Jane Nixon

  • Leeds Institute of Clinical Trials Research, University of Leeds, Leeds, LS2 9JT, UK.

Publications (5)

Réseau de co-auteurs

Susanne Coleman 3 collaborations
Sarah Brown 2 collaborations
Isabelle L Smith 2 collaborations
Elizabeth McGinnis 2 collaborations
Armando Vargas-Palacios 2 collaborations
E Andrea Nelson 2 collaborations
Howard Collier 2 collaborations
Catherine Fernandez 2 collaborations
Rachael Gilberts 2 collaborations
Valerie Henderson 2 collaborations
Delia Muir 2 collaborations
Nikki Stubbs 2 collaborations
Kay Walker 2 collaborations
Lyn Wilson 2 collaborations
Claire Hulme 2 collaborations
Jim Nixon 2 collaborations
Judy M Wright 1 collaboration
Lisette Schoonhoven 1 collaboration
Maureen Twiddy 1 collaboration
Joanne Greenhalgh 1 collaboration
Julia Brown 1 collaboration
Christopher McCabe 1 collaboration
Claudia Rutherford 1 collaboration
Benjamin Thorpe 1 collaboration
Klemens Wallner 1 collaboration
Saryani Asmayawati 1 collaboration
Rebecca L Charles 1 collaboration