Jessica Parascando

  • 1 Department of Family and Community Medicine, Penn State College of Medicine, Hershey, PA, USA.

Publications (13)

What's Happening in Your Head: Overcoming Our Assumptions to Work Better Together.

MedEdPORTAL : the journal of teaching and learning resources

Réseau de co-auteurs

Tamara K Oser 6 collaborations
Arthur Berg 4 collaborations
Julie A Radico 3 collaborations
Julie Radico 2 collaborations
Sean M Oser 2 collaborations
Siddhartha Roy 2 collaborations
Alexis Reedy-Cooper 2 collaborations
Zakary Newberry 2 collaborations
Robert P Lennon 2 collaborations
Timothy D Riley 2 collaborations
Kaitlin A Minnehan 1 collaboration
Glenna Wong 1 collaboration
Erin McGinley 1 collaboration
Rebecca Mullen 1 collaboration
Jennifer Moss 1 collaboration
Karl T Clebak 1 collaboration
Joseph Wiedemer 1 collaboration
Huamei Dong 1 collaboration
Alexander O'Donovan 1 collaboration
Donald E Nease 1 collaboration
Anthony B Dambro 1 collaboration
Alyssa Anderson 1 collaboration
Michael Partin 1 collaboration
Ana Sanchez 1 collaboration
Jessica Poulson 1 collaboration
Sarah Ines Ramirez 1 collaboration
Daniel Schlegel 1 collaboration
Kaleb T Bogale 1 collaboration
Alexander Zettlemoyer 1 collaboration
Matthew L Silvis 1 collaboration
Simon G Talbot 1 collaboration
Shouhao Zhou 1 collaboration
Emily Wasserman 1 collaboration
Sneha Mantri 1 collaboration
Philip G Day 1 collaboration
Ryan Liu 1 collaboration
Makayla Lagerman 1 collaboration
Annette Appiah 1 collaboration
David Rabago 1 collaboration
Wendy Dean 1 collaboration
Catherine Caldwell 1 collaboration
Muhammed A Rahim 1 collaboration
Abraar Muneem 1 collaboration
Munima Nasir 1 collaboration
Megan Mendez-Miller 1 collaboration
Francesco Satriale 1 collaboration
John C Garman 1 collaboration
Tamara Oser 1 collaboration