M Ángeles Fernández-Ibáñez

  • Van't Hoff Institute for Molecular Sciences , University of Amsterdam , Science Park 904 , 1098 XH Amsterdam , The Netherlands.

Réseau de co-auteurs

Kananat Naksomboon 3 collaborations
Wen-Liang Jia 2 collaborations
Nick Westerveld 1 collaboration
Kit Ming Wong 1 collaboration
Thomas Morsch 1 collaboration
Matthijs Hakkennes 1 collaboration
Jordi Poater 1 collaboration
F Matthias Bickelhaupt 1 collaboration
Sabela Vega Ces 1 collaboration
Enrique Gómez-Bengoa 1 collaboration
Jaya Mehara 1 collaboration
Jana Roithová 1 collaboration
Edwin Otten 1 collaboration
Verena Sukowski 1 collaboration
Manuela van Borselen 1 collaboration
Simon Mathew 1 collaboration
Federico Caporaletti 1 collaboration
Lucas Gunkel 1 collaboration
Johannes Hunger 1 collaboration
Sander Woutersen 1 collaboration