Plant biotechnology journal
NAR genomics and bioinformatics
Applied microbiology and biotechnology
Journal of functional biomaterials
The Plant journal : for cell and molecular biology
NAR genomics and bioinformatics
Scientific reports
Emeline Favreau
Alessandro Cini
Daisy Taylor
Francisco Câmara Ferreira
Michael A Bentley
Federico Cappa
Rita Cervo
Eyal Privman
Jadesada Schneider
Denis Thiéry
Rahia Mashoodh
Christopher D R Wyatt
Robert L Brown
Alexandrina Bodrug-Schepers
Nancy Stralis-Pavese
Daniel Mead
Heinz Himmelbauer
Roderic Guigo
Seirian Sumner
Frontiers in microbiology
TAG. Theoretical and applied genetics. Theoretische und angewandte Genetik
The Plant journal : for cell and molecular biology