K Gnanvo

  • University of Virginia, Charlottesville, Virginia 22904, USA.

Publications (6)

Probing Few-Body Nuclear Dynamics via ^{3}H and ^{3}He (e,e^{'}p)pn Cross-Section Measurements.

Physical review letters
Avec: R Cruz-Torres , D Nguyen , F Hauenstein , A Schmidt , S Li , D Abrams , H Albataineh , S Alsalmi , D Androic , K Aniol , W Armstrong , J Arrington , H Atac , T Averett , C Ayerbe Gayoso , X Bai , J Bane , S Barcus , A Beck , V Bellini , F Benmokhtar , H Bhatt , D Bhetuwal , D Biswas , D Blyth , W Boeglin , D Bulumulla , A Camsonne , J Castellanos , J-P Chen , E O Cohen , S Covrig , K Craycraft , B Dongwi , M Duer , B Duran , D Dutta , E Fuchey , C Gal , T N Gautam , S Gilad , T Gogami , J Golak , J Gomez , C Gu , A Habarakada , T Hague , O Hansen , M Hattawy , O Hen , D W Higinbotham , E Hughes , C Hyde , H Ibrahim , S Jian , S Joosten , H Kamada , A Karki , B Karki , A T Katramatou , C Keppel , M Khachatryan , V Khachatryan , A Khanal , D King , P King , I Korover , T Kutz , N Lashley-Colthirst , G Laskaris , W Li , H Liu , N Liyanage , P Markowitz , R E McClellan , D Meekins , S Mey-Tal Beck , Z-E Meziani , R Michaels , M Mihovilovič , V Nelyubin , N Nuruzzaman , M Nycz , R Obrecht , M Olson , L Ou , V Owen , B Pandey , V Pandey , A Papadopoulou , S Park , M Patsyuk , S Paul , G G Petratos , E Piasetzky , R Pomatsalyuk , S Premathilake , A J R Puckett , V Punjabi , R Ransome , M N H Rashad , P E Reimer , S Riordan , J Roche , M Sargsian , N Santiesteban , B Sawatzky , E P Segarra , B Schmookler , A Shahinyan , S Širca , R Skibiński , N Sparveris , T Su , R Suleiman , H Szumila-Vance , A S Tadepalli , L Tang , W Tireman , K Topolnicki , F Tortorici , G Urciuoli , L B Weinstein , H Witała , B Wojtsekhowski , S Wood , Z H Ye , Z Y Ye , J Zhang , Auteur inconnu

Deeply Virtual Compton Scattering Cross Section at High Bjorken x_{B}.

Physical review letters
Avec: F Georges , M N H Rashad , A Stefanko , M Dlamini , B Karki , S F Ali , P-J Lin , H-S Ko , N Israel , D Adikaram , Z Ahmed , H Albataineh , B Aljawrneh , K Allada , S Allison , S Alsalmi , D Androic , K Aniol , J Annand , H Atac , T Averett , C Ayerbe Gayoso , X Bai , J Bane , S Barcus , K Bartlett , V Bellini , R Beminiwattha , J Bericic , D Biswas , E Brash , D Bulumulla , J Campbell , A Camsonne , M Carmignotto , J Castellano , C Chen , J-P Chen , T Chetry , M E Christy , E Cisbani , B Clary , E Cohen , N Compton , J C Cornejo , S Covrig Dusa , B Crowe , S Danagoulian , T Danley , F De Persio , W Deconinck , M Defurne , C Desnault , D Di , M Duer , B Duran , R Ent , C Fanelli , G Franklin , E Fuchey , C Gal , D Gaskell , T Gautam , O Glamazdin , V M Gray , C Gu , T Hague , G Hamad , D Hamilton , K Hamilton , O Hansen , F Hauenstein , W Henry , D W Higinbotham , T Holmstrom , T Horn , Y Huang , G M Huber , C E Hyde , H Ibrahim , C-M Jen , K Jin , M Jones , A Kabir , C Keppel , V Khachatryan , P M King , S Li , W B Li , J Liu , H Liu , A Liyanage , J Magee , S Malace , J Mammei , P Markowitz , E McClellan , M Mazouz , F Meddi , D Meekins , K Mesik , R Michaels , A Mkrtchyan , R Montgomery , C Muñoz Camacho , L S Myers , P Nadel-Turonski , S J Nazeer , V Nelyubin , D Nguyen , N Nuruzzaman , M Nycz , O F Obretch , L Ou , C Palatchi , B Pandey , S Park , K Park , C Peng , R Pomatsalyuk , E Pooser , A J R Puckett , V Punjabi , B Quinn , S Rahman , P E Reimer , J Roche , I Sapkota , A Sarty , B Sawatzky , N H Saylor , B Schmookler , M H Shabestari , A Shahinyan , S Sirca , G R Smith , S Sooriyaarachchilage , N Sparveris , R Spies , T Su , A Subedi , V Sulkosky , A Sun , L Thorne , Y Tian , N Ton , F Tortorici , R Trotta , G M Urciuoli , E Voutier , B Waidyawansa , Y Wang , B Wojtsekhowski , S Wood , X Yan , L Ye , Z Ye , C Yero , J Zhang , Y Zhao , P Zhu , Auteur inconnu

Form Factors and Two-Photon Exchange in High-Energy Elastic Electron-Proton Scattering.

Physical review letters
Avec: M E Christy , T Gautam , L Ou , B Schmookler , Y Wang , D Adikaram , Z Ahmed , H Albataineh , S F Ali , B Aljawrneh , K Allada , S L Allison , S Alsalmi , D Androic , K Aniol , J Annand , J Arrington , H Atac , T Averett , C Ayerbe Gayoso , X Bai , J Bane , S Barcus , K Bartlett , V Bellini , R Beminiwattha , J Bericic , H Bhatt , D Bhetuwal , D Biswas , E Brash , D Bulumulla , C M Camacho , J Campbell , A Camsonne , M Carmignotto , J Castellanos , C Chen , J-P Chen , T Chetry , E Cisbani , B Clary , E Cohen , N Compton , J C Cornejo , S Covrig Dusa , B Crowe , S Danagoulian , T Danley , W Deconinck , M Defurne , C Desnault , D Di , M Dlamini , M Duer , B Duran , R Ent , C Fanelli , E Fuchey , C Gal , D Gaskell , F Georges , S Gilad , O Glamazdin , A V Gramolin , V M Gray , C Gu , A Habarakada , T Hague , G Hamad , D Hamilton , K Hamilton , O Hansen , F Hauenstein , A V Hernandez , W Henry , D W Higinbotham , T Holmstrom , T Horn , Y Huang , G M Huber , C Hyde , H Ibrahim , N Israel , C-M Jen , K Jin , M Jones , A Kabir , B Karki , C Keppel , V Khachatryan , P M King , S Li , W Li , H Liu , J Liu , A H Liyanage , D Mack , J Magee , S Malace , J Mammei , P Markowitz , S Mayilyan , E McClellan , F Meddi , D Meekins , K Mesick , R Michaels , A Mkrtchyan , B Moffit , R Montgomery , L S Myers , P Nadel-Turonski , S J Nazeer , V Nelyubin , D Nguyen , N Nuruzzaman , M Nycz , R F Obrecht , K Ohanyan , C Palatchi , B Pandey , K Park , S Park , C Peng , F D Persio , R Pomatsalyuk , E Pooser , A J R Puckett , V Punjabi , B Quinn , S Rahman , M N H Rashad , P E Reimer , S Riordan , J Roche , I Sapkota , A Sarty , B Sawatzky , N H Saylor , M H Shabestari , A Shahinyan , S Širca , G R Smith , S Sooriyaarachchilage , N Sparveris , R Spies , A Stefanko , T Su , A Subedi , V Sulkosky , A Sun , Y Tan , L Thorne , N Ton , F Tortorici , R Trotta , R Uniyal , G M Urciuoli , E Voutier , B Waidyawansa , B Wojtsekhowski , S Wood , X Yan , L Ye , Z H Ye , C Yero , J Zhang , Y X Zhao , P Zhu

Deep Exclusive Electroproduction of π^{0} at High Q^{2} in the Quark Valence Regime.

Physical review letters
Avec: M Dlamini , B Karki , S F Ali , P-J Lin , F Georges , H-S Ko , N Israel , M N H Rashad , A Stefanko , D Adikaram , Z Ahmed , H Albataineh , B Aljawrneh , K Allada , S Allison , S Alsalmi , D Androic , K Aniol , J Annand , H Atac , T Averett , C Ayerbe Gayoso , X Bai , J Bane , S Barcus , K Bartlett , V Bellini , R Beminiwattha , J Bericic , D Biswas , E Brash , D Bulumulla , J Campbell , A Camsonne , M Carmignotto , J Castellano , C Chen , J-P Chen , T Chetry , M E Christy , E Cisbani , B Clary , E Cohen , N Compton , J C Cornejo , S Covrig Dusa , B Crowe , S Danagoulian , T Danley , F De Persio , W Deconinck , M Defurne , C Desnault , D Di , M Duer , B Duran , R Ent , C Fanelli , G Franklin , E Fuchey , C Gal , D Gaskell , T Gautam , O Glamazdin , V M Gray , C Gu , T Hague , G Hamad , D Hamilton , K Hamilton , O Hansen , F Hauenstein , W Henry , D W Higinbotham , T Holmstrom , T Horn , Y Huang , G M Huber , C Hyde , H Ibrahim , C-M Jen , K Jin , M Jones , A Kabir , C Keppel , V Khachatryan , P M King , S Li , W Li , J Liu , H Liu , A Liyanage , J Magee , S Malace , J Mammei , P Markowitz , E McClellan , F Meddi , D Meekins , K Mesik , R Michaels , A Mkrtchyan , R Montgomery , C Muñoz Camacho , L S Myers , P Nadel-Turonski , S J Nazeer , V Nelyubin , D Nguyen , N Nuruzzaman , M Nycz , O F Obretch , L Ou , C Palatchi , B Pandey , S Park , K Park , C Peng , R Pomatsalyuk , E Pooser , A J R Puckett , V Punjabi , B Quinn , S Rahman , P E Reimer , J Roche , I Sapkota , A Sarty , B Sawatzky , N H Saylor , B Schmookler , M H Shabestari , A Shahinyan , S Sirca , G R Smith , S Sooriyaarachchilage , N Sparveris , R Spies , T Su , A Subedi , V Sulkosky , A Sun , L Thorne , Y Tian , N Ton , F Tortorici , R Trotta , G M Urciuoli , E Voutier , B Waidyawansa , Y Wang , B Wojtsekhowski , S Wood , X Yan , L Ye , Z Ye , C Yero , J Zhang , Y Zhao , P Zhu , Auteur inconnu

Measurement of the Nucleon F_{2}^{n}/F_{2}^{p} Structure Function Ratio by the Jefferson Lab MARATHON Tritium/Helium-3 Deep Inelastic Scattering Experiment.

Physical review letters
Avec: D Abrams , H Albataineh , B S Aljawrneh , S Alsalmi , D Androic , K Aniol , W Armstrong , J Arrington , H Atac , T Averett , C Ayerbe Gayoso , X Bai , J Bane , S Barcus , A Beck , V Bellini , H Bhatt , D Bhetuwal , D Biswas , D Blyth , W Boeglin , D Bulumulla , J Butler , A Camsonne , M Carmignotto , J Castellanos , J-P Chen , E O Cohen , S Covrig , K Craycraft , R Cruz-Torres , B Dongwi , B Duran , D Dutta , E Fuchey , C Gal , T N Gautam , S Gilad , T Gogami , J Gomez , C Gu , A Habarakada , T Hague , J-O Hansen , M Hattawy , F Hauenstein , D W Higinbotham , R J Holt , E W Hughes , C Hyde , H Ibrahim , S Jian , S Joosten , A Karki , B Karki , A T Katramatou , C Keith , C Keppel , M Khachatryan , V Khachatryan , A Khanal , A Kievsky , D King , P M King , I Korover , S A Kulagin , K S Kumar , T Kutz , N Lashley-Colthirst , S Li , W Li , H Liu , S Liuti , N Liyanage , P Markowitz , R E McClellan , D Meekins , S Mey-Tal Beck , Z-E Meziani , R Michaels , M Mihovilovic , V Nelyubin , D Nguyen , Nuruzzaman , M Nycz , R Obrecht , M Olson , V F Owen , E Pace , B Pandey , V Pandey , M Paolone , A Papadopoulou , S Park , S Paul , G G Petratos , R Petti , E Piasetzky , R Pomatsalyuk , S Premathilake , A J R Puckett , V Punjabi , R D Ransome , M N H Rashad , P E Reimer , S Riordan , J Roche , G Salmè , N Santiesteban , B Sawatzky , S Scopetta , A Schmidt , B Schmookler , J Segal , E P Segarra , A Shahinyan , S Širca , N Sparveris , T Su , R Suleiman , H Szumila-Vance , A S Tadepalli , L Tang , W Tireman , F Tortorici , G M Urciuoli , B Wojtsekhowski , S Wood , Z H Ye , Z Y Ye , J Zhang , Auteur inconnu

Réseau de co-auteurs

X Bai 6 collaborations
C Gu 6 collaborations
D W Higinbotham 6 collaborations
D Meekins 6 collaborations
V Nelyubin 6 collaborations
V Punjabi 6 collaborations
A Shahinyan 6 collaborations
D Nguyen 5 collaborations
F Hauenstein 5 collaborations
S Li 5 collaborations
H Albataineh 5 collaborations
S Alsalmi 5 collaborations
D Androic 5 collaborations
K Aniol 5 collaborations
H Atac 5 collaborations
T Averett 5 collaborations
C Ayerbe Gayoso 5 collaborations
J Bane 5 collaborations
S Barcus 5 collaborations
V Bellini 5 collaborations
D Biswas 5 collaborations
D Bulumulla 5 collaborations
A Camsonne 5 collaborations
J-P Chen 5 collaborations
B Duran 5 collaborations
E Fuchey 5 collaborations
C Gal 5 collaborations
T Hague 5 collaborations
H Ibrahim 5 collaborations
B Karki 5 collaborations
C Keppel 5 collaborations
V Khachatryan 5 collaborations
H Liu 5 collaborations
P Markowitz 5 collaborations
R Michaels 5 collaborations
M Nycz 5 collaborations
B Pandey 5 collaborations
S Park 5 collaborations
R Pomatsalyuk 5 collaborations
A J R Puckett 5 collaborations
M N H Rashad 5 collaborations
P E Reimer 5 collaborations
J Roche 5 collaborations
B Sawatzky 5 collaborations
B Schmookler 5 collaborations
N Sparveris 5 collaborations
T Su 5 collaborations
F Tortorici 5 collaborations
B Wojtsekhowski 5 collaborations
S Wood 5 collaborations
J Zhang 5 collaborations
H Bhatt 4 collaborations
D Bhetuwal 4 collaborations
M Duer 4 collaborations
O Hansen 4 collaborations
C Hyde 4 collaborations
W Li 4 collaborations
N Nuruzzaman 4 collaborations
L Ou 4 collaborations
None None 4 collaborations
B Aljawrneh 4 collaborations
M Carmignotto 4 collaborations
D Di 4 collaborations
O Glamazdin 4 collaborations
P M King 4 collaborations
S J Nazeer 4 collaborations
C Peng 4 collaborations
A Subedi 4 collaborations
N Ton 4 collaborations
G M Urciuoli 4 collaborations
X Yan 4 collaborations
L Ye 4 collaborations
J Arrington 3 collaborations
J Castellanos 3 collaborations
D Dutta 3 collaborations
S Gilad 3 collaborations
A Habarakada 3 collaborations
A Karki 3 collaborations
N Liyanage 3 collaborations
S Riordan 3 collaborations
S Širca 3 collaborations
Z H Ye 3 collaborations
F Georges 3 collaborations
A Stefanko 3 collaborations
M Dlamini 3 collaborations
S F Ali 3 collaborations
N Israel 3 collaborations
D Adikaram 3 collaborations
Z Ahmed 3 collaborations
K Allada 3 collaborations
J Annand 3 collaborations
K Bartlett 3 collaborations
R Beminiwattha 3 collaborations
J Bericic 3 collaborations
E Brash 3 collaborations
J Campbell 3 collaborations
C Chen 3 collaborations
T Chetry 3 collaborations
M E Christy 3 collaborations
E Cisbani 3 collaborations
B Clary 3 collaborations
E Cohen 3 collaborations
N Compton 3 collaborations
J C Cornejo 3 collaborations
S Covrig Dusa 3 collaborations
B Crowe 3 collaborations
S Danagoulian 3 collaborations
T Danley 3 collaborations
W Deconinck 3 collaborations
M Defurne 3 collaborations
C Desnault 3 collaborations
R Ent 3 collaborations
C Fanelli 3 collaborations
D Gaskell 3 collaborations
T Gautam 3 collaborations
V M Gray 3 collaborations
G Hamad 3 collaborations
D Hamilton 3 collaborations
K Hamilton 3 collaborations
W Henry 3 collaborations
T Holmstrom 3 collaborations
T Horn 3 collaborations
Y Huang 3 collaborations
G M Huber 3 collaborations
C-M Jen 3 collaborations
K Jin 3 collaborations
M Jones 3 collaborations
A Kabir 3 collaborations
J Liu 3 collaborations
A Liyanage 3 collaborations
J Magee 3 collaborations
S Malace 3 collaborations
J Mammei 3 collaborations
E McClellan 3 collaborations
F Meddi 3 collaborations
A Mkrtchyan 3 collaborations
R Montgomery 3 collaborations
L S Myers 3 collaborations
P Nadel-Turonski 3 collaborations
C Palatchi 3 collaborations
K Park 3 collaborations
E Pooser 3 collaborations
B Quinn 3 collaborations
S Rahman 3 collaborations
I Sapkota 3 collaborations
A Sarty 3 collaborations
N H Saylor 3 collaborations
M H Shabestari 3 collaborations
G R Smith 3 collaborations
S Sooriyaarachchilage 3 collaborations
R Spies 3 collaborations
V Sulkosky 3 collaborations
A Sun 3 collaborations
L Thorne 3 collaborations
R Trotta 3 collaborations
E Voutier 3 collaborations
B Waidyawansa 3 collaborations
Y Wang 3 collaborations
Z Ye 3 collaborations
C Yero 3 collaborations
P Zhu 3 collaborations
R Cruz-Torres 2 collaborations
A Schmidt 2 collaborations
D Abrams 2 collaborations
W Armstrong 2 collaborations
A Beck 2 collaborations
D Blyth 2 collaborations
W Boeglin 2 collaborations
E O Cohen 2 collaborations
S Covrig 2 collaborations
K Craycraft 2 collaborations
B Dongwi 2 collaborations
T N Gautam 2 collaborations
T Gogami 2 collaborations
J Gomez 2 collaborations
M Hattawy 2 collaborations
S Jian 2 collaborations
S Joosten 2 collaborations
A T Katramatou 2 collaborations
M Khachatryan 2 collaborations
A Khanal 2 collaborations
D King 2 collaborations
I Korover 2 collaborations
T Kutz 2 collaborations
N Lashley-Colthirst 2 collaborations
R E McClellan 2 collaborations
S Mey-Tal Beck 2 collaborations
Z-E Meziani 2 collaborations
R Obrecht 2 collaborations
M Olson 2 collaborations
V Pandey 2 collaborations
A Papadopoulou 2 collaborations
S Paul 2 collaborations
G G Petratos 2 collaborations
E Piasetzky 2 collaborations
S Premathilake 2 collaborations
N Santiesteban 2 collaborations
E P Segarra 2 collaborations
R Suleiman 2 collaborations
H Szumila-Vance 2 collaborations
A S Tadepalli 2 collaborations
L Tang 2 collaborations
W Tireman 2 collaborations
Z Y Ye 2 collaborations
P-J Lin 2 collaborations
H-S Ko 2 collaborations
S Allison 2 collaborations
J Castellano 2 collaborations
F De Persio 2 collaborations
G Franklin 2 collaborations
K Mesik 2 collaborations
C Muñoz Camacho 2 collaborations
O F Obretch 2 collaborations
S Sirca 2 collaborations
Y Tian 2 collaborations
Y Zhao 2 collaborations
C Keith 2 collaborations
F Benmokhtar 1 collaboration
J Golak 1 collaboration
O Hen 1 collaboration
E Hughes 1 collaboration
H Kamada 1 collaboration
P King 1 collaboration
G Laskaris 1 collaboration
M Mihovilovič 1 collaboration
V Owen 1 collaboration
M Patsyuk 1 collaboration
R Ransome 1 collaboration
M Sargsian 1 collaboration
R Skibiński 1 collaboration
K Topolnicki 1 collaboration
G Urciuoli 1 collaboration
L B Weinstein 1 collaboration
H Witała 1 collaboration
C E Hyde 1 collaboration
W B Li 1 collaboration
M Mazouz 1 collaboration
S L Allison 1 collaboration
C M Camacho 1 collaboration
A V Gramolin 1 collaboration
A V Hernandez 1 collaboration
A H Liyanage 1 collaboration
D Mack 1 collaboration
S Mayilyan 1 collaboration
K Mesick 1 collaboration
B Moffit 1 collaboration
R F Obrecht 1 collaboration
K Ohanyan 1 collaboration
F D Persio 1 collaboration
Y Tan 1 collaboration
R Uniyal 1 collaboration
Y X Zhao 1 collaboration
W Xiong 1 collaboration
A Gasparian 1 collaboration
H Gao 1 collaboration
M Khandaker 1 collaboration
E Pasyuk 1 collaboration
M Levillain 1 collaboration
M Meziane 1 collaboration
K Adhikari 1 collaboration
J Brock 1 collaboration
V Burkert 1 collaboration
C Carlin 1 collaboration
A Deur 1 collaboration
J Dunne 1 collaboration
P Ekanayaka 1 collaboration
L El-Fassi 1 collaboration
B Emmich 1 collaboration
L Gan 1 collaboration
M L Kabir 1 collaboration
S Kowalski 1 collaboration
V Lagerquist 1 collaboration
I Larin 1 collaboration
T Liu 1 collaboration
J Maxwell 1 collaboration
H Nguyen 1 collaboration
R Pedroni 1 collaboration
C Perdrisat 1 collaboration
J Pierce 1 collaboration
M Shabestari 1 collaboration
R Silwal 1 collaboration
S Stepanyan 1 collaboration
V V Tarasov 1 collaboration
Y Zhang 1 collaboration
Z W Zhao 1 collaboration
B S Aljawrneh 1 collaboration
J Butler 1 collaboration
J-O Hansen 1 collaboration
R J Holt 1 collaboration
E W Hughes 1 collaboration
A Kievsky 1 collaboration
S A Kulagin 1 collaboration
K S Kumar 1 collaboration
S Liuti 1 collaboration
M Mihovilovic 1 collaboration
None Nuruzzaman 1 collaboration
V F Owen 1 collaboration
E Pace 1 collaboration
M Paolone 1 collaboration
R Petti 1 collaboration
R D Ransome 1 collaboration
G Salmè 1 collaboration
S Scopetta 1 collaboration
J Segal 1 collaboration