Jansová
A-C Le Bihan
N Tonon
P Van Hove
S Gadrat
S Beauceron
C Bernet
G Boudoul
N Chanon
R Chierici
D Contardo
P Depasse
H El Mamouni
J Fay
L Finco
S Gascon
M Gouzevitch
G Grenier
B Ille
F Lagarde
I B Laktineh
H Lattaud
M Lethuillier
L Mirabito
A L Pequegnot
S Perries
A Popov
V Sordini
M Vander Donckt
S Viret
S Zhang
A Khvedelidze
Z Tsamalaidze
C Autermann
L Feld
M K Kiesel
K Klein
M Lipinski
M Preuten
M P Rauch
C Schomakers
J Schulz
M Teroerde
B Wittmer
V Zhukov
A Albert
D Duchardt
M Endres
M Erdmann
S Erdweg
T Esch
R Fischer
S Ghosh
A Güth
T Hebbeker
C Heidemann
K Hoepfner
S Knutzen
L Mastrolorenzo
M Merschmeyer
A Meyer
P Millet
S Mukherjee
T Pook
M Radziej
H Reithler
M Rieger
F Scheuch
A Schmidt
D Teyssier
S Thüer
G Flügge
O Hlushchenko
B Kargoll
T Kress
A Künsken
T Müller
A Nehrkorn
A Nowack
C Pistone
O Pooth
H Sert
A Stahl
M Aldaya Martin
T Arndt
C Asawatangtrakuldee
I Babounikau
K Beernaert
O Behnke
U Behrens
A Bermúdez Martínez
D Bertsche
A A Bin Anuar
K Borras
V Botta
A Campbell
P Connor
C Contreras-Campana
F Costanza
V Danilov
A De Wit
M M Defranchis
C Diez Pardos
D Domínguez Damiani
G Eckerlin
T Eichhorn
A Elwood
E Eren
E Gallo
A Geiser
J M Grados Luyando
A Grohsjean
P Gunnellini
M Guthoff
A Harb
J Hauk
H Jung
M Kasemann
J Keaveney
C Kleinwort
J Knolle
D Krücker
W Lange
A Lelek
T Lenz
K Lipka
W Lohmann
R Mankel
I-A Melzer-Pellmann
A B Meyer
M Meyer
M Missiroli
G Mittag
J Mnich
V Myronenko
S K Pflitsch
D Pitzl
A Raspereza
M Savitskyi
P Saxena
P Schütze
C Schwanenberger
R Shevchenko
A Singh
N Stefaniuk
H Tholen
A Vagnerini
G P Van Onsem
R Walsh
Y Wen
K Wichmann
C Wissing
O Zenaiev
R Aggleton
S Bein
A Benecke
V Blobel
M Centis Vignali
T Dreyer
E Garutti
D Gonzalez
J Haller
A Hinzmann
M Hoffmann
A Karavdina
R Klanner
R Kogler
N Kovalchuk
S Kurz
V Kutzner
J Lange
D Marconi
J Multhaup
M Niedziela
D Nowatschin
A Perieanu
A Reimers
O Rieger
C Scharf
P Schleper
S Schumann
J Schwandt
J Sonneveld
H Stadie
G Steinbrück
F M Stober
M Stöver
D Troendle
E Usai
A Vanhoefer
B Vormwald
M Akbiyik
C Barth
M Baselga
S Baur
E Butz
R Caspart
T Chwalek
F Colombo
W De Boer
A Dierlamm
N Faltermann
B Freund
M Giffels
M A Harrendorf
F Hartmann
S M Heindl
U Husemann
F Kassel
I Katkov
S Kudella
H Mildner
M U Mozer
Th Müller
M Plagge
G Quast
K Rabbertz
M Schröder
I Shvetsov
G Sieber
H J Simonis
R Ulrich
S Wayand
M Weber
T Weiler
S Williamson
C Wöhrmann
R Wolf
G Anagnostou
G Daskalakis
T Geralis
A Kyriakis
D Loukas
G Paspalaki
I Topsis-Giotis
G Karathanasis
S Kesisoglou
A Panagiotou
N Saoulidou
E Tziaferi
K Vellidis
K Kousouris
I Papakrivopoulos
Y Tsipolitis
I Evangelou
C Foudas
P Gianneios
P Katsoulis
P Kokkas
S Mallios
N Manthos
I Papadopoulos
E Paradas
J Strologas
F A Triantis
D Tsitsonis
M Csanad
N Filipovic
P Major
M I Nagy
G Pasztor
O Surányi
G I Veres
G Bencze
C Hajdu
D Horvath
Á Hunyadi
F Sikler
T Á Vámi
V Veszpremi
G Vesztergombi
N Beni
S Czellar
J Karancsi
A Makovec
J Molnar
Z Szillasi
M Bartók
P Raics
Z L Trocsanyi
B Ujvari
S Choudhury
J R Komaragiri
S Bahinipati
P Mal
K Mandal
A Nayak
D K Sahoo
S K Swain
S Bansal
S B Beri
V Bhatnagar
S Chauhan
R Chawla
N Dhingra
R Gupta
A Kaur
A Kaur
M Kaur
S Kaur
R Kumar
P Kumari
M Lohan
A Mehta
S Sharma
J B Singh
G Walia
A Bhardwaj
B C Choudhary
R B Garg
M Gola
S Keshri
Ashok Kumar
S Malhotra
M Naimuddin
P Priyanka
K Ranjan
Aashaq Shah
R Sharma
R Bhardwaj
M Bharti
R Bhattacharya
S Bhattacharya
U Bhawandeep
D Bhowmik
S Dey
S Dutt
S Dutta
S Ghosh
K Mondal
S Nandan
A Purohit
P K Rout
A Roy
S Roy Chowdhury
S Sarkar
M Sharan
B Singh
S Thakur
P K Behera
R Chudasama
D Dutta
V Jha
V Kumar
P K Netrakanti
L M Pant
P Shukla
T Aziz
M A Bhat
S Dugad
B Mahakud
S Mitra
G B Mohanty
N Sur
B Sutar
Ravindra Kumar Verma
S Banerjee
S Bhattacharya
S Chatterjee
P Das
M Guchait
Sa Jain
S Kumar
M Maity
G Majumder
K Mazumdar
N Sahoo
T Sarkar
S Chauhan
S Dube
V Hegde
A Kapoor
K Kothekar
S Pandey
A Rane
S Sharma
S Chenarani
E Eskandari Tadavani
S M Etesami
M Khakzad
M Mohammadi Najafabadi
M Naseri
F Rezaei Hosseinabadi
B Safarzadeh
M Zeinali
M Felcini
M Grunewald
M Abbrescia
C Calabria
A Colaleo
D Creanza
L Cristella
N De Filippis
M De Palma
A Di Florio
F Errico
L Fiore
A Gelmi
G Iaselli
S Lezki
G Maggi
M Maggi
G Miniello
S My
S Nuzzo
A Pompili
G Pugliese
R Radogna
A Ranieri
G Selvaggi
A Sharma
L Silvestris
R Venditti
P Verwilligen
G Zito
G Abbiendi
C Battilana
D Bonacorsi
L Borgonovi
S Braibant-Giacomelli
L Brigliadori
R Campanini
P Capiluppi
A Castro
F R Cavallo
S S Chhibra
G Codispoti
M Cuffiani
G M Dallavalle
F Fabbri
A Fanfani
P Giacomelli
C Grandi
L Guiducci
S Marcellini
G Masetti
A Montanari
F L Navarria
A Perrotta
A M Rossi
T Rovelli
G P Siroli
N Tosi
S Albergo
A Di Mattia
R Potenza
A Tricomi
C Tuve
G Barbagli
K Chatterjee
V Ciulli
C Civinini
R D'Alessandro
E Focardi
G Latino
P Lenzi
M Meschini
S Paoletti
L Russo
G Sguazzoni
D Strom
L Viliani
L Benussi
S Bianco
F Fabbri
D Piccolo
F Primavera
F Ferro
F Ravera
E Robutti
S Tosi
A Benaglia
A Beschi
L Brianza
F Brivio
V Ciriolo
M E Dinardo
S Fiorendi
S Gennai
A Ghezzi
P Govoni
M Malberti
S Malvezzi
R A Manzoni
D Menasce
L Moroni
M Paganoni
D Pedrini
S Pigazzini
S Ragazzi
T Tabarelli de Fatis
S Buontempo
N Cavallo
A Di Crescenzo
S Di Guida
F Fabozzi
F Fienga
G Galati
A O M Iorio
W A Khan
L Lista
S Meola
P Paolucci
C Sciacca
E Voevodina
P Azzi
N Bacchetta
L Benato
D Bisello
A Boletti
A Bragagnolo
R Carlin
P Checchia
M Dall'Osso
P De Castro Manzano
T Dorigo
U Dosselli
F Gasparini
U Gasparini
A Gozzelino
S Lacaprara
P Lujan
M Margoni
A T Meneguzzo
N Pozzobon
P Ronchese
R Rossin
F Simonetto
A Tiko
E Torassa
S Ventura
M Zanetti
A Braghieri
A Magnani
P Montagna
S P Ratti
V Re
M Ressegotti
C Riccardi
P Salvini
I Vai
P Vitulo
L Alunni Solestizi
M Biasini
G M Bilei
C Cecchi
D Ciangottini
L Fanò
P Lariccia
E Manoni
G Mantovani
V Mariani
M Menichelli
A Rossi
A Santocchia
D Spiga
K Androsov
P Azzurri
G Bagliesi
L Bianchini
T Boccali
L Borrello
R Castaldi
M A Ciocci
R Dell'Orso
G Fedi
L Giannini
A Giassi
M T Grippo
F Ligabue
E Manca
G Mandorli
A Messineo
F Palla
A Rizzi
P Spagnolo
R Tenchini
G Tonelli
A Venturi
P G Verdini
L Barone
F Cavallari
M Cipriani
N Daci
D Del Re
E Di Marco
M Diemoz
S Gelli
E Longo
B Marzocchi
P Meridiani
G Organtini
F Pandolfi
R Paramatti
F Preiato
S Rahatlou
C Rovelli
F Santanastasio
N Amapane
R Arcidiacono
S Argiro
M Arneodo
N Bartosik
R Bellan
C Biino
N Cartiglia
F Cenna
M Costa
R Covarelli
N Demaria
B Kiani
C Mariotti
S Maselli
E Migliore
V Monaco
E Monteil
M Monteno
M M Obertino
L Pacher
N Pastrone
M Pelliccioni
G L Pinna Angioni
A Romero
M Ruspa
R Sacchi
K Shchelina
V Sola
A Solano
A Staiano
S Belforte
V Candelise
M Casarsa
F Cossutti
G Della Ricca
F Vazzoler
A Zanetti
D H Kim
G N Kim
M S Kim
J Lee
S Lee
S W Lee
C S Moon
Y D Oh
S Sekmen
D C Son
Y C Yang
H Kim
D H Moon
G Oh
J Goh
T J Kim
S Cho
S Choi
Y Go
D Gyun
S Ha
B Hong
Y Jo
K Lee
K S Lee
S Lee
J Lim
S K Park
Y Roh
H Kim
J Almond
J Kim
J S Kim
H Lee
K Lee
K Nam
S B Oh
B C Radburn-Smith
S H Seo
U K Yang
H D Yoo
G B Yu
H Kim
J H Kim
J S H Lee
I C Park
Y Choi
C Hwang
J Lee
I Yu
V Dudenas
A Juodagalvis
J Vaitkus
I Ahmed
Z A Ibrahim
M A B Md Ali
F Mohamad Idris
W A T Wan Abdullah
M N Yusli
Z Zolkapli
H Castilla-Valdez
E De La Cruz-Burelo
M C Duran-Osuna
I Heredia-De La Cruz
R Lopez-Fernandez
J Mejia Guisao
R I Rabadan-Trejo
G Ramirez-Sanchez
R Reyes-Almanza
A Sanchez-Hernandez
S Carrillo Moreno
C Oropeza Barrera
F Vazquez Valencia
J Eysermans
I Pedraza
H A Salazar Ibarguen
C Uribe Estrada
A Morelos Pineda
D Krofcheck
S Bheesette
P H Butler
A Ahmad
M Ahmad
M I Asghar
Q Hassan
H R Hoorani
A Saddique
M A Shah
M Shoaib
M Waqas
H Bialkowska
M Bluj
B Boimska
T Frueboes
M Górski
M Kazana
K Nawrocki
M Szleper
P Traczyk
P Zalewski
K Bunkowski
A Byszuk
K Doroba
A Kalinowski
M Konecki
J Krolikowski
M Misiura
M Olszewski
A Pyskir
M Walczak
P Bargassa
C Beirão Da Cruz E Silva
A Di Francesco
P Faccioli
B Galinhas
M Gallinaro
J Hollar
N Leonardo
L Lloret Iglesias
M V Nemallapudi
J Seixas
G Strong
O Toldaiev
D Vadruccio
J Varela
V Alexakhin
A Golunov
I Golutvin
N Gorbounov
I Gorbunov
A Kamenev
V Karjavin
A Lanev
A Malakhov
V Matveev
P Moisenz
V Palichik
V Perelygin
M Savina
S Shmatov
S Shulha
N Skatchkov
V Smirnov
A Zarubin
V Golovtsov
Y Ivanov
V Kim
E Kuznetsova
P Levchenko
V Murzin
V Oreshkin
I Smirnov
D Sosnov
V Sulimov
L Uvarov
S Vavilov
A Vorobyev
Yu Andreev
A Dermenev
S Gninenko
N Golubev
A Karneyeu
M Kirsanov
N Krasnikov
A Pashenkov
D Tlisov
A Toropin
V Epshteyn
V Gavrilov
N Lychkovskaya
V Popov
I Pozdnyakov
G Safronov
A Spiridonov
A Stepennov
V Stolin
M Toms
E Vlasov
A Zhokin
T Aushev
A Bylinkin
R Chistov
M Danilov
P Parygin
D Philippov
S Polikarpov
E Tarkovskii
V Andreev
M Azarkin
I Dremin
M Kirakosyan
S V Rusakov
A Terkulov
A Baskakov
A Belyaev
E Boos
V Bunichev
M Dubinin
L Dudko
A Ershov
A Gribushin
V Klyukhin
O Kodolova
I Lokhtin
I Miagkov
S Obraztsov
S Petrushanko
V Savrin
V Blinov
T Dimova
L Kardapoltsev
D Shtol
Y Skovpen
I Azhgirey
I Bayshev
S Bitioukov
D Elumakhov
A Godizov
V Kachanov
A Kalinin
D Konstantinov
P Mandrik
V Petrov
R Ryutin
S Slabospitskii
A Sobol
S Troshin
N Tyurin
A Uzunian
A Volkov
A Babaev
P Adzic
P Cirkovic
D Devetak
M Dordevic
J Milosevic
J Alcaraz Maestre
A Álvarez Fernández
I Bachiller
M Barrio Luna
J A Brochero Cifuentes
M Cerrada
N Colino
B De La Cruz
A Delgado Peris
C Fernandez Bedoya
J P Fernández Ramos
J Flix
M C Fouz
O Gonzalez Lopez
S Goy Lopez
J M Hernandez
M I Josa
D Moran
A Pérez-Calero Yzquierdo
J Puerta Pelayo
I Redondo
L Romero
M S Soares
A Triossi
C Albajar
J F de Trocóniz
J Cuevas
C Erice
J Fernandez Menendez
S Folgueras
I Gonzalez Caballero
J R González Fernández
E Palencia Cortezon
S Sanchez Cruz
P Vischia
J M Vizan Garcia
I J Cabrillo
A Calderon
B Chazin Quero
J Duarte Campderros
M Fernandez
P J Fernández Manteca
A García Alonso
J Garcia-Ferrero
G Gomez
A Lopez Virto
J Marco
C Martinez Rivero
P Martinez Ruiz Del Arbol
F Matorras
J Piedra Gomez
C Prieels
T Rodrigo
A Ruiz-Jimeno
L Scodellaro
N Trevisani
I Vila
R Vilar Cortabitarte
D Abbaneo
B Akgun
E Auffray
P Baillon
A H Ball
D Barney
J Bendavid
M Bianco
A Bocci
C Botta
T Camporesi
M Cepeda
G Cerminara
E Chapon
Y Chen
G Cucciati
D d'Enterria
A Dabrowski
V Daponte
A David
A De Roeck
N Deelen
M Dobson
T du Pree
M Dünser
N Dupont
A Elliott-Peisert
P Everaerts
F Fallavollita
G Franzoni
J Fulcher
W Funk
D Gigi
A Gilbert
K Gill
F Glege
D Gulhan
J Hegeman
V Innocente
A Jafari
P Janot
O Karacheban
J Kieseler
V Knünz
A Kornmayer
M Krammer
C Lange
P Lecoq
C Lourenço
M T Lucchini
L Malgeri
M Mannelli
F Meijers
J A Merlin
S Mersi
E Meschi
P Milenovic
F Moortgat
M Mulders
H Neugebauer
J Ngadiuba
S Orfanelli
L Orsini
F Pantaleo
L Pape
E Perez
M Peruzzi
A Petrilli
G Petrucciani
A Pfeiffer
M Pierini
F M Pitters
D Rabady
A Racz
T Reis
G Rolandi
M Rovere
H Sakulin
C Schäfer
C Schwick
M Seidel
M Selvaggi
A Sharma
P Silva
P Sphicas
A Stakia
J Steggemann
M Tosi
D Treille
A Tsirou
V Veckalns
M Verweij
W D Zeuner
W Bertl
L Caminada
K Deiters
W Erdmann
R Horisberger
Q Ingram
H C Kaestli
D Kotlinski
U Langenegger
T Rohe
S A Wiederkehr
M Backhaus
L Bäni
P Berger
B Casal
N Chernyavskaya
G Dissertori
M Dittmar
M Donegà
C Dorfer
C Grab
C Heidegger
D Hits
J Hoss
T Klijnsma
W Lustermann
M Marionneau
M T Meinhard
D Meister
F Micheli
P Musella
F Nessi-Tedaldi
J Pata
F Pauss
G Perrin
L Perrozzi
M Quittnat
M Reichmann
D Ruini
D A Sanz Becerra
M Schönenberger
L Shchutska
V R Tavolaro
K Theofilatos
M L Vesterbacka Olsson
R Wallny
D H Zhu
T K Aarrestad
C Amsler
D Brzhechko
M F Canelli
A De Cosa
R Del Burgo
S Donato
C Galloni
T Hreus
B Kilminster
I Neutelings
D Pinna
G Rauco
P Robmann
D Salerno
K Schweiger
C Seitz
Y Takahashi
A Zucchetta
Y H Chang
K Y Cheng
T H Doan
Sh Jain
R Khurana
C M Kuo
W Lin
A Pozdnyakov
S S Yu
P Chang
Y Chao
K F Chen
P H Chen
W-S Hou
Arun Kumar
R-S Lu
E Paganis
A Psallidas
A Steen
J F Tsai
B Asavapibhop
N Srimanobhas
N Suwonjandee
A Bat
F Boran
S Cerci
S Damarseckin
Z S Demiroglu
C Dozen
I Dumanoglu
S Girgis
G Gokbulut
Y Guler
E Gurpinar
I Hos
E E Kangal
O Kara
A Kayis Topaksu
U Kiminsu
M Oglakci
G Onengut
K Ozdemir
S Ozturk
D Sunar Cerci
B Tali
U G Tok
S Turkcapar
I S Zorbakir
C Zorbilmez
B Isildak
G Karapinar
M Yalvac
M Zeyrek
I O Atakisi
E Gülmez
M Kaya
O Kaya
S Ozkorucuklu
S Tekten
E A Yetkin
M N Agaras
S Atay
A Cakir
K Cankocak
Y Komurcu
S Sen
B Grynyov
L Levchuk
T Alexander
F Ball
L Beck
J J Brooke
D Burns
E Clement
D Cussans
O Davignon
H Flacher
J Goldstein
G P Heath
H F Heath
L Kreczko
D M Newbold
S Paramesvaran
B Penning
T Sakuma
D Smith
V J Smith
J Taylor
K W Bell
A Belyaev
C Brew
R M Brown
D Cieri
D J A Cockerill
J A Coughlan
K Harder
S Harper
J Linacre
E Olaiya
D Petyt
C H Shepherd-Themistocleous
A Thea
I R Tomalin
T Williams
W J Womersley
G Auzinger
R Bainbridge
P Bloch
J Borg
S Breeze
O Buchmuller
A Bundock
S Casasso
D Colling
L Corpe
P Dauncey
G Davies
M Della Negra
R Di Maria
Y Haddad
G Hall
G Iles
T James
M Komm
C Laner
L Lyons
A-M Magnan
S Malik
A Martelli
J Nash
A Nikitenko
V Palladino
M Pesaresi
A Richards
A Rose
E Scott
C Seez
A Shtipliyski
G Singh
M Stoye
T Strebler
S Summers
A Tapper
K Uchida
T Virdee
N Wardle
D Winterbottom
J Wright
S C Zenz
J E Cole
P R Hobson
A Khan
P Kyberd
C K Mackay
A Morton
I D Reid
L Teodorescu
S Zahid
A Borzou
K Call
J Dittmann
K Hatakeyama
H Liu
C Madrid
B Mcmaster
N Pastika
C Smith
R Bartek
A Dominguez
A Buccilli
S I Cooper
C Henderson
P Rumerio
C West
D Arcaro
T Bose
D Gastler
D Rankin
C Richardson
J Rohlf
L Sulak
D Zou
G Benelli
X Coubez
D Cutts
M Hadley
J Hakala
U Heintz
J M Hogan
K H M Kwok
E Laird
G Landsberg
J Lee
Z Mao
M Narain
J Pazzini
S Piperov
S Sagir
R Syarif
D Yu
R Band
C Brainerd
R Breedon
D Burns
M Calderon De La Barca Sanchez
M Chertok
J Conway
R Conway
P T Cox
R Erbacher
C Flores
G Funk
W Ko
O Kukral
R Lander
C Mclean
M Mulhearn
D Pellett
J Pilot
S Shalhout
M Shi
D Stolp
D Taylor
K Tos
M Tripathi
Z Wang
F Zhang
M Bachtis
C Bravo
R Cousins
A Dasgupta
A Florent
J Hauser
M Ignatenko
N Mccoll
S Regnard
D Saltzberg
C Schnaible
V Valuev
E Bouvier
K Burt
R Clare
J W Gary
S M A Ghiasi Shirazi
G Hanson
G Karapostoli
E Kennedy
F Lacroix
O R Long
M Olmedo Negrete
M I Paneva
W Si
L Wang
H Wei
S Wimpenny
B R Yates
J G Branson
S Cittolin
M Derdzinski
R Gerosa
D Gilbert
B Hashemi
A Holzner
D Klein
G Kole
V Krutelyov
J Letts
M Masciovecchio
D Olivito
S Padhi
M Pieri
M Sani
V Sharma
S Simon
M Tadel
A Vartak
S Wasserbaech
J Wood
F Würthwein
A Yagil
G Zevi Della Porta
N Amin
R Bhandari
J Bradmiller-Feld
C Campagnari
M Citron
A Dishaw
V Dutta
M Franco Sevilla
L Gouskos
R Heller
J Incandela
A Ovcharova
H Qu
J Richman
D Stuart
I Suarez
S Wang
J Yoo
D Anderson
A Bornheim
J Bunn
J M Lawhorn
H B Newman
T Q Nguyen
M Spiropulu
J R Vlimant
R Wilkinson
S Xie
Z Zhang
R Y Zhu
M B Andrews
T Ferguson
T Mudholkar
M Paulini
M Sun
I Vorobiev
M Weinberg
J P Cumalat
W T Ford
F Jensen
A Johnson
M Krohn
S Leontsinis
E MacDonald
T Mulholland
K Stenson
K A Ulmer
S R Wagner
J Alexander
J Chaves
Y Cheng
J Chu
A Datta
K Mcdermott
N Mirman
J R Patterson
D Quach
A Rinkevicius
A Ryd
L Skinnari
L Soffi
S M Tan
Z Tao
J Thom
J Tucker
P Wittich
M Zientek
S Abdullin
M Albrow
M Alyari
G Apollinari
A Apresyan
A Apyan
S Banerjee
L A T Bauerdick
A Beretvas
J Berryhill
P C Bhat
G Bolla
K Burkett
J N Butler
A Canepa
G B Cerati
H W K Cheung
F Chlebana
M Cremonesi
J Duarte
V D Elvira
J Freeman
Z Gecse
E Gottschalk
L Gray
D Green
S Grünendahl
O Gutsche
J Hanlon
R M Harris
S Hasegawa
J Hirschauer
Z Hu
B Jayatilaka
S Jindariani
M Johnson
U Joshi
B Klima
M J Kortelainen
B Kreis
S Lammel
D Lincoln
R Lipton
M Liu
T Liu
J Lykken
K Maeshima
N Magini
J M Marraffino
D Mason
P McBride
P Merkel
S Mrenna
S Nahn
V O'Dell
K Pedro
C Pena
O Prokofyev
G Rakness
L Ristori
A Savoy-Navarro
B Schneider
E Sexton-Kennedy
A Soha
W J Spalding
L Spiegel
S Stoynev
J Strait
N Strobbe
L Taylor
S Tkaczyk
N V Tran
L Uplegger
E W Vaandering
C Vernieri
M Verzocchi
R Vidal
M Wang
H A Weber
A Whitbeck
D Acosta
P Avery
P Bortignon
D Bourilkov
A Brinkerhoff
L Cadamuro
A Carnes
M Carver
D Curry
R D Field
S V Gleyzer
B M Joshi
J Konigsberg
A Korytov
P Ma
K Matchev
H Mei
G Mitselmakher
K Shi
D Sperka
L Thomas
J Wang
S Wang
Y R Joshi
S Linn
A Ackert
T Adams
A Askew
S Hagopian
V Hagopian
K F Johnson
T Kolberg
G Martinez
T Perry
H Prosper
A Saha
A Santra
V Sharma
R Yohay
M M Baarmand
V Bhopatkar
S Colafranceschi
M Hohlmann
D Noonan
T Roy
F Yumiceva
M R Adams
L Apanasevich
D Berry
R R Betts
R Cavanaugh
X Chen
S Dittmer
O Evdokimov
C E Gerber
D A Hangal
D J Hofman
K Jung
J Kamin
C Mills
I D Sandoval Gonzalez
M B Tonjes
N Varelas
H Wang
Z Wu
J Zhang
M Alhusseini
B Bilki
W Clarida
K Dilsiz
S Durgut
R P Gandrajula
M Haytmyradov
V Khristenko
J-P Merlo
A Mestvirishvili
A Moeller
J Nachtman
H Ogul
Y Onel
F Ozok
A Penzo
C Snyder
E Tiras
J Wetzel
B Blumenfeld
A Cocoros
N Eminizer
D Fehling
L Feng
A V Gritsan
W T Hung
P Maksimovic
J Roskes
U Sarica
M Swartz
M Xiao
C You
A Al-Bataineh
P Baringer
A Bean
S Boren
J Bowen
J Castle
S Khalil
A Kropivnitskaya
D Majumder
W Mcbrayer
M Murray
C Rogan
S Sanders
E Schmitz
J D Tapia Takaki
Q Wang
A Ivanov
K Kaadze
Y Maravin
A Modak
A Mohammadi
L K Saini
N Skhirtladze
F Rebassoo
D Wright
A Baden
O Baron
A Belloni
S C Eno
Y Feng
C Ferraioli
N J Hadley
S Jabeen
G Y Jeng
R G Kellogg
J Kunkle
A C Mignerey
F Ricci-Tam
Y H Shin
A Skuja
S C Tonwar
K Wong
D Abercrombie
B Allen
V Azzolini
R Barbieri
A Baty
G Bauer
R Bi
S Brandt
W Busza
I A Cali
M D'Alfonso
Z Demiragli
G Gomez Ceballos
M Goncharov
P Harris
D Hsu
M Hu
Y Iiyama
G M Innocenti
M Klute
D Kovalskyi
Y-J Lee
A Levin
P D Luckey
B Maier
A C Marini
C Mcginn
C Mironov
S Narayanan
X Niu
C Paus
C Roland
G Roland
G S F Stephans
K Sumorok
K Tatar
D Velicanu
J Wang
T W Wang
B Wyslouch
S Zhaozhong
A C Benvenuti
R M Chatterjee
A Evans
P Hansen
S Kalafut
Y Kubota
Z Lesko
J Mans
S Nourbakhsh
N Ruckstuhl
R Rusack
J Turkewitz
M A Wadud
J G Acosta
S Oliveros
E Avdeeva
K Bloom
D R Claes
C Fangmeier
F Golf
R Gonzalez Suarez
R Kamalieddin
I Kravchenko
J Monroy
J E Siado
G R Snow
B Stieger
A Godshalk
C Harrington
I Iashvili
A Kharchilava
D Nguyen
A Parker
S Rappoccio
B Roozbahani
G Alverson
E Barberis
C Freer
A Hortiangtham
A Massironi
D M Morse
T Orimoto
R Teixeira De Lima
T Wamorkar
B Wang
A Wisecarver
D Wood
S Bhattacharya
O Charaf
K A Hahn
N Mucia
N Odell
M H Schmitt
K Sung
M Trovato
M Velasco
R Bucci
N Dev
M Hildreth
K Hurtado Anampa
C Jessop
D J Karmgard
N Kellams
K Lannon
W Li
N Loukas
N Marinelli
F Meng
C Mueller
Y Musienko
M Planer
A Reinsvold
R Ruchti
P Siddireddy
G Smith
S Taroni
M Wayne
A Wightman
M Wolf
A Woodard
J Alimena
L Antonelli
B Bylsma
L S Durkin
S Flowers
B Francis
A Hart
C Hill
W Ji
T Y Ling
W Luo
B L Winer
H W Wulsin
S Cooperstein
P Elmer
J Hardenbrook
P Hebda
S Higginbotham
A Kalogeropoulos
D Lange
J Luo
D Marlow
K Mei
I Ojalvo
J Olsen
C Palmer
P Piroué
J Salfeld-Nebgen
D Stickland
C Tully
S Malik
S Norberg
A Barker
V E Barnes
S Das
L Gutay
M Jones
A W Jung
A Khatiwada
D H Miller
N Neumeister
C C Peng
H Qiu
J F Schulte
J Sun
F Wang
R Xiao
W Xie
T Cheng
J Dolen
N Parashar
Z Chen
K M Ecklund
S Freed
F J M Geurts
M Guilbaud
M Kilpatrick
W Li
B Michlin
B P Padley
J Roberts
J Rorie
W Shi
Z Tu
J Zabel
A Zhang
A Bodek
P de Barbaro
R Demina
Y T Duh
J L Dulemba
C Fallon
T Ferbel
M Galanti
A Garcia-Bellido
J Han
O Hindrichs
A Khukhunaishvili
K H Lo
P Tan
R Taus
M Verzetti
A Agapitos
J P Chou
Y Gershtein
T A Gómez Espinosa
E Halkiadakis
M Heindl
E Hughes
S Kaplan
R Kunnawalkam Elayavalli
S Kyriacou
A Lath
R Montalvo
K Nash
M Osherson
H Saka
S Salur
S Schnetzer
D Sheffield
S Somalwar
R Stone
S Thomas
P Thomassen
M Walker
A G Delannoy
J Heideman
G Riley
K Rose
S Spanier
K Thapa
O Bouhali
A Castaneda Hernandez
A Celik
M Dalchenko
M De Mattia
A Delgado
S Dildick
R Eusebi
J Gilmore
T Huang
T Kamon
R Mueller
Y Pakhotin
R Patel
A Perloff
L Perniè
D Rathjens
A Safonov
A Tatarinov
N Akchurin
J Damgov
F De Guio
P R Dudero
J Faulkner
S Kunori
K Lamichhane
S W Lee
T Mengke
S Muthumuni
T Peltola
S Undleeb
I Volobouev
Z Wang
S Greene
A Gurrola
R Janjam
W Johns
C Maguire
A Melo
H Ni
K Padeken
J D Ruiz Alvarez
P Sheldon
S Tuo
J Velkovska
Q Xu
M W Arenton
P Barria
B Cox
R Hirosky
M Joyce
A Ledovskoy
H Li
C Neu
T Sinthuprasith
Y Wang
E Wolfe
F Xia
R Harr
P E Karchin
N Poudyal
J Sturdy
P Thapa
S Zaleski
M Brodski
J Buchanan
C Caillol
D Carlsmith
S Dasu
L Dodd
S Duric
B Gomber
M Grothe
M Herndon
A Hervé
U Hussain
P Klabbers
A Lanaro
A Levine
K Long
R Loveless
T Ruggles
A Savin
N Smith
W H Smith
N Woods
Auteur inconnu
A multifunctional surfactant catalyst inspired by hydrolases.
Science advances
Mitchell D Nothling
Zeyun Xiao
Nicholas S Hill
Mitchell T Blyth
Ayana Bhaskaran
Marc-Antoine Sani
Andrea Espinosa-Gomez
Kevin Ngov
Jonathan White
Tim Buscher
Frances Separovic
Megan L O'Mara
Michelle L Coote
Luke A Connal
State of the Art and New Directions on Electrospun Lignin/Cellulose Nanofibers for Supercapacitor Application: A Systematic Literature Review.
Abdullahi Abbas Adam
John Ojur Dennis
Yas Al-Hadeethi
E M Mkawi
Bashir Abubakar Abdulkadir
Fahad Usman
Yarima Mudassir Hassan
I A Wadi
Mustapha Sani
Social Listening in Eastern and Southern Africa, a UNICEF Risk Communication and Community Engagement Strategy to Address the COVID-19 Infodemic.
Health security
Silvia Sommariva
Jenna Mote
Helena Ballester Bon
Herisoa Razafindraibe
Domoina Ratovozanany
Vanou Rasoamanana
Surangani Abeyesekera
Parvina Muhamedkhojaeva
Tasmia Bashar
John James
Massimiliano Sani
NMR spectroscopy of lipidic cubic phases.
Biophysical reviews
Sunnia Rajput
Shenggen Yao
David W Keizer
Marc-Antoine Sani
Frances Separovic
Transient RNA Interactions Leave a Covalent Imprint on a Viral Capsid Protein.
Journal of the American Chemical Society
Zahra Harati Taji
Pavlo Bielytskyi
Mikhail Shein
Marc-Antoine Sani
Stefan Seitz
Anne K Schütz
Enhancing proline-rich antimicrobial peptide action by homodimerization: influence of bifunctional linker.
Chemical science
Wenyi Li
Feng Lin
Andrew Hung
Anders Barlow
Marc-Antoine Sani
Rita Paolini
William Singleton
James Holden
Mohammed Akhter Hossain
Frances Separovic
Neil M O'Brien-Simpson
John D Wade
A Differential Response to Antihypertensive Therapy in African Men and Women: Insights From the CREOLE Trial.
American journal of hypertension
Dike B Ojji
Gabriel L Shedul
Okechukwu S Ogah
Anastase Dzudie
Felix Barasa
Charles Mondo
Prossie M Ingabire
Erika S W Jones
Brian Rayner
Damasceno Albertino
Elijah Ogola
Wynand Smythe
Nicky Hickman
Veronica Francis
Pandie Shahiemah
Grace Shedul
Akinyemi Aje
Karen Sliwa
Simon Stewart
Chronic Administration of Lisdexamfetamine Induces Apoptosis and Inflammation and Reduces Sperm Quality in Adult Male Rats.
Reproductive sciences (Thousand Oaks, Calif.)
Susan Roustaee
Mojtaba Sani
Maryam Mehranpour
Pourya Raee
Meysam Hassani Moghaddam
Reza Bahar
Seyedeh Naghmeh Nourirad
Mohammad-Jasim Golzarian
Amirreza Beirami
Hosein Jafary
Mohammad Amin Aalipour
Mohammad Taghizadeh
Mohammad-Amin Abdollahifar
Kimia Vakili
Mobina Fathi
Mohammad Hossain Heidari
Hojjat-Allah Abbaszadeh
Abbas Aliaghaei
Hamid Nazarian
Réseau de co-auteurs
Z Wang
9 collaborations
S Bhattacharya
9 collaborations
J Lee
9 collaborations
H Kim
7 collaborations
Marc-Antoine Sani
6 collaborations
M Ahmad
6 collaborations
Y Chen
6 collaborations
Y Wang
6 collaborations
M Finger
6 collaborations
S Khalil
6 collaborations
S Ghosh
6 collaborations
S Chauhan
6 collaborations
S Sharma
6 collaborations
S Banerjee
6 collaborations
A Sharma
6 collaborations
F Fabbri
6 collaborations
S Lee
6 collaborations
S W Lee
6 collaborations
K Lee
6 collaborations
A Belyaev
6 collaborations
D Burns
6 collaborations
S Malik
6 collaborations
V Sharma
6 collaborations
J Wang
6 collaborations
W Li
6 collaborations
Frances Separovic
5 collaborations
S Wang
5 collaborations
A Kaur
4 collaborations
P Chang
4 collaborations
Q Wang
4 collaborations
A M Sirunyan
3 collaborations
A Tumasyan
3 collaborations
W Adam
3 collaborations
F Ambrogi
3 collaborations
E Asilar
3 collaborations
T Bergauer
3 collaborations
J Brandstetter
3 collaborations
E Brondolin
3 collaborations
M Dragicevic
3 collaborations
J Erö
3 collaborations
A Escalante Del Valle
3 collaborations
M Flechl
3 collaborations
R Frühwirth
3 collaborations
V M Ghete
3 collaborations
J Hrubec
3 collaborations
M Jeitler
3 collaborations
N Krammer
3 collaborations
I Krätschmer
3 collaborations
D Liko
3 collaborations
T Madlener
3 collaborations
I Mikulec
3 collaborations
N Rad
3 collaborations
H Rohringer
3 collaborations
J Schieck
3 collaborations
R Schöfbeck
3 collaborations
M Spanring
3 collaborations
D Spitzbart
3 collaborations
A Taurok
3 collaborations
W Waltenberger
3 collaborations
J Wittmann
3 collaborations
C-E Wulz
3 collaborations
M Zarucki
3 collaborations
V Chekhovsky
3 collaborations
V Mossolov
3 collaborations
J Suarez Gonzalez
3 collaborations
E A De Wolf
3 collaborations
D Di Croce
3 collaborations
X Janssen
3 collaborations
J Lauwers
3 collaborations
M Pieters
3 collaborations
H Van Haevermaet
3 collaborations
P Van Mechelen
3 collaborations
N Van Remortel
3 collaborations
S Abu Zeid
3 collaborations
F Blekman
3 collaborations
J D'Hondt
3 collaborations
I De Bruyn
3 collaborations
J De Clercq
3 collaborations
K Deroover
3 collaborations
G Flouris
3 collaborations
D Lontkovskyi
3 collaborations
S Lowette
3 collaborations
I Marchesini
3 collaborations
S Moortgat
3 collaborations
L Moreels
3 collaborations
Q Python
3 collaborations
K Skovpen
3 collaborations
S Tavernier
3 collaborations
W Van Doninck
3 collaborations
P Van Mulders
3 collaborations
I Van Parijs
3 collaborations
D Beghin
3 collaborations
B Bilin
3 collaborations
H Brun
3 collaborations
B Clerbaux
3 collaborations
G De Lentdecker
3 collaborations
H Delannoy
3 collaborations
B Dorney
3 collaborations
G Fasanella
3 collaborations
L Favart
3 collaborations
R Goldouzian
3 collaborations
A Grebenyuk
3 collaborations
A K Kalsi
3 collaborations
T Lenzi
3 collaborations
J Luetic
3 collaborations
E Starling
3 collaborations
C Vander Velde
3 collaborations
P Vanlaer
3 collaborations
D Vannerom
3 collaborations
T Cornelis
3 collaborations
D Dobur
3 collaborations
A Fagot
3 collaborations
M Gul
3 collaborations
I Khvastunov
3 collaborations
D Poyraz
3 collaborations
C Roskas
3 collaborations
D Trocino
3 collaborations
M Tytgat
3 collaborations
W Verbeke
3 collaborations
B Vermassen
3 collaborations
M Vit
3 collaborations
N Zaganidis
3 collaborations
H Bakhshiansohi
3 collaborations
O Bondu
3 collaborations
S Brochet
3 collaborations
G Bruno
3 collaborations
C Caputo
3 collaborations
P David
3 collaborations
C Delaere
3 collaborations
M Delcourt
3 collaborations
B Francois
3 collaborations
A Giammanco
3 collaborations
G Krintiras
3 collaborations
V Lemaitre
3 collaborations
A Magitteri
3 collaborations
A Mertens
3 collaborations
M Musich
3 collaborations
K Piotrzkowski
3 collaborations
A Saggio
3 collaborations
M Vidal Marono
3 collaborations
S Wertz
3 collaborations
J Zobec
3 collaborations
F L Alves
3 collaborations
G A Alves
3 collaborations
G Correia Silva
3 collaborations
C Hensel
3 collaborations
A Moraes
3 collaborations
M E Pol
3 collaborations
P Rebello Teles
3 collaborations
E Belchior Batista Das Chagas
3 collaborations
W Carvalho
3 collaborations
J Chinellato
3 collaborations
E Coelho
3 collaborations
E M Da Costa
3 collaborations
G G Da Silveira
3 collaborations
D De Jesus Damiao
3 collaborations
S Fonseca De Souza
3 collaborations
H Malbouisson
3 collaborations
M Melo De Almeida
3 collaborations
C Mora Herrera
3 collaborations
L Mundim
3 collaborations
H Nogima
3 collaborations
L J Sanchez Rosas
3 collaborations
A Santoro
3 collaborations
A Sznajder
3 collaborations
M Thiel
3 collaborations
E J Tonelli Manganote
3 collaborations
F Torres Da Silva De Araujo
3 collaborations
A Vilela Pereira
3 collaborations
S Ahuja
3 collaborations
C A Bernardes
3 collaborations
T R Fernandez Perez Tomei
3 collaborations
E M Gregores
3 collaborations
P G Mercadante
3 collaborations
S F Novaes
3 collaborations
Sandra S Padula
3 collaborations
A Aleksandrov
3 collaborations
R Hadjiiska
3 collaborations
P Iaydjiev
3 collaborations
A Marinov
3 collaborations
M Misheva
3 collaborations
M Rodozov
3 collaborations
M Shopova
3 collaborations
G Sultanov
3 collaborations
A Dimitrov
3 collaborations
L Litov
3 collaborations
B Pavlov
3 collaborations
P Petkov
3 collaborations
W Fang
3 collaborations
X Gao
3 collaborations
L Yuan
3 collaborations
J G Bian
3 collaborations
G M Chen
3 collaborations
H S Chen
3 collaborations
M Chen
3 collaborations
C H Jiang
3 collaborations
D Leggat
3 collaborations
H Liao
3 collaborations
Z Liu
3 collaborations
F Romeo
3 collaborations
S M Shaheen
3 collaborations
A Spiezia
3 collaborations
J Tao
3 collaborations
E Yazgan
3 collaborations
H Zhang
3 collaborations
J Zhao
3 collaborations
Y Ban
3 collaborations
G Chen
3 collaborations
J Li
3 collaborations
Q Li
3 collaborations
Y Mao
3 collaborations
S J Qian
3 collaborations
D Wang
3 collaborations
Z Xu
3 collaborations
C Avila
3 collaborations
A Cabrera
3 collaborations
C A Carrillo Montoya
3 collaborations
L F Chaparro Sierra
3 collaborations
C Florez
3 collaborations
C F González Hernández
3 collaborations
M A Segura Delgado
3 collaborations
B Courbon
3 collaborations
N Godinovic
3 collaborations
D Lelas
3 collaborations
I Puljak
3 collaborations
T Sculac
3 collaborations
Z Antunovic
3 collaborations
M Kovac
3 collaborations
V Brigljevic
3 collaborations
D Ferencek
3 collaborations
K Kadija
3 collaborations
B Mesic
3 collaborations
A Starodumov
3 collaborations
T Susa
3 collaborations
M W Ather
3 collaborations
A Attikis
3 collaborations
G Mavromanolakis
3 collaborations
J Mousa
3 collaborations
C Nicolaou
3 collaborations
F Ptochos
3 collaborations
P A Razis
3 collaborations
H Rykaczewski
3 collaborations
E Carrera Jarrin
3 collaborations
S Bhowmik
3 collaborations
R K Dewanjee
3 collaborations
M Kadastik
3 collaborations
M Raidal
3 collaborations
C Veelken
3 collaborations
P Eerola
3 collaborations
H Kirschenmann
3 collaborations
J Pekkanen
3 collaborations
M Voutilainen
3 collaborations
J Havukainen
3 collaborations
J K Heikkilä
3 collaborations
T Järvinen
3 collaborations
V Karimäki
3 collaborations
R Kinnunen
3 collaborations
T Lampén
3 collaborations
K Lassila-Perini
3 collaborations
S Laurila
3 collaborations
S Lehti
3 collaborations
T Lindén
3 collaborations
P Luukka
3 collaborations
T Mäenpää
3 collaborations
H Siikonen
3 collaborations
E Tuominen
3 collaborations
J Tuominiemi
3 collaborations
T Tuuva
3 collaborations
M Besancon
3 collaborations
F Couderc
3 collaborations
M Dejardin
3 collaborations
D Denegri
3 collaborations
J L Faure
3 collaborations
F Ferri
3 collaborations
S Ganjour
3 collaborations
A Givernaud
3 collaborations
P Gras
3 collaborations
G Hamel de Monchenault
3 collaborations
P Jarry
3 collaborations
C Leloup
3 collaborations
E Locci
3 collaborations
J Malcles
3 collaborations
G Negro
3 collaborations
J Rander
3 collaborations
A Rosowsky
3 collaborations
M Ö Sahin
3 collaborations
M Titov
3 collaborations
A Abdulsalam
3 collaborations
C Amendola
3 collaborations
I Antropov
3 collaborations
F Beaudette
3 collaborations
P Busson
3 collaborations
L Cadamuro
3 collaborations
C Charlot
3 collaborations
R Granier de Cassagnac
3 collaborations
I Kucher
3 collaborations
A Lobanov
3 collaborations
J Martin Blanco
3 collaborations
M Nguyen
3 collaborations
C Ochando
3 collaborations
G Ortona
3 collaborations
P Pigard
3 collaborations
R Salerno
3 collaborations
J B Sauvan
3 collaborations
Y Sirois
3 collaborations
A G Stahl Leiton
3 collaborations
A Zabi
3 collaborations
A Zghiche
3 collaborations
J-L Agram
3 collaborations
J Andrea
3 collaborations
D Bloch
3 collaborations
J-M Brom
3 collaborations
E C Chabert
3 collaborations
C Collard
3 collaborations
E Conte
3 collaborations
X Coubez
3 collaborations
J-C Fontaine
3 collaborations
D Gelé
3 collaborations
U Goerlach
3 collaborations
M Jansová
3 collaborations
A-C Le Bihan
3 collaborations
N Tonon
3 collaborations
P Van Hove
3 collaborations
S Gadrat
3 collaborations
S Beauceron
3 collaborations
C Bernet
3 collaborations
G Boudoul
3 collaborations
N Chanon
3 collaborations
R Chierici
3 collaborations
D Contardo
3 collaborations
P Depasse
3 collaborations
H El Mamouni
3 collaborations
J Fay
3 collaborations
L Finco
3 collaborations
S Gascon
3 collaborations
M Gouzevitch
3 collaborations
G Grenier
3 collaborations
B Ille
3 collaborations
F Lagarde
3 collaborations
I B Laktineh
3 collaborations
H Lattaud
3 collaborations
M Lethuillier
3 collaborations
L Mirabito
3 collaborations
S Perries
3 collaborations
A Popov
3 collaborations
V Sordini
3 collaborations
M Vander Donckt
3 collaborations
S Viret
3 collaborations
S Zhang
3 collaborations
Z Tsamalaidze
3 collaborations
C Autermann
3 collaborations
L Feld
3 collaborations
M K Kiesel
3 collaborations
K Klein
3 collaborations
M Lipinski
3 collaborations
M Preuten
3 collaborations
M P Rauch
3 collaborations
C Schomakers
3 collaborations
J Schulz
3 collaborations
M Teroerde
3 collaborations
B Wittmer
3 collaborations
A Albert
3 collaborations
D Duchardt
3 collaborations
M Erdmann
3 collaborations
S Erdweg
3 collaborations
T Esch
3 collaborations
R Fischer
3 collaborations
A Güth
3 collaborations
T Hebbeker
3 collaborations
C Heidemann
3 collaborations
K Hoepfner
3 collaborations
M Merschmeyer
3 collaborations
A Meyer
3 collaborations
P Millet
3 collaborations
S Mukherjee
3 collaborations
T Pook
3 collaborations
M Radziej
3 collaborations
H Reithler
3 collaborations
M Rieger
3 collaborations
D Teyssier
3 collaborations
S Thüer
3 collaborations
G Flügge
3 collaborations
T Kress
3 collaborations
A Künsken
3 collaborations
T Müller
3 collaborations
A Nehrkorn
3 collaborations
A Nowack
3 collaborations
C Pistone
3 collaborations
O Pooth
3 collaborations
A Stahl
3 collaborations
M Aldaya Martin
3 collaborations
T Arndt
3 collaborations
C Asawatangtrakuldee
3 collaborations
K Beernaert
3 collaborations
O Behnke
3 collaborations
U Behrens
3 collaborations
A Bermúdez Martínez
3 collaborations
A A Bin Anuar
3 collaborations
K Borras
3 collaborations
V Botta
3 collaborations
A Campbell
3 collaborations
P Connor
3 collaborations
C Contreras-Campana
3 collaborations
V Danilov
3 collaborations
A De Wit
3 collaborations
C Diez Pardos
3 collaborations
D Domínguez Damiani
3 collaborations
G Eckerlin
3 collaborations
T Eichhorn
3 collaborations
A Elwood
3 collaborations
E Eren
3 collaborations
E Gallo
3 collaborations
A Geiser
3 collaborations
A Grohsjean
3 collaborations
P Gunnellini
3 collaborations
M Guthoff
3 collaborations
A Harb
3 collaborations
J Hauk
3 collaborations
H Jung
3 collaborations
M Kasemann
3 collaborations
J Keaveney
3 collaborations
C Kleinwort
3 collaborations
J Knolle
3 collaborations
D Krücker
3 collaborations
W Lange
3 collaborations
A Lelek
3 collaborations
T Lenz
3 collaborations
K Lipka
3 collaborations
W Lohmann
3 collaborations
R Mankel
3 collaborations
I-A Melzer-Pellmann
3 collaborations
A B Meyer
3 collaborations
M Meyer
3 collaborations
M Missiroli
3 collaborations
G Mittag
3 collaborations
J Mnich
3 collaborations
D Pitzl
3 collaborations
A Raspereza
3 collaborations
M Savitskyi
3 collaborations
P Saxena
3 collaborations
R Shevchenko
3 collaborations
H Tholen
3 collaborations
G P Van Onsem
3 collaborations
R Walsh
3 collaborations
Y Wen
3 collaborations
K Wichmann
3 collaborations
C Wissing
3 collaborations
O Zenaiev
3 collaborations
R Aggleton
3 collaborations
S Bein
3 collaborations
V Blobel
3 collaborations
T Dreyer
3 collaborations
E Garutti
3 collaborations
D Gonzalez
3 collaborations
J Haller
3 collaborations
A Hinzmann
3 collaborations
A Karavdina
3 collaborations
R Klanner
3 collaborations
R Kogler
3 collaborations
N Kovalchuk
3 collaborations
S Kurz
3 collaborations
V Kutzner
3 collaborations
J Lange
3 collaborations
D Marconi
3 collaborations
J Multhaup
3 collaborations
M Niedziela
3 collaborations
D Nowatschin
3 collaborations
A Perieanu
3 collaborations
A Reimers
3 collaborations
C Scharf
3 collaborations
P Schleper
3 collaborations
A Schmidt
3 collaborations
S Schumann
3 collaborations
J Schwandt
3 collaborations
J Sonneveld
3 collaborations
H Stadie
3 collaborations
G Steinbrück
3 collaborations
F M Stober
3 collaborations
M Stöver
3 collaborations
E Usai
3 collaborations
A Vanhoefer
3 collaborations
B Vormwald
3 collaborations
M Akbiyik
3 collaborations
C Barth
3 collaborations
M Baselga
3 collaborations
S Baur
3 collaborations
E Butz
3 collaborations
R Caspart
3 collaborations
T Chwalek
3 collaborations
F Colombo
3 collaborations
W De Boer
3 collaborations
A Dierlamm
3 collaborations
N Faltermann
3 collaborations
B Freund
3 collaborations
M Giffels
3 collaborations
M A Harrendorf
3 collaborations
F Hartmann
3 collaborations
S M Heindl
3 collaborations
U Husemann
3 collaborations
F Kassel
3 collaborations
S Kudella
3 collaborations
M U Mozer
3 collaborations
Th Müller
3 collaborations
M Plagge
3 collaborations
G Quast
3 collaborations
K Rabbertz
3 collaborations
M Schröder
3 collaborations
I Shvetsov
3 collaborations
G Sieber
3 collaborations
H J Simonis
3 collaborations
R Ulrich
3 collaborations
S Wayand
3 collaborations
M Weber
3 collaborations
T Weiler
3 collaborations
S Williamson
3 collaborations
C Wöhrmann
3 collaborations
R Wolf
3 collaborations
G Anagnostou
3 collaborations
G Daskalakis
3 collaborations
T Geralis
3 collaborations
A Kyriakis
3 collaborations
D Loukas
3 collaborations
I Topsis-Giotis
3 collaborations
G Karathanasis
3 collaborations
S Kesisoglou
3 collaborations
A Panagiotou
3 collaborations
N Saoulidou
3 collaborations
E Tziaferi
3 collaborations
K Kousouris
3 collaborations
I Papakrivopoulos
3 collaborations
I Evangelou
3 collaborations
C Foudas
3 collaborations
P Gianneios
3 collaborations
P Katsoulis
3 collaborations
P Kokkas
3 collaborations
S Mallios
3 collaborations
N Manthos
3 collaborations
I Papadopoulos
3 collaborations
E Paradas
3 collaborations
J Strologas
3 collaborations
F A Triantis
3 collaborations
D Tsitsonis
3 collaborations
M Csanad
3 collaborations
N Filipovic
3 collaborations
G Pasztor
3 collaborations
O Surányi
3 collaborations
G I Veres
3 collaborations
G Bencze
3 collaborations
C Hajdu
3 collaborations
D Horvath
3 collaborations
Á Hunyadi
3 collaborations
F Sikler
3 collaborations
T Á Vámi
3 collaborations
V Veszpremi
3 collaborations
G Vesztergombi
3 collaborations
N Beni
3 collaborations
S Czellar
3 collaborations
J Karancsi
3 collaborations
A Makovec
3 collaborations
J Molnar
3 collaborations
Z Szillasi
3 collaborations
M Bartók
3 collaborations
P Raics
3 collaborations
Z L Trocsanyi
3 collaborations
B Ujvari
3 collaborations
S Choudhury
3 collaborations
J R Komaragiri
3 collaborations
S Bahinipati
3 collaborations
P Mal
3 collaborations
K Mandal
3 collaborations
A Nayak
3 collaborations
D K Sahoo
3 collaborations
S K Swain
3 collaborations
S Bansal
3 collaborations
S B Beri
3 collaborations
V Bhatnagar
3 collaborations
R Chawla
3 collaborations
N Dhingra
3 collaborations
R Gupta
3 collaborations
M Kaur
3 collaborations
S Kaur
3 collaborations
R Kumar
3 collaborations
P Kumari
3 collaborations
M Lohan
3 collaborations
A Mehta
3 collaborations
J B Singh
3 collaborations
G Walia
3 collaborations
A Bhardwaj
3 collaborations
B C Choudhary
3 collaborations
R B Garg
3 collaborations
S Keshri
3 collaborations
Ashok Kumar
3 collaborations
S Malhotra
3 collaborations
M Naimuddin
3 collaborations
K Ranjan
3 collaborations
Aashaq Shah
3 collaborations
R Sharma
3 collaborations
R Bhardwaj
3 collaborations
R Bhattacharya
3 collaborations
U Bhawandeep
3 collaborations
D Bhowmik
3 collaborations
S Dey
3 collaborations
S Dutt
3 collaborations
S Dutta
3 collaborations
K Mondal
3 collaborations
S Nandan
3 collaborations
A Purohit
3 collaborations
P K Rout
3 collaborations
A Roy
3 collaborations
S Roy Chowdhury
3 collaborations
S Sarkar
3 collaborations
M Sharan
3 collaborations
B Singh
3 collaborations
S Thakur
3 collaborations
P K Behera
3 collaborations
R Chudasama
3 collaborations
D Dutta
3 collaborations
V Jha
3 collaborations
V Kumar
3 collaborations
P K Netrakanti
3 collaborations
L M Pant
3 collaborations
P Shukla
3 collaborations
T Aziz
3 collaborations
S Dugad
3 collaborations
B Mahakud
3 collaborations
S Mitra
3 collaborations
G B Mohanty
3 collaborations
N Sur
3 collaborations
B Sutar
3 collaborations
S Chatterjee
3 collaborations
P Das
3 collaborations
M Guchait
3 collaborations
Sa Jain
3 collaborations
S Kumar
3 collaborations
M Maity
3 collaborations
G Majumder
3 collaborations
K Mazumdar
3 collaborations
N Sahoo
3 collaborations
T Sarkar
3 collaborations
S Dube
3 collaborations
V Hegde
3 collaborations
A Kapoor
3 collaborations
K Kothekar
3 collaborations
S Pandey
3 collaborations
A Rane
3 collaborations
S Chenarani
3 collaborations
E Eskandari Tadavani
3 collaborations
S M Etesami
3 collaborations
M Khakzad
3 collaborations
M Mohammadi Najafabadi
3 collaborations
M Naseri
3 collaborations
F Rezaei Hosseinabadi
3 collaborations
B Safarzadeh
3 collaborations
M Zeinali
3 collaborations
M Felcini
3 collaborations
M Grunewald
3 collaborations
M Abbrescia
3 collaborations
C Calabria
3 collaborations
A Colaleo
3 collaborations
D Creanza
3 collaborations
L Cristella
3 collaborations
N De Filippis
3 collaborations
M De Palma
3 collaborations
A Di Florio
3 collaborations
F Errico
3 collaborations
L Fiore
3 collaborations
A Gelmi
3 collaborations
G Iaselli
3 collaborations
S Lezki
3 collaborations
G Maggi
3 collaborations
M Maggi
3 collaborations
G Miniello
3 collaborations
S My
3 collaborations
S Nuzzo
3 collaborations
A Pompili
3 collaborations
G Pugliese
3 collaborations
R Radogna
3 collaborations
A Ranieri
3 collaborations
G Selvaggi
3 collaborations
L Silvestris
3 collaborations
R Venditti
3 collaborations
P Verwilligen
3 collaborations
G Zito
3 collaborations
G Abbiendi
3 collaborations
C Battilana
3 collaborations
D Bonacorsi
3 collaborations
L Borgonovi
3 collaborations
S Braibant-Giacomelli
3 collaborations
R Campanini
3 collaborations
P Capiluppi
3 collaborations
A Castro
3 collaborations
F R Cavallo
3 collaborations
S S Chhibra
3 collaborations
G Codispoti
3 collaborations
M Cuffiani
3 collaborations
G M Dallavalle
3 collaborations
A Fanfani
3 collaborations
P Giacomelli
3 collaborations
C Grandi
3 collaborations
L Guiducci
3 collaborations
S Marcellini
3 collaborations
G Masetti
3 collaborations
A Montanari
3 collaborations
F L Navarria
3 collaborations
A Perrotta
3 collaborations
T Rovelli
3 collaborations
G P Siroli
3 collaborations
N Tosi
3 collaborations
S Albergo
3 collaborations
A Di Mattia
3 collaborations
R Potenza
3 collaborations
A Tricomi
3 collaborations
C Tuve
3 collaborations
G Barbagli
3 collaborations
K Chatterjee
3 collaborations
V Ciulli
3 collaborations
C Civinini
3 collaborations
R D'Alessandro
3 collaborations
E Focardi
3 collaborations
G Latino
3 collaborations
P Lenzi
3 collaborations
M Meschini
3 collaborations
S Paoletti
3 collaborations
L Russo
3 collaborations
G Sguazzoni
3 collaborations
D Strom
3 collaborations
L Viliani
3 collaborations
L Benussi
3 collaborations
S Bianco
3 collaborations
D Piccolo
3 collaborations
F Primavera
3 collaborations
F Ferro
3 collaborations
F Ravera
3 collaborations
E Robutti
3 collaborations
S Tosi
3 collaborations
A Benaglia
3 collaborations
A Beschi
3 collaborations
F Brivio
3 collaborations
V Ciriolo
3 collaborations
M E Dinardo
3 collaborations
S Fiorendi
3 collaborations
S Gennai
3 collaborations
A Ghezzi
3 collaborations
P Govoni
3 collaborations
M Malberti
3 collaborations
S Malvezzi
3 collaborations
R A Manzoni
3 collaborations
D Menasce
3 collaborations
L Moroni
3 collaborations
M Paganoni
3 collaborations
D Pedrini
3 collaborations
S Pigazzini
3 collaborations
S Ragazzi
3 collaborations
T Tabarelli de Fatis
3 collaborations
S Buontempo
3 collaborations
N Cavallo
3 collaborations
S Di Guida
3 collaborations
F Fabozzi
3 collaborations
F Fienga
3 collaborations
G Galati
3 collaborations
A O M Iorio
3 collaborations
W A Khan
3 collaborations
L Lista
3 collaborations
S Meola
3 collaborations
P Paolucci
3 collaborations
C Sciacca
3 collaborations
E Voevodina
3 collaborations
P Azzi
3 collaborations
N Bacchetta
3 collaborations
L Benato
3 collaborations
D Bisello
3 collaborations
A Boletti
3 collaborations
R Carlin
3 collaborations
A Carvalho Antunes De Oliveira
3 collaborations
P Checchia
3 collaborations
P De Castro Manzano
3 collaborations
T Dorigo
3 collaborations
U Dosselli
3 collaborations
U Gasparini
3 collaborations
S Lacaprara
3 collaborations
P Lujan
3 collaborations
M Margoni
3 collaborations
A T Meneguzzo
3 collaborations
N Pozzobon
3 collaborations
P Ronchese
3 collaborations
R Rossin
3 collaborations
F Simonetto
3 collaborations
A Tiko
3 collaborations
M Zanetti
3 collaborations
A Braghieri
3 collaborations
A Magnani
3 collaborations
P Montagna
3 collaborations
S P Ratti
3 collaborations
V Re
3 collaborations
M Ressegotti
3 collaborations
C Riccardi
3 collaborations
P Salvini
3 collaborations
I Vai
3 collaborations
P Vitulo
3 collaborations
M Biasini
3 collaborations
G M Bilei
3 collaborations
C Cecchi
3 collaborations
D Ciangottini
3 collaborations
L Fanò
3 collaborations
P Lariccia
3 collaborations
E Manoni
3 collaborations
G Mantovani
3 collaborations
V Mariani
3 collaborations
M Menichelli
3 collaborations
A Rossi
3 collaborations
A Santocchia
3 collaborations
D Spiga
3 collaborations
K Androsov
3 collaborations
P Azzurri
3 collaborations
G Bagliesi
3 collaborations
L Bianchini
3 collaborations
T Boccali
3 collaborations
L Borrello
3 collaborations
R Castaldi
3 collaborations
M A Ciocci
3 collaborations
R Dell'Orso
3 collaborations
G Fedi
3 collaborations
L Giannini
3 collaborations
A Giassi
3 collaborations
M T Grippo
3 collaborations
F Ligabue
3 collaborations
E Manca
3 collaborations
G Mandorli
3 collaborations
A Messineo
3 collaborations
F Palla
3 collaborations
A Rizzi
3 collaborations
P Spagnolo
3 collaborations
R Tenchini
3 collaborations
G Tonelli
3 collaborations
A Venturi
3 collaborations
P G Verdini
3 collaborations
L Barone
3 collaborations
F Cavallari
3 collaborations
M Cipriani
3 collaborations
N Daci
3 collaborations
D Del Re
3 collaborations
E Di Marco
3 collaborations
M Diemoz
3 collaborations
S Gelli
3 collaborations
E Longo
3 collaborations
B Marzocchi
3 collaborations
P Meridiani
3 collaborations
G Organtini
3 collaborations
F Pandolfi
3 collaborations
R Paramatti
3 collaborations
F Preiato
3 collaborations
S Rahatlou
3 collaborations
C Rovelli
3 collaborations
F Santanastasio
3 collaborations
N Amapane
3 collaborations
R Arcidiacono
3 collaborations
S Argiro
3 collaborations
M Arneodo
3 collaborations
N Bartosik
3 collaborations
R Bellan
3 collaborations
C Biino
3 collaborations
N Cartiglia
3 collaborations
F Cenna
3 collaborations
M Costa
3 collaborations
R Covarelli
3 collaborations
N Demaria
3 collaborations
B Kiani
3 collaborations
C Mariotti
3 collaborations
S Maselli
3 collaborations
E Migliore
3 collaborations
V Monaco
3 collaborations
E Monteil
3 collaborations
M Monteno
3 collaborations
M M Obertino
3 collaborations
L Pacher
3 collaborations
N Pastrone
3 collaborations
M Pelliccioni
3 collaborations
G L Pinna Angioni
3 collaborations
A Romero
3 collaborations
M Ruspa
3 collaborations
R Sacchi
3 collaborations
K Shchelina
3 collaborations
V Sola
3 collaborations
A Solano
3 collaborations
A Staiano
3 collaborations
S Belforte
3 collaborations
M Casarsa
3 collaborations
F Cossutti
3 collaborations
G Della Ricca
3 collaborations
A Zanetti
3 collaborations
D H Kim
3 collaborations
G N Kim
3 collaborations
M S Kim
3 collaborations
C S Moon
3 collaborations
Y D Oh
3 collaborations
S Sekmen
3 collaborations
D C Son
3 collaborations
Y C Yang
3 collaborations
D H Moon
3 collaborations
G Oh
3 collaborations
J A Brochero Cifuentes
3 collaborations
J Goh
3 collaborations
T J Kim
3 collaborations
S Cho
3 collaborations
S Choi
3 collaborations
Y Go
3 collaborations
D Gyun
3 collaborations
S Ha
3 collaborations
B Hong
3 collaborations
Y Jo
3 collaborations
K S Lee
3 collaborations
J Lim
3 collaborations
S K Park
3 collaborations
Y Roh
3 collaborations
J Almond
3 collaborations
J Kim
3 collaborations
J S Kim
3 collaborations
H Lee
3 collaborations
K Nam
3 collaborations
S B Oh
3 collaborations
B C Radburn-Smith
3 collaborations
S H Seo
3 collaborations
U K Yang
3 collaborations
H D Yoo
3 collaborations
G B Yu
3 collaborations
J H Kim
3 collaborations
J S H Lee
3 collaborations
I C Park
3 collaborations
Y Choi
3 collaborations
C Hwang
3 collaborations
I Yu
3 collaborations
V Dudenas
3 collaborations
A Juodagalvis
3 collaborations
J Vaitkus
3 collaborations
I Ahmed
3 collaborations
Z A Ibrahim
3 collaborations
M A B Md Ali
3 collaborations
F Mohamad Idris
3 collaborations
W A T Wan Abdullah
3 collaborations
M N Yusli
3 collaborations
Z Zolkapli
3 collaborations
H Castilla-Valdez
3 collaborations
E De La Cruz-Burelo
3 collaborations
M C Duran-Osuna
3 collaborations
I Heredia-De La Cruz
3 collaborations
R Lopez-Fernandez
3 collaborations
J Mejia Guisao
3 collaborations
R I Rabadan-Trejo
3 collaborations
G Ramirez-Sanchez
3 collaborations
R Reyes-Almanza
3 collaborations
A Sanchez-Hernandez
3 collaborations
S Carrillo Moreno
3 collaborations
C Oropeza Barrera
3 collaborations
F Vazquez Valencia
3 collaborations
J Eysermans
3 collaborations
I Pedraza
3 collaborations
H A Salazar Ibarguen
3 collaborations
C Uribe Estrada
3 collaborations
A Morelos Pineda
3 collaborations
D Krofcheck
3 collaborations
S Bheesette
3 collaborations
P H Butler
3 collaborations
A Ahmad
3 collaborations
Q Hassan
3 collaborations
H R Hoorani
3 collaborations
A Saddique
3 collaborations
M A Shah
3 collaborations
M Shoaib
3 collaborations
M Waqas
3 collaborations
H Bialkowska
3 collaborations
M Bluj
3 collaborations
B Boimska
3 collaborations
T Frueboes
3 collaborations
M Górski
3 collaborations
M Kazana
3 collaborations
M Szleper
3 collaborations
P Traczyk
3 collaborations
P Zalewski
3 collaborations
K Bunkowski
3 collaborations
A Byszuk
3 collaborations
K Doroba
3 collaborations
A Kalinowski
3 collaborations
M Konecki
3 collaborations
J Krolikowski
3 collaborations
M Misiura
3 collaborations
M Olszewski
3 collaborations
A Pyskir
3 collaborations
M Walczak
3 collaborations
P Bargassa
3 collaborations
C Beirão Da Cruz E Silva
3 collaborations
A Di Francesco
3 collaborations
P Faccioli
3 collaborations
B Galinhas
3 collaborations
M Gallinaro
3 collaborations
J Hollar
3 collaborations
N Leonardo
3 collaborations
M V Nemallapudi
3 collaborations
J Seixas
3 collaborations
G Strong
3 collaborations
O Toldaiev
3 collaborations
D Vadruccio
3 collaborations
J Varela
3 collaborations
I Golutvin
3 collaborations
I Gorbunov
3 collaborations
A Kamenev
3 collaborations
A Lanev
3 collaborations
A Malakhov
3 collaborations
V Matveev
3 collaborations
P Moisenz
3 collaborations
V Palichik
3 collaborations
V Perelygin
3 collaborations
S Shmatov
3 collaborations
S Shulha
3 collaborations
N Skatchkov
3 collaborations
V Smirnov
3 collaborations
A Zarubin
3 collaborations
Y Ivanov
3 collaborations
V Kim
3 collaborations
E Kuznetsova
3 collaborations
P Levchenko
3 collaborations
V Murzin
3 collaborations
V Oreshkin
3 collaborations
I Smirnov
3 collaborations
D Sosnov
3 collaborations
V Sulimov
3 collaborations
L Uvarov
3 collaborations
S Vavilov
3 collaborations
A Vorobyev
3 collaborations
Yu Andreev
3 collaborations
A Dermenev
3 collaborations
S Gninenko
3 collaborations
N Golubev
3 collaborations
A Karneyeu
3 collaborations
M Kirsanov
3 collaborations
N Krasnikov
3 collaborations
A Pashenkov
3 collaborations
D Tlisov
3 collaborations
A Toropin
3 collaborations
V Epshteyn
3 collaborations
V Gavrilov
3 collaborations
N Lychkovskaya
3 collaborations
V Popov
3 collaborations
I Pozdnyakov
3 collaborations
G Safronov
3 collaborations
A Spiridonov
3 collaborations
A Stepennov
3 collaborations
V Stolin
3 collaborations
M Toms
3 collaborations
E Vlasov
3 collaborations
A Zhokin
3 collaborations
T Aushev
3 collaborations
A Bylinkin
3 collaborations
V Andreev
3 collaborations
M Azarkin
3 collaborations
I Dremin
3 collaborations
M Kirakosyan
3 collaborations
S V Rusakov
3 collaborations
A Terkulov
3 collaborations
A Baskakov
3 collaborations
E Boos
3 collaborations
A Ershov
3 collaborations
A Gribushin
3 collaborations
V Klyukhin
3 collaborations
O Kodolova
3 collaborations
I Lokhtin
3 collaborations
I Miagkov
3 collaborations
S Obraztsov
3 collaborations
S Petrushanko
3 collaborations
V Savrin
3 collaborations
V Blinov
3 collaborations
Y Skovpen
3 collaborations
I Azhgirey
3 collaborations
I Bayshev
3 collaborations
S Bitioukov
3 collaborations
D Elumakhov
3 collaborations
A Godizov
3 collaborations
V Kachanov
3 collaborations
A Kalinin
3 collaborations
D Konstantinov
3 collaborations
P Mandrik
3 collaborations
V Petrov
3 collaborations
R Ryutin
3 collaborations
A Sobol
3 collaborations
S Troshin
3 collaborations
N Tyurin
3 collaborations
A Uzunian
3 collaborations
A Volkov
3 collaborations
A Babaev
3 collaborations
P Adzic
3 collaborations
P Cirkovic
3 collaborations
D Devetak
3 collaborations
M Dordevic
3 collaborations
J Milosevic
3 collaborations
J Alcaraz Maestre
3 collaborations
A Álvarez Fernández
3 collaborations
I Bachiller
3 collaborations
M Barrio Luna
3 collaborations
M Cerrada
3 collaborations
N Colino
3 collaborations
B De La Cruz
3 collaborations
A Delgado Peris
3 collaborations
C Fernandez Bedoya
3 collaborations
J P Fernández Ramos
3 collaborations
J Flix
3 collaborations
M C Fouz
3 collaborations
O Gonzalez Lopez
3 collaborations
S Goy Lopez
3 collaborations
J M Hernandez
3 collaborations
M I Josa
3 collaborations
D Moran
3 collaborations
A Pérez-Calero Yzquierdo
3 collaborations
J Puerta Pelayo
3 collaborations
I Redondo
3 collaborations
L Romero
3 collaborations
M S Soares
3 collaborations
A Triossi
3 collaborations
C Albajar
3 collaborations
J F de Trocóniz
3 collaborations
J Cuevas
3 collaborations
C Erice
3 collaborations
J Fernandez Menendez
3 collaborations
S Folgueras
3 collaborations
I Gonzalez Caballero
3 collaborations
J R González Fernández
3 collaborations
E Palencia Cortezon
3 collaborations
S Sanchez Cruz
3 collaborations
P Vischia
3 collaborations
J M Vizan Garcia
3 collaborations
I J Cabrillo
3 collaborations
A Calderon
3 collaborations
B Chazin Quero
3 collaborations
J Duarte Campderros
3 collaborations
M Fernandez
3 collaborations
P J Fernández Manteca
3 collaborations
A García Alonso
3 collaborations
J Garcia-Ferrero
3 collaborations
G Gomez
3 collaborations
A Lopez Virto
3 collaborations
J Marco
3 collaborations
C Martinez Rivero
3 collaborations
P Martinez Ruiz Del Arbol
3 collaborations
F Matorras
3 collaborations
J Piedra Gomez
3 collaborations
C Prieels
3 collaborations
T Rodrigo
3 collaborations
A Ruiz-Jimeno
3 collaborations
L Scodellaro
3 collaborations
N Trevisani
3 collaborations
I Vila
3 collaborations
R Vilar Cortabitarte
3 collaborations
D Abbaneo
3 collaborations
B Akgun
3 collaborations
E Auffray
3 collaborations
P Baillon
3 collaborations
A H Ball
3 collaborations
D Barney
3 collaborations
J Bendavid
3 collaborations
M Bianco
3 collaborations
A Bocci
3 collaborations
C Botta
3 collaborations
T Camporesi
3 collaborations
M Cepeda
3 collaborations
G Cerminara
3 collaborations
E Chapon
3 collaborations
D d'Enterria
3 collaborations
A Dabrowski
3 collaborations
V Daponte
3 collaborations
A David
3 collaborations
A De Roeck
3 collaborations
N Deelen
3 collaborations
M Dobson
3 collaborations
M Dünser
3 collaborations
N Dupont
3 collaborations
A Elliott-Peisert
3 collaborations
P Everaerts
3 collaborations
F Fallavollita
3 collaborations
G Franzoni
3 collaborations
J Fulcher
3 collaborations
W Funk
3 collaborations
D Gigi
3 collaborations
A Gilbert
3 collaborations
K Gill
3 collaborations
F Glege
3 collaborations
D Gulhan
3 collaborations
J Hegeman
3 collaborations
V Innocente
3 collaborations
A Jafari
3 collaborations
P Janot
3 collaborations
O Karacheban
3 collaborations
J Kieseler
3 collaborations
A Kornmayer
3 collaborations
M Krammer
3 collaborations
C Lange
3 collaborations
P Lecoq
3 collaborations
C Lourenço
3 collaborations
M T Lucchini
3 collaborations
L Malgeri
3 collaborations
M Mannelli
3 collaborations
A Martelli
3 collaborations
F Meijers
3 collaborations
J A Merlin
3 collaborations
S Mersi
3 collaborations
E Meschi
3 collaborations
P Milenovic
3 collaborations
F Moortgat
3 collaborations
M Mulders
3 collaborations
J Ngadiuba
3 collaborations
S Orfanelli
3 collaborations
L Orsini
3 collaborations
F Pantaleo
3 collaborations
L Pape
3 collaborations
E Perez
3 collaborations
M Peruzzi
3 collaborations
A Petrilli
3 collaborations
G Petrucciani
3 collaborations
A Pfeiffer
3 collaborations
M Pierini
3 collaborations
F M Pitters
3 collaborations
D Rabady
3 collaborations
A Racz
3 collaborations
T Reis
3 collaborations
G Rolandi
3 collaborations
M Rovere
3 collaborations
H Sakulin
3 collaborations
C Schäfer
3 collaborations
C Schwick
3 collaborations
M Seidel
3 collaborations
M Selvaggi
3 collaborations
P Silva
3 collaborations
P Sphicas
3 collaborations
A Stakia
3 collaborations
J Steggemann
3 collaborations
M Stoye
3 collaborations
M Tosi
3 collaborations
D Treille
3 collaborations
A Tsirou
3 collaborations
V Veckalns
3 collaborations
M Verweij
3 collaborations
W D Zeuner
3 collaborations
L Caminada
3 collaborations
K Deiters
3 collaborations
W Erdmann
3 collaborations
R Horisberger
3 collaborations
Q Ingram
3 collaborations
H C Kaestli
3 collaborations
D Kotlinski
3 collaborations
U Langenegger
3 collaborations
T Rohe
3 collaborations
S A Wiederkehr
3 collaborations
M Backhaus
3 collaborations
L Bäni
3 collaborations
P Berger
3 collaborations
N Chernyavskaya
3 collaborations
G Dissertori
3 collaborations
M Dittmar
3 collaborations
M Donegà
3 collaborations
C Dorfer
3 collaborations
C Grab
3 collaborations
C Heidegger
3 collaborations
D Hits
3 collaborations
T Klijnsma
3 collaborations
W Lustermann
3 collaborations
M Marionneau
3 collaborations
M T Meinhard
3 collaborations
F Micheli
3 collaborations
P Musella
3 collaborations
F Nessi-Tedaldi
3 collaborations
J Pata
3 collaborations
F Pauss
3 collaborations
G Perrin
3 collaborations
L Perrozzi
3 collaborations
M Quittnat
3 collaborations
D Ruini
3 collaborations
D A Sanz Becerra
3 collaborations
M Schönenberger
3 collaborations
L Shchutska
3 collaborations
V R Tavolaro
3 collaborations
K Theofilatos
3 collaborations
M L Vesterbacka Olsson
3 collaborations
R Wallny
3 collaborations
D H Zhu
3 collaborations
T K Aarrestad
3 collaborations
C Amsler
3 collaborations
D Brzhechko
3 collaborations
M F Canelli
3 collaborations
A De Cosa
3 collaborations
R Del Burgo
3 collaborations
S Donato
3 collaborations
C Galloni
3 collaborations
T Hreus
3 collaborations
B Kilminster
3 collaborations
I Neutelings
3 collaborations
D Pinna
3 collaborations
G Rauco
3 collaborations
P Robmann
3 collaborations
D Salerno
3 collaborations
K Schweiger
3 collaborations
C Seitz
3 collaborations
Y Takahashi
3 collaborations
A Zucchetta
3 collaborations
V Candelise
3 collaborations
Y H Chang
3 collaborations
K Y Cheng
3 collaborations
T H Doan
3 collaborations
Sh Jain
3 collaborations
R Khurana
3 collaborations
C M Kuo
3 collaborations
W Lin
3 collaborations
A Pozdnyakov
3 collaborations
S S Yu
3 collaborations
Y Chao
3 collaborations
K F Chen
3 collaborations
P H Chen
3 collaborations
W-S Hou
3 collaborations
Arun Kumar
3 collaborations
R-S Lu
3 collaborations
E Paganis
3 collaborations
A Psallidas
3 collaborations
A Steen
3 collaborations
B Asavapibhop
3 collaborations
G Singh
3 collaborations
N Srimanobhas
3 collaborations
A Bat
3 collaborations
F Boran
3 collaborations
S Cerci
3 collaborations
S Damarseckin
3 collaborations
Z S Demiroglu
3 collaborations
C Dozen
3 collaborations
I Dumanoglu
3 collaborations
S Girgis
3 collaborations
G Gokbulut
3 collaborations
Y Guler
3 collaborations
I Hos
3 collaborations
E E Kangal
3 collaborations
O Kara
3 collaborations
U Kiminsu
3 collaborations
M Oglakci
3 collaborations
G Onengut
3 collaborations
K Ozdemir
3 collaborations
D Sunar Cerci
3 collaborations
B Tali
3 collaborations
U G Tok
3 collaborations
S Turkcapar
3 collaborations
I S Zorbakir
3 collaborations
C Zorbilmez
3 collaborations
G Karapinar
3 collaborations
M Yalvac
3 collaborations
M Zeyrek
3 collaborations
I O Atakisi
3 collaborations
E Gülmez
3 collaborations
M Kaya
3 collaborations
O Kaya
3 collaborations
S Tekten
3 collaborations
E A Yetkin
3 collaborations
M N Agaras
3 collaborations
A Cakir
3 collaborations
K Cankocak
3 collaborations
Y Komurcu
3 collaborations
B Grynyov
3 collaborations
L Levchuk
3 collaborations
F Ball
3 collaborations
L Beck
3 collaborations
J J Brooke
3 collaborations
E Clement
3 collaborations
D Cussans
3 collaborations
O Davignon
3 collaborations
H Flacher
3 collaborations
J Goldstein
3 collaborations
G P Heath
3 collaborations
H F Heath
3 collaborations
L Kreczko
3 collaborations
D M Newbold
3 collaborations
S Paramesvaran
3 collaborations
T Sakuma
3 collaborations
D Smith
3 collaborations
V J Smith
3 collaborations
K W Bell
3 collaborations
C Brew
3 collaborations
R M Brown
3 collaborations
D Cieri
3 collaborations
D J A Cockerill
3 collaborations
J A Coughlan
3 collaborations
K Harder
3 collaborations
S Harper
3 collaborations
J Linacre
3 collaborations
E Olaiya
3 collaborations
D Petyt
3 collaborations
C H Shepherd-Themistocleous
3 collaborations
A Thea
3 collaborations
I R Tomalin
3 collaborations
T Williams
3 collaborations
W J Womersley
3 collaborations
G Auzinger
3 collaborations
R Bainbridge
3 collaborations
P Bloch
3 collaborations
J Borg
3 collaborations
S Breeze
3 collaborations
O Buchmuller
3 collaborations
A Bundock
3 collaborations
D Colling
3 collaborations
P Dauncey
3 collaborations
G Davies
3 collaborations
M Della Negra
3 collaborations
R Di Maria
3 collaborations
Y Haddad
3 collaborations
G Hall
3 collaborations
G Iles
3 collaborations
T James
3 collaborations
M Komm
3 collaborations
C Laner
3 collaborations
L Lyons
3 collaborations
A-M Magnan
3 collaborations
L Mastrolorenzo
3 collaborations
J Nash
3 collaborations
A Nikitenko
3 collaborations
V Palladino
3 collaborations
M Pesaresi
3 collaborations
A Richards
3 collaborations
A Rose
3 collaborations
E Scott
3 collaborations
C Seez
3 collaborations
A Shtipliyski
3 collaborations
T Strebler
3 collaborations
S Summers
3 collaborations
A Tapper
3 collaborations
K Uchida
3 collaborations
T Virdee
3 collaborations
N Wardle
3 collaborations
D Winterbottom
3 collaborations
J Wright
3 collaborations
S C Zenz
3 collaborations
J E Cole
3 collaborations
P R Hobson
3 collaborations
A Khan
3 collaborations
P Kyberd
3 collaborations
A Morton
3 collaborations
I D Reid
3 collaborations
L Teodorescu
3 collaborations
S Zahid
3 collaborations
K Call
3 collaborations
J Dittmann
3 collaborations
K Hatakeyama
3 collaborations
H Liu
3 collaborations
N Pastika
3 collaborations
C Smith
3 collaborations
R Bartek
3 collaborations
A Dominguez
3 collaborations
A Buccilli
3 collaborations
S I Cooper
3 collaborations
C Henderson
3 collaborations
P Rumerio
3 collaborations
C West
3 collaborations
D Arcaro
3 collaborations
T Bose
3 collaborations
D Gastler
3 collaborations
D Rankin
3 collaborations
C Richardson
3 collaborations
J Rohlf
3 collaborations
L Sulak
3 collaborations
D Zou
3 collaborations
G Benelli
3 collaborations
D Cutts
3 collaborations
M Hadley
3 collaborations
J Hakala
3 collaborations
U Heintz
3 collaborations
J M Hogan
3 collaborations
K H M Kwok
3 collaborations
E Laird
3 collaborations
G Landsberg
3 collaborations
Z Mao
3 collaborations
M Narain
3 collaborations
J Pazzini
3 collaborations
S Piperov
3 collaborations
S Sagir
3 collaborations
R Syarif
3 collaborations
D Yu
3 collaborations
R Band
3 collaborations
C Brainerd
3 collaborations
R Breedon
3 collaborations
M Calderon De La Barca Sanchez
3 collaborations
M Chertok
3 collaborations
J Conway
3 collaborations
R Conway
3 collaborations
P T Cox
3 collaborations
R Erbacher
3 collaborations
C Flores
3 collaborations
G Funk
3 collaborations
W Ko
3 collaborations
R Lander
3 collaborations
C Mclean
3 collaborations
M Mulhearn
3 collaborations
D Pellett
3 collaborations
J Pilot
3 collaborations
S Shalhout
3 collaborations
M Shi
3 collaborations
D Stolp
3 collaborations
D Taylor
3 collaborations
K Tos
3 collaborations
M Tripathi
3 collaborations
F Zhang
3 collaborations
M Bachtis
3 collaborations
C Bravo
3 collaborations
R Cousins
3 collaborations
A Dasgupta
3 collaborations
A Florent
3 collaborations
J Hauser
3 collaborations
M Ignatenko
3 collaborations
N Mccoll
3 collaborations
S Regnard
3 collaborations
D Saltzberg
3 collaborations
C Schnaible
3 collaborations
V Valuev
3 collaborations
E Bouvier
3 collaborations
K Burt
3 collaborations
R Clare
3 collaborations
J W Gary
3 collaborations
S M A Ghiasi Shirazi
3 collaborations
G Hanson
3 collaborations
G Karapostoli
3 collaborations
E Kennedy
3 collaborations
F Lacroix
3 collaborations
O R Long
3 collaborations
M Olmedo Negrete
3 collaborations
M I Paneva
3 collaborations
W Si
3 collaborations
L Wang
3 collaborations
H Wei
3 collaborations
S Wimpenny
3 collaborations
B R Yates
3 collaborations
J G Branson
3 collaborations
S Cittolin
3 collaborations
M Derdzinski
3 collaborations
R Gerosa
3 collaborations
D Gilbert
3 collaborations
B Hashemi
3 collaborations
A Holzner
3 collaborations
D Klein
3 collaborations
G Kole
3 collaborations
V Krutelyov
3 collaborations
J Letts
3 collaborations
M Masciovecchio
3 collaborations
D Olivito
3 collaborations
S Padhi
3 collaborations
M Pieri
3 collaborations
M Sani
3 collaborations
S Simon
3 collaborations
M Tadel
3 collaborations
A Vartak
3 collaborations
S Wasserbaech
3 collaborations
J Wood
3 collaborations
F Würthwein
3 collaborations
A Yagil
3 collaborations
G Zevi Della Porta
3 collaborations
N Amin
3 collaborations
R Bhandari
3 collaborations
J Bradmiller-Feld
3 collaborations
C Campagnari
3 collaborations
M Citron
3 collaborations
A Dishaw
3 collaborations
V Dutta
3 collaborations
M Franco Sevilla
3 collaborations
L Gouskos
3 collaborations
R Heller
3 collaborations
J Incandela
3 collaborations
A Ovcharova
3 collaborations
H Qu
3 collaborations
J Richman
3 collaborations
D Stuart
3 collaborations
I Suarez
3 collaborations
J Yoo
3 collaborations
D Anderson
3 collaborations
A Bornheim
3 collaborations
J M Lawhorn
3 collaborations
H B Newman
3 collaborations
T Q Nguyen
3 collaborations
C Pena
3 collaborations
M Spiropulu
3 collaborations
J R Vlimant
3 collaborations
R Wilkinson
3 collaborations
S Xie
3 collaborations
Z Zhang
3 collaborations
R Y Zhu
3 collaborations
M B Andrews
3 collaborations
T Ferguson
3 collaborations
T Mudholkar
3 collaborations
M Paulini
3 collaborations
M Sun
3 collaborations
I Vorobiev
3 collaborations
M Weinberg
3 collaborations
J P Cumalat
3 collaborations
W T Ford
3 collaborations
F Jensen
3 collaborations
A Johnson
3 collaborations
M Krohn
3 collaborations
S Leontsinis
3 collaborations
E MacDonald
3 collaborations
T Mulholland
3 collaborations
K Stenson
3 collaborations
K A Ulmer
3 collaborations
S R Wagner
3 collaborations
J Alexander
3 collaborations
J Chaves
3 collaborations
Y Cheng
3 collaborations
J Chu
3 collaborations
A Datta
3 collaborations
K Mcdermott
3 collaborations
N Mirman
3 collaborations
J R Patterson
3 collaborations
D Quach
3 collaborations
A Rinkevicius
3 collaborations
A Ryd
3 collaborations
L Skinnari
3 collaborations
L Soffi
3 collaborations
S M Tan
3 collaborations
Z Tao
3 collaborations
J Thom
3 collaborations
J Tucker
3 collaborations
P Wittich
3 collaborations
M Zientek
3 collaborations
S Abdullin
3 collaborations
M Albrow
3 collaborations
M Alyari
3 collaborations
G Apollinari
3 collaborations
A Apresyan
3 collaborations
A Apyan
3 collaborations
L A T Bauerdick
3 collaborations
A Beretvas
3 collaborations
J Berryhill
3 collaborations
P C Bhat
3 collaborations
K Burkett
3 collaborations
J N Butler
3 collaborations
A Canepa
3 collaborations
G B Cerati
3 collaborations
H W K Cheung
3 collaborations
F Chlebana
3 collaborations
M Cremonesi
3 collaborations
J Duarte
3 collaborations
V D Elvira
3 collaborations
J Freeman
3 collaborations
Z Gecse
3 collaborations
E Gottschalk
3 collaborations
L Gray
3 collaborations
D Green
3 collaborations
S Grünendahl
3 collaborations
O Gutsche
3 collaborations
J Hanlon
3 collaborations
R M Harris
3 collaborations
S Hasegawa
3 collaborations
J Hirschauer
3 collaborations
Z Hu
3 collaborations
B Jayatilaka
3 collaborations
S Jindariani
3 collaborations
M Johnson
3 collaborations
U Joshi
3 collaborations
B Klima
3 collaborations
M J Kortelainen
3 collaborations
B Kreis
3 collaborations
S Lammel
3 collaborations
D Lincoln
3 collaborations
R Lipton
3 collaborations
M Liu
3 collaborations
T Liu
3 collaborations
J Lykken
3 collaborations
K Maeshima
3 collaborations
J M Marraffino
3 collaborations
D Mason
3 collaborations
P McBride
3 collaborations
P Merkel
3 collaborations
S Mrenna
3 collaborations
S Nahn
3 collaborations
V O'Dell
3 collaborations
K Pedro
3 collaborations
O Prokofyev
3 collaborations
G Rakness
3 collaborations
L Ristori
3 collaborations
A Savoy-Navarro
3 collaborations
B Schneider
3 collaborations
E Sexton-Kennedy
3 collaborations
A Soha
3 collaborations
W J Spalding
3 collaborations
L Spiegel
3 collaborations
S Stoynev
3 collaborations
J Strait
3 collaborations
N Strobbe
3 collaborations
L Taylor
3 collaborations
S Tkaczyk
3 collaborations
N V Tran
3 collaborations
L Uplegger
3 collaborations
E W Vaandering
3 collaborations
C Vernieri
3 collaborations
M Verzocchi
3 collaborations
R Vidal
3 collaborations
M Wang
3 collaborations
H A Weber
3 collaborations
A Whitbeck
3 collaborations
D Acosta
3 collaborations
P Avery
3 collaborations
P Bortignon
3 collaborations
D Bourilkov
3 collaborations
A Brinkerhoff
3 collaborations
A Carnes
3 collaborations
M Carver
3 collaborations
D Curry
3 collaborations
R D Field
3 collaborations
S V Gleyzer
3 collaborations
B M Joshi
3 collaborations
J Konigsberg
3 collaborations
A Korytov
3 collaborations
P Ma
3 collaborations
K Matchev
3 collaborations
H Mei
3 collaborations
G Mitselmakher
3 collaborations
K Shi
3 collaborations
D Sperka
3 collaborations
L Thomas
3 collaborations
Y R Joshi
3 collaborations
S Linn
3 collaborations
A Ackert
3 collaborations
T Adams
3 collaborations
A Askew
3 collaborations
S Hagopian
3 collaborations
V Hagopian
3 collaborations
K F Johnson
3 collaborations
T Kolberg
3 collaborations
G Martinez
3 collaborations
T Perry
3 collaborations
H Prosper
3 collaborations
A Saha
3 collaborations
R Yohay
3 collaborations
M M Baarmand
3 collaborations
V Bhopatkar
3 collaborations
S Colafranceschi
3 collaborations
M Hohlmann
3 collaborations
D Noonan
3 collaborations
T Roy
3 collaborations
F Yumiceva
3 collaborations
M R Adams
3 collaborations
L Apanasevich
3 collaborations
D Berry
3 collaborations
R R Betts
3 collaborations
R Cavanaugh
3 collaborations
X Chen
3 collaborations
S Dittmer
3 collaborations
O Evdokimov
3 collaborations
C E Gerber
3 collaborations
D A Hangal
3 collaborations
D J Hofman
3 collaborations
K Jung
3 collaborations
J Kamin
3 collaborations
I D Sandoval Gonzalez
3 collaborations
M B Tonjes
3 collaborations
N Varelas
3 collaborations
H Wang
3 collaborations
Z Wu
3 collaborations
J Zhang
3 collaborations
B Bilki
3 collaborations
W Clarida
3 collaborations
K Dilsiz
3 collaborations
S Durgut
3 collaborations
R P Gandrajula
3 collaborations
M Haytmyradov
3 collaborations
V Khristenko
3 collaborations
J-P Merlo
3 collaborations
A Mestvirishvili
3 collaborations
A Moeller
3 collaborations
J Nachtman
3 collaborations
H Ogul
3 collaborations
Y Onel
3 collaborations
F Ozok
3 collaborations
A Penzo
3 collaborations
C Snyder
3 collaborations
E Tiras
3 collaborations
J Wetzel
3 collaborations
B Blumenfeld
3 collaborations
A Cocoros
3 collaborations
N Eminizer
3 collaborations
D Fehling
3 collaborations
L Feng
3 collaborations
A V Gritsan
3 collaborations
W T Hung
3 collaborations
P Maksimovic
3 collaborations
J Roskes
3 collaborations
U Sarica
3 collaborations
M Swartz
3 collaborations
M Xiao
3 collaborations
C You
3 collaborations
A Al-Bataineh
3 collaborations
P Baringer
3 collaborations
A Bean
3 collaborations
S Boren
3 collaborations
J Bowen
3 collaborations
J Castle
3 collaborations
A Kropivnitskaya
3 collaborations
D Majumder
3 collaborations
W Mcbrayer
3 collaborations
M Murray
3 collaborations
C Rogan
3 collaborations
S Sanders
3 collaborations
E Schmitz
3 collaborations
J D Tapia Takaki
3 collaborations
A Ivanov
3 collaborations
K Kaadze
3 collaborations
Y Maravin
3 collaborations
A Modak
3 collaborations
A Mohammadi
3 collaborations
L K Saini
3 collaborations
N Skhirtladze
3 collaborations
F Rebassoo
3 collaborations
D Wright
3 collaborations
A Baden
3 collaborations
O Baron
3 collaborations
A Belloni
3 collaborations
S C Eno
3 collaborations
Y Feng
3 collaborations
C Ferraioli
3 collaborations
N J Hadley
3 collaborations
S Jabeen
3 collaborations
G Y Jeng
3 collaborations
R G Kellogg
3 collaborations
J Kunkle
3 collaborations
A C Mignerey
3 collaborations
F Ricci-Tam
3 collaborations
Y H Shin
3 collaborations
A Skuja
3 collaborations
S C Tonwar
3 collaborations
D Abercrombie
3 collaborations
B Allen
3 collaborations
V Azzolini
3 collaborations
A Baty
3 collaborations
G Bauer
3 collaborations
R Bi
3 collaborations
S Brandt
3 collaborations
W Busza
3 collaborations
I A Cali
3 collaborations
M D'Alfonso
3 collaborations
Z Demiragli
3 collaborations
G Gomez Ceballos
3 collaborations
M Goncharov
3 collaborations
P Harris
3 collaborations
D Hsu
3 collaborations
M Hu
3 collaborations
Y Iiyama
3 collaborations
G M Innocenti
3 collaborations
M Klute
3 collaborations
D Kovalskyi
3 collaborations
Y-J Lee
3 collaborations
A Levin
3 collaborations
P D Luckey
3 collaborations
B Maier
3 collaborations
A C Marini
3 collaborations
C Mcginn
3 collaborations
C Mironov
3 collaborations
S Narayanan
3 collaborations
X Niu
3 collaborations
C Paus
3 collaborations
C Roland
3 collaborations
G Roland
3 collaborations
G S F Stephans
3 collaborations
K Sumorok
3 collaborations
K Tatar
3 collaborations
D Velicanu
3 collaborations
T W Wang
3 collaborations
B Wyslouch
3 collaborations
S Zhaozhong
3 collaborations
A C Benvenuti
3 collaborations
R M Chatterjee
3 collaborations
A Evans
3 collaborations
P Hansen
3 collaborations
S Kalafut
3 collaborations
Y Kubota
3 collaborations
Z Lesko
3 collaborations
J Mans
3 collaborations
S Nourbakhsh
3 collaborations
N Ruckstuhl
3 collaborations
R Rusack
3 collaborations
M A Wadud
3 collaborations
J G Acosta
3 collaborations
S Oliveros
3 collaborations
E Avdeeva
3 collaborations
K Bloom
3 collaborations
D R Claes
3 collaborations
C Fangmeier
3 collaborations
F Golf
3 collaborations
R Gonzalez Suarez
3 collaborations
R Kamalieddin
3 collaborations
I Kravchenko
3 collaborations
J Monroy
3 collaborations
J E Siado
3 collaborations
G R Snow
3 collaborations
B Stieger
3 collaborations
A Godshalk
3 collaborations
C Harrington
3 collaborations
I Iashvili
3 collaborations
D Nguyen
3 collaborations
A Parker
3 collaborations
S Rappoccio
3 collaborations
B Roozbahani
3 collaborations
E Barberis
3 collaborations
C Freer
3 collaborations
A Hortiangtham
3 collaborations
A Massironi
3 collaborations
D M Morse
3 collaborations
T Orimoto
3 collaborations
R Teixeira De Lima
3 collaborations
T Wamorkar
3 collaborations
B Wang
3 collaborations
A Wisecarver
3 collaborations
D Wood
3 collaborations
O Charaf
3 collaborations
K A Hahn
3 collaborations
N Mucia
3 collaborations
N Odell
3 collaborations
M H Schmitt
3 collaborations
K Sung
3 collaborations
M Trovato
3 collaborations
M Velasco
3 collaborations
R Bucci
3 collaborations
N Dev
3 collaborations
M Hildreth
3 collaborations
K Hurtado Anampa
3 collaborations
C Jessop
3 collaborations
D J Karmgard
3 collaborations
N Kellams
3 collaborations
K Lannon
3 collaborations
N Loukas
3 collaborations
N Marinelli
3 collaborations
F Meng
3 collaborations
C Mueller
3 collaborations
Y Musienko
3 collaborations
M Planer
3 collaborations
A Reinsvold
3 collaborations
R Ruchti
3 collaborations
P Siddireddy
3 collaborations
G Smith
3 collaborations
S Taroni
3 collaborations
M Wayne
3 collaborations
A Wightman
3 collaborations
M Wolf
3 collaborations
A Woodard
3 collaborations
J Alimena
3 collaborations
L Antonelli
3 collaborations
B Bylsma
3 collaborations
L S Durkin
3 collaborations
S Flowers
3 collaborations
B Francis
3 collaborations
A Hart
3 collaborations
C Hill
3 collaborations
W Ji
3 collaborations
T Y Ling
3 collaborations
W Luo
3 collaborations
B L Winer
3 collaborations
S Cooperstein
3 collaborations
P Elmer
3 collaborations
J Hardenbrook
3 collaborations
S Higginbotham
3 collaborations
A Kalogeropoulos
3 collaborations
D Lange
3 collaborations
J Luo
3 collaborations
D Marlow
3 collaborations
K Mei
3 collaborations
I Ojalvo
3 collaborations
J Olsen
3 collaborations
C Palmer
3 collaborations
P Piroué
3 collaborations
J Salfeld-Nebgen
3 collaborations
D Stickland
3 collaborations
C Tully
3 collaborations
S Norberg
3 collaborations
A Barker
3 collaborations
V E Barnes
3 collaborations
S Das
3 collaborations
L Gutay
3 collaborations
M Jones
3 collaborations
A W Jung
3 collaborations
A Khatiwada
3 collaborations
D H Miller
3 collaborations
N Neumeister
3 collaborations
C C Peng
3 collaborations
H Qiu
3 collaborations
J F Schulte
3 collaborations
J Sun
3 collaborations
F Wang
3 collaborations
R Xiao
3 collaborations
W Xie
3 collaborations
T Cheng
3 collaborations
J Dolen
3 collaborations
N Parashar
3 collaborations
Z Chen
3 collaborations
K M Ecklund
3 collaborations
S Freed
3 collaborations
F J M Geurts
3 collaborations
M Guilbaud
3 collaborations
M Kilpatrick
3 collaborations
B P Padley
3 collaborations
J Roberts
3 collaborations
J Rorie
3 collaborations
W Shi
3 collaborations
Z Tu
3 collaborations
J Zabel
3 collaborations
A Zhang
3 collaborations
A Bodek
3 collaborations
P de Barbaro
3 collaborations
R Demina
3 collaborations
Y T Duh
3 collaborations
T Ferbel
3 collaborations
M Galanti
3 collaborations
A Garcia-Bellido
3 collaborations
J Han
3 collaborations
O Hindrichs
3 collaborations
A Khukhunaishvili
3 collaborations
K H Lo
3 collaborations
P Tan
3 collaborations
M Verzetti
3 collaborations
A Agapitos
3 collaborations
J P Chou
3 collaborations
Y Gershtein
3 collaborations
T A Gómez Espinosa
3 collaborations
E Halkiadakis
3 collaborations
M Heindl
3 collaborations
E Hughes
3 collaborations
S Kaplan
3 collaborations
R Kunnawalkam Elayavalli
3 collaborations
S Kyriacou
3 collaborations
A Lath
3 collaborations
R Montalvo
3 collaborations
K Nash
3 collaborations
M Osherson
3 collaborations
H Saka
3 collaborations
S Salur
3 collaborations
S Schnetzer
3 collaborations
D Sheffield
3 collaborations
S Somalwar
3 collaborations
R Stone
3 collaborations
S Thomas
3 collaborations
P Thomassen
3 collaborations
M Walker
3 collaborations
A G Delannoy
3 collaborations
J Heideman
3 collaborations
G Riley
3 collaborations
S Spanier
3 collaborations
O Bouhali
3 collaborations
A Castaneda Hernandez
3 collaborations
A Celik
3 collaborations
M Dalchenko
3 collaborations
M De Mattia
3 collaborations
A Delgado
3 collaborations
S Dildick
3 collaborations
R Eusebi
3 collaborations
J Gilmore
3 collaborations
T Huang
3 collaborations
T Kamon
3 collaborations
R Mueller
3 collaborations
R Patel
3 collaborations
A Perloff
3 collaborations
L Perniè
3 collaborations
D Rathjens
3 collaborations
A Safonov
3 collaborations
N Akchurin
3 collaborations
J Damgov
3 collaborations
F De Guio
3 collaborations
P R Dudero
3 collaborations
E Gurpinar
3 collaborations
S Kunori
3 collaborations
K Lamichhane
3 collaborations
T Mengke
3 collaborations
S Muthumuni
3 collaborations
T Peltola
3 collaborations
S Undleeb
3 collaborations
I Volobouev
3 collaborations
S Greene
3 collaborations
A Gurrola
3 collaborations
R Janjam
3 collaborations
W Johns
3 collaborations
C Maguire
3 collaborations
A Melo
3 collaborations
H Ni
3 collaborations
K Padeken
3 collaborations
J D Ruiz Alvarez
3 collaborations
P Sheldon
3 collaborations
S Tuo
3 collaborations
J Velkovska
3 collaborations
Q Xu
3 collaborations
M W Arenton
3 collaborations
P Barria
3 collaborations
B Cox
3 collaborations
R Hirosky
3 collaborations
M Joyce
3 collaborations
A Ledovskoy
3 collaborations
H Li
3 collaborations
C Neu
3 collaborations
T Sinthuprasith
3 collaborations
E Wolfe
3 collaborations
F Xia
3 collaborations
R Harr
3 collaborations
P E Karchin
3 collaborations
N Poudyal
3 collaborations
J Sturdy
3 collaborations
P Thapa
3 collaborations
S Zaleski
3 collaborations
M Brodski
3 collaborations
J Buchanan
3 collaborations
C Caillol
3 collaborations
D Carlsmith
3 collaborations
S Dasu
3 collaborations
L Dodd
3 collaborations
S Duric
3 collaborations
B Gomber
3 collaborations
M Grothe
3 collaborations
M Herndon
3 collaborations
A Hervé
3 collaborations
U Hussain
3 collaborations
P Klabbers
3 collaborations
A Lanaro
3 collaborations
K Long
3 collaborations
R Loveless
3 collaborations
T Ruggles
3 collaborations
A Savin
3 collaborations
N Smith
3 collaborations
W H Smith
3 collaborations
N Woods
3 collaborations
None None
3 collaborations
Shiying Zhu
2 collaborations
M Van De Klundert
2 collaborations
L Brito
2 collaborations
D Romero Abad
2 collaborations
C Wang
2 collaborations
S Liu
2 collaborations
L Perrini
2 collaborations
S Lisniak
2 collaborations
P Paganini
2 collaborations
Y Yilmaz
2 collaborations
A L Pequegnot
2 collaborations
T Toriashvili
2 collaborations
V Zhukov
2 collaborations
M Endres
2 collaborations
S Knutzen
2 collaborations
F Scheuch
2 collaborations
B Kargoll
2 collaborations
F Costanza
2 collaborations
J M Grados Luyando
2 collaborations
N Stefaniuk
2 collaborations
M Centis Vignali
2 collaborations
M Hoffmann
2 collaborations
G Kasieczka
2 collaborations
D Troendle
2 collaborations
H Mildner
2 collaborations
N Wickramage
2 collaborations
D Fasanella
2 collaborations
A M Rossi
2 collaborations
L Brianza
2 collaborations
F Gasparini
2 collaborations
A Gozzelino
2 collaborations
P Zotto
2 collaborations
G Zumerle
2 collaborations
L Alunni Solestizi
2 collaborations
R Leonardi
2 collaborations
K Nawrocki
2 collaborations
L Lloret Iglesias
2 collaborations
S Afanasiev
2 collaborations
P Bunin
2 collaborations
M Gavrilenko
2 collaborations
V Karjavin
2 collaborations
N Voytishin
2 collaborations
D Shtol
2 collaborations
T du Pree
2 collaborations
V Knünz
2 collaborations
H Neugebauer
2 collaborations
W Bertl
2 collaborations
B Casal
2 collaborations
J Hoss
2 collaborations
D Meister
2 collaborations
M Reichmann
2 collaborations
F Fiori
2 collaborations
Y F Liu
2 collaborations
J F Tsai
2 collaborations
S Atay
2 collaborations
S Casasso
2 collaborations
L Corpe
2 collaborations
A Borzou
2 collaborations
J Bunn
2 collaborations
G Bolla
2 collaborations
N Magini
2 collaborations
A Santra
2 collaborations
R Barbieri
2 collaborations
J Turkewitz
2 collaborations
G Alverson
2 collaborations
H W Wulsin
2 collaborations
P Hebda
2 collaborations
B Michlin
2 collaborations
K Rose
2 collaborations
K Thapa
2 collaborations
Y Pakhotin
2 collaborations
A Tatarinov
2 collaborations
J Faulkner
2 collaborations
A Levine
2 collaborations
Massimiliano Sani
2 collaborations
C De Oliveira Martins
2 collaborations
D Matos Figueiredo
2 collaborations
W L Prado Da Silva
2 collaborations
L Calligaris
2 collaborations
E Ayala
2 collaborations
K Ehataht
2 collaborations
V Cherepanov
2 collaborations
O Hlushchenko
2 collaborations
H Sert
2 collaborations
I Babounikau
2 collaborations
D Bertsche
2 collaborations
M M Defranchis
2 collaborations
V Myronenko
2 collaborations
S K Pflitsch
2 collaborations
P Schütze
2 collaborations
C Schwanenberger
2 collaborations
A Singh
2 collaborations
A Vagnerini
2 collaborations
A Benecke
2 collaborations
O Rieger
2 collaborations
I Katkov
2 collaborations
G Paspalaki
2 collaborations
K Vellidis
2 collaborations
P Major
2 collaborations
M I Nagy
2 collaborations
M Gola
2 collaborations
P Priyanka
2 collaborations
M Bharti
2 collaborations
M A Bhat
2 collaborations
Ravindra Kumar Verma
2 collaborations
A Di Crescenzo
2 collaborations
A Bragagnolo
2 collaborations
M Dall'Osso
2 collaborations
E Torassa
2 collaborations
F Vazzoler
2 collaborations
M I Asghar
2 collaborations
V Golovtsov
2 collaborations
P Parygin
2 collaborations
D Philippov
2 collaborations
S Polikarpov
2 collaborations
V Bunichev
2 collaborations
M Dubinin
2 collaborations
L Dudko
2 collaborations
T Dimova
2 collaborations
L Kardapoltsev
2 collaborations
S Slabospitskii
2 collaborations
G Cucciati
2 collaborations
N Suwonjandee
2 collaborations
A Kayis Topaksu
2 collaborations
S Ozturk
2 collaborations
B Isildak
2 collaborations
S Ozkorucuklu
2 collaborations
S Sen
2 collaborations
B Penning
2 collaborations
J Taylor
2 collaborations
C K Mackay
2 collaborations
C Madrid
2 collaborations
B Mcmaster
2 collaborations
O Kukral
2 collaborations
C Mills
2 collaborations
M Alhusseini
2 collaborations
K Wong
2 collaborations
A Kharchilava
2 collaborations
J L Dulemba
2 collaborations
C Fallon
2 collaborations
R Taus
2 collaborations
Faisal Khalid A Zakri
1 collaboration
Hassan Ali Abd El-Wahid
1 collaboration
Mubarack Sani
1 collaboration
Mohamed Salih Mahfouz
1 collaboration
Sarah A Overall
1 collaboration
Eric Hanssen
1 collaboration
M Friedl
1 collaboration
J Grossmann
1 collaboration
A König
1 collaboration
E Pree
1 collaboration
T Seva
1 collaboration
R Yonamine
1 collaboration
A Caudron
1 collaboration
S De Visscher
1 collaboration
L Quertenmont
1 collaboration
W L Aldá Júnior
1 collaboration
M Medina Jaime
1 collaboration
A Calligaris
1 collaboration
J C Ruiz Vargas
1 collaboration
P M Ribeiro Cipriano
1 collaboration
M A Mahmoud
1 collaboration
Y Mohammed
1 collaboration
M Machet
1 collaboration
S Baffioni
1 collaboration
M Jo
1 collaboration
F Drouhin
1 collaboration
P Juillot
1 collaboration
D Eckstein
1 collaboration
J Garay Garcia
1 collaboration
M Hempel
1 collaboration
I Korol
1 collaboration
A Mussgiller
1 collaboration
T Peiffer
1 collaboration
R Friese
1 collaboration
A Kumar
1 collaboration
N Majumdar
1 collaboration
S Mukhopadhyay
1 collaboration
A K Mohanty
1 collaboration
A Topkar
1 collaboration
S Paktinat Mehdiabadi
1 collaboration
B Marangelli
1 collaboration
F Odorici
1 collaboration
S Costa
1 collaboration
F Giordano
1 collaboration
V Calvelli
1 collaboration
K Pauwels
1 collaboration
F Thyssen
1 collaboration
T Lomtadze
1 collaboration
R Castello
1 collaboration
A Degano
1 collaboration
Y Kim
1 collaboration
L Khein
1 collaboration
O Lukina
1 collaboration
A Snigirev
1 collaboration
M De Gruttola
1 collaboration
Y Hsiung
1 collaboration
K Kovitanggoon
1 collaboration
H Topakli
1 collaboration
K Ocalan
1 collaboration
S Seif El Nasr-Storey
1 collaboration
R Lane
1 collaboration
T Matsushita
1 collaboration
M Vazquez Acosta
1 collaboration
A Avetisyan
1 collaboration
J Smith
1 collaboration
J Ellison
1 collaboration
J Russ
1 collaboration
H Vogel
1 collaboration
R Lopes De Sá
1 collaboration
W Wu
1 collaboration
I K Furic
1 collaboration
K Kotov
1 collaboration
N Terentyev
1 collaboration
J Yelton
1 collaboration
P Markowitz
1 collaboration
J L Rodriguez
1 collaboration
H Mermerkaya
1 collaboration
K Yi
1 collaboration
C Royon
1 collaboration
O Driga
1 collaboration
R Ciesielski
1 collaboration
K Goulianos
1 collaboration
C Mesropian
1 collaboration
V Rekovic
1 collaboration
Amy Henderson Riley
1 collaboration
Suruchi Sood
1 collaboration
N Postiau
1 collaboration
M Correa Martins Junior
1 collaboration
L Li
1 collaboration
M Kolosova
1 collaboration
Y Assran
1 collaboration
S Elgammal
1 collaboration
C Martin Perez
1 collaboration
J Rembser
1 collaboration
G Touquet
1 collaboration
H Keller
1 collaboration
D Roy
1 collaboration
M Haranko
1 collaboration
J Leonard
1 collaboration
O Turkot
1 collaboration
A Ebrahimi
1 collaboration
C E N Niemeyer
1 collaboration
I Zoi
1 collaboration
K El Morabit
1 collaboration
P Kontaxakis
1 collaboration
I Papavergou
1 collaboration
G Tsipolitis
1 collaboration
P C Tiwari
1 collaboration
C Kar
1 collaboration
K Sandeep
1 collaboration
A K Virdi
1 collaboration
G Saha
1 collaboration
S Karmakar
1 collaboration
M Ince
1 collaboration
C Ciocca
1 collaboration
E Fontanesi
1 collaboration
F Iemmi
1 collaboration
S Lo Meo
1 collaboration
F Monti
1 collaboration
D Zuolo
1 collaboration
A De Iorio
1 collaboration
S Y Hoh
1 collaboration
M Passaseo
1 collaboration
S Cometti
1 collaboration
D Soldi
1 collaboration
A Da Rold
1 collaboration
S I Pak
1 collaboration
H S Kim
1 collaboration
D Jeon
1 collaboration
J F Benitez
1 collaboration
J A Murillo Quijada
1 collaboration
M Ramirez-Garcia
1 collaboration
M Araujo
1 collaboration
V Karjavine
1 collaboration
M Chadeeva
1 collaboration
E Popova
1 collaboration
V Rusinov
1 collaboration
A Barnyakov
1 collaboration
S Baidali
1 collaboration
V Okhotnikov
1 collaboration
V Rodríguez Bouza
1 collaboration
C Reissel
1 collaboration
F Dolek
1 collaboration
C Isik
1 collaboration
A Titterton
1 collaboration
D M Raymond
1 collaboration
D Rosenzweig
1 collaboration
X Zuo
1 collaboration
C Schiber
1 collaboration
M Rahmani
1 collaboration
H Trauger
1 collaboration
X Wang
1 collaboration
D Kim
1 collaboration
D R Mendis
1 collaboration
T Mitchell
1 collaboration
S Nabili
1 collaboration
J Hiltbrand
1 collaboration
R Redjimi
1 collaboration
S Luo
1 collaboration
D Overton
1 collaboration
Vinzenz Hofferek
1 collaboration
H Abdalla
1 collaboration
A A Abdelalim
1 collaboration
A Khvedelidze
1 collaboration
Y Tsipolitis
1 collaboration
L Brigliadori
1 collaboration
S Ventura
1 collaboration
V Alexakhin
1 collaboration
A Golunov
1 collaboration
N Gorbounov
1 collaboration
M Savina
1 collaboration
R Chistov
1 collaboration
M Danilov
1 collaboration
E Tarkovskii
1 collaboration
T Alexander
1 collaboration
Mitchell D Nothling
1 collaboration
Zeyun Xiao
1 collaboration
Nicholas S Hill
1 collaboration
Mitchell T Blyth
1 collaboration
Ayana Bhaskaran
1 collaboration
Andrea Espinosa-Gomez
1 collaboration
Kevin Ngov
1 collaboration
Jonathan White
1 collaboration
Tim Buscher
1 collaboration
Megan L O'Mara
1 collaboration
Michelle L Coote
1 collaboration
Luke A Connal
1 collaboration
Abdullahi Abbas Adam
1 collaboration
John Ojur Dennis
1 collaboration
Yas Al-Hadeethi
1 collaboration
E M Mkawi
1 collaboration
Bashir Abubakar Abdulkadir
1 collaboration
Fahad Usman
1 collaboration
Yarima Mudassir Hassan
1 collaboration
I A Wadi
1 collaboration
Mustapha Sani
1 collaboration
Silvia Sommariva
1 collaboration
Jenna Mote
1 collaboration
Helena Ballester Bon
1 collaboration
Herisoa Razafindraibe
1 collaboration
Domoina Ratovozanany
1 collaboration
Vanou Rasoamanana
1 collaboration
Surangani Abeyesekera
1 collaboration
Parvina Muhamedkhojaeva
1 collaboration
Tasmia Bashar
1 collaboration
John James
1 collaboration
Sunnia Rajput
1 collaboration
Shenggen Yao
1 collaboration
David W Keizer
1 collaboration
Zahra Harati Taji
1 collaboration
Pavlo Bielytskyi
1 collaboration
Mikhail Shein
1 collaboration
Stefan Seitz
1 collaboration
Anne K Schütz
1 collaboration
Wenyi Li
1 collaboration
Feng Lin
1 collaboration
Andrew Hung
1 collaboration
Anders Barlow
1 collaboration
Rita Paolini
1 collaboration
William Singleton
1 collaboration
James Holden
1 collaboration
Mohammed Akhter Hossain
1 collaboration
Neil M O'Brien-Simpson
1 collaboration
John D Wade
1 collaboration
Dike B Ojji
1 collaboration
Gabriel L Shedul
1 collaboration
Okechukwu S Ogah
1 collaboration
Anastase Dzudie
1 collaboration
Felix Barasa
1 collaboration
Charles Mondo
1 collaboration
Prossie M Ingabire
1 collaboration
Erika S W Jones
1 collaboration
Brian Rayner
1 collaboration
Damasceno Albertino
1 collaboration
Elijah Ogola
1 collaboration
Wynand Smythe
1 collaboration
Nicky Hickman
1 collaboration
Veronica Francis
1 collaboration
Pandie Shahiemah
1 collaboration
Grace Shedul
1 collaboration
Akinyemi Aje
1 collaboration
Karen Sliwa
1 collaboration
Simon Stewart
1 collaboration
Susan Roustaee
1 collaboration
Mojtaba Sani
1 collaboration
Maryam Mehranpour
1 collaboration
Pourya Raee
1 collaboration
Meysam Hassani Moghaddam
1 collaboration
Reza Bahar
1 collaboration
Seyedeh Naghmeh Nourirad
1 collaboration
Mohammad-Jasim Golzarian
1 collaboration
Amirreza Beirami
1 collaboration
Hosein Jafary
1 collaboration
Mohammad Amin Aalipour
1 collaboration
Mohammad Taghizadeh
1 collaboration
Mohammad-Amin Abdollahifar
1 collaboration
Kimia Vakili
1 collaboration
Mobina Fathi
1 collaboration
Mohammad Hossain Heidari
1 collaboration
Hojjat-Allah Abbaszadeh
1 collaboration
Abbas Aliaghaei
1 collaboration
Hamid Nazarian
1 collaboration