Computational and structural biotechnology journal
PLoS computational biology
International journal of molecular sciences
Bioinformatics (Oxford, England)
Computational and structural biotechnology journal
International journal of molecular sciences
Scientific reports
Gol Mohammad Dorrazehi
Matthias Winkle
Martin Desmet
Vincent Stroobant
Gamze Tanriver
Hervé Degand
Damien Evrard
Benoît Desguin
Pierre Morsomme
Jacob Biboy
Joe Gray
Artur Góra
Waldemar Vollmer
Patrice Soumillion
Journal of chemical information and modeling
Kalyanasundaram Subramanian
John Raedts
Feras Almourfi
Henk-Jan Joosten
Sjon Hendriks
Svetlana E Sedelnikova
Servé W M Kengen
Wilfred R Hagen
Artur Góra
Vitor A P Martins Dos Santos
Patrick J Baker
John van der Oost
Peter J Schaap
International journal of molecular sciences
Computational and structural biotechnology journal