IEEE transactions on cybernetics
IEEE transactions on pattern analysis and machine intelligence
Frontiers in neuroscience
Sensors (Basel, Switzerland)
Scientific reports
Dorothee Moll
Harald Asmus
Alexandra Blöcker
Uwe Böttcher
Jan Conradt
Leonie Färber
Nicole Funk
Steffen Funk
Helene Gutte
Hans-Harald Hinrichsen
Paul Kotterba
Uwe Krumme
Frane Madiraca
H E Markus Meier
Steffi Meyer
Timo Moritz
Saskia A Otto
Guilherme Pinto
Patrick Polte
Marie-Catherine Riekhof
Victoria Sarrazin
Marco Scotti
Rudi Voss
Helmut Winkler
Christian Möllmann
Journal of neural engineering
IEEE transactions on visualization and computer graphics
Sensors (Basel, Switzerland)
Frontiers in neurorobotics
Frontiers in neurorobotics