J Yserbyt

  • Department of Pneumology, UZ Leuven, Leuven, Belgium.

Publications (25)

COVID-19 in lung transplant patients: A case series.

American journal of transplantation : official journal of the American Society of Transplantation and the American Society of Transplant Surgeons

Réseau de co-auteurs

Jonas Yserbyt 21 collaborations
Wim A Wuyts 11 collaborations
Robin Vos 11 collaborations
Stijn E Verleden 10 collaborations
Geert M Verleden 9 collaborations
Laurens J De Sadeleer 6 collaborations
Tinne Goos 5 collaborations
Bart M Vanaudenaerde 5 collaborations
Eric K Verbeken 4 collaborations
Annelore Sacreas 4 collaborations
Lieven J Dupont 4 collaborations
Dirk E Van Raemdonck 4 collaborations
Steven Ronsmans 3 collaborations
Laurent Godinas 3 collaborations
Christophe Dooms 3 collaborations
Anke Van Herck 3 collaborations
Arne P Neyrinck 3 collaborations
Diether Lambrechts 3 collaborations
Laurens J Ceulemans 3 collaborations
Arno Vanstapel 3 collaborations
Stephan Keirsbilck 2 collaborations
Benoit Nemery 2 collaborations
L Godinas 2 collaborations
R Vos 2 collaborations
Jolien De Ridder 2 collaborations
Steven Vanderschueren 2 collaborations
E Wauters 2 collaborations
D Testelmans 2 collaborations
N Lorent 2 collaborations
P Van Mol 2 collaborations
J Wauters 2 collaborations
C Dooms 2 collaborations
Wim Wuyts 2 collaborations
Tobias Heigl 2 collaborations
Dirk Van Raemdonck 2 collaborations
Bert Malengier-Devlies 2 collaborations
Patrick Matthys 2 collaborations
Els Wauters 2 collaborations
Pierre Van Mol 2 collaborations
Thomas Van Brussel 2 collaborations
Rogier Schepers 2 collaborations
Dries Testelmans 2 collaborations
Walter De Wever 2 collaborations
None None 2 collaborations
Veronique Schaevers 2 collaborations
Janne Kaes 2 collaborations
Vincent Geudens 2 collaborations
David Ruttens 2 collaborations
Els Adams 1 collaboration
Rudy Swennen 1 collaboration
Peter Hm Hoet 1 collaboration
Marie Vermant 1 collaboration
Y Piette 1 collaboration
F Van den Bossche 1 collaboration
J Aerts 1 collaboration
N Aerts 1 collaboration
S Ajeganova 1 collaboration
V Badot 1 collaboration
N Berghen 1 collaboration
D Blockmans 1 collaboration
G Brusselle 1 collaboration
N Caeyers 1 collaboration
M De Decker 1 collaboration
P De Haes 1 collaboration
C De Cock 1 collaboration
F De Keyser 1 collaboration
E De Langhe 1 collaboration
M Delcroix 1 collaboration
H De Nutte 1 collaboration
M De Pauw 1 collaboration
A Depicker 1 collaboration
A De Sutter 1 collaboration
J De Sutter 1 collaboration
T Du Four 1 collaboration
C Frank 1 collaboration
J Goubau 1 collaboration
J Guiot 1 collaboration
J Gutermuth 1 collaboration
L Heeman 1 collaboration
F Houssiau 1 collaboration
I Hennes 1 collaboration
J Lenaerts 1 collaboration
A Lintermans 1 collaboration
B Loeys 1 collaboration
H Luyten 1 collaboration
B Maeyaert 1 collaboration
F Malfait 1 collaboration
A Moeyersoons 1 collaboration
Y Mostmans 1 collaboration
J Nijs 1 collaboration
B Poppe 1 collaboration
K Polfliet 1 collaboration
D Ruttens 1 collaboration
V Sabato 1 collaboration
E Schoeters 1 collaboration
H Slabbynck 1 collaboration
A Stuer 1 collaboration
F Tamirou 1 collaboration
Kristof Thevissen 1 collaboration
G Van Kersschaever 1 collaboration
B Vanneuville 1 collaboration
J Van Offel 1 collaboration
M Vanthuyne 1 collaboration
J Van Wabeke 1 collaboration
C Verbist 1 collaboration
I Vos 1 collaboration
R Westhovens 1 collaboration
W Wuyts 1 collaboration
V Smith 1 collaboration
Natalie Lorent 1 collaboration
Pascal Van Bleyenbergh 1 collaboration
Lieven Dupont 1 collaboration
Marion Delcroix 1 collaboration
S Bos 1 collaboration
L J De Sadeleer 1 collaboration
L J Dupont 1 collaboration
G M Verleden 1 collaboration
L J Ceulemans 1 collaboration
B M Vanaudenaerde 1 collaboration
Jonas C Schupp 1 collaboration
John E McDonough 1 collaboration
Elena Bargagli 1 collaboration
Paola Rottoli 1 collaboration
Naftali Kaminski 1 collaboration
Antje Prasse 1 collaboration
Eline Vandebroek 1 collaboration
Peter H M Hoet 1 collaboration
Hannelore Bode 1 collaboration
A Kalkanis 1 collaboration
Z Louvaris 1 collaboration
M Eleftheriou 1 collaboration
Sofie Breuls 1 collaboration
Astrid Blondeel 1 collaboration
Wim Janssens 1 collaboration
Thierry Troosters 1 collaboration
Heleen Demeyer 1 collaboration
Mieke Metzemaekers 1 collaboration
Karen Yu 1 collaboration
Sofie Vandendriessche 1 collaboration
Lien De Somer 1 collaboration
Carine Wouters 1 collaboration
Paul Proost 1 collaboration
Sander Jansen 1 collaboration
Yannick Van Herck 1 collaboration
Lore Vanderbeke 1 collaboration
Ayse Bassez 1 collaboration
Bram Boeckx 1 collaboration
Anna Timmerman 1 collaboration
Tina Van Buyten 1 collaboration
Elisabeth Heylen 1 collaboration
Dieter Dauwe 1 collaboration
Jan Gunst 1 collaboration
Greet Hermans 1 collaboration
Philippe Meersseman 1 collaboration
Sabine Tejpar 1 collaboration
Johan Neyts 1 collaboration
Joost Wauters 1 collaboration
Junbin Qian 1 collaboration
Fabienne Dobbels 1 collaboration
Leni Hulst 1 collaboration
Ive Verbeeck 1 collaboration
Ines De Coninck 1 collaboration
Pieter Berrevoets 1 collaboration
Arne Neyrinck 1 collaboration
L Vanderbeke 1 collaboration
Y Van Herck 1 collaboration
F De Smet 1 collaboration
S Humblet-Baron 1 collaboration
K Martinod 1 collaboration
A Antoranz 1 collaboration
I Arijs 1 collaboration
B Boeckx 1 collaboration
F M Bosisio 1 collaboration
M Casaer 1 collaboration
D Dauwe 1 collaboration
W De Wever 1 collaboration
E Dreesen 1 collaboration
A Emmaneel 1 collaboration
J Filtjens 1 collaboration
M Gouwy 1 collaboration
J Gunst 1 collaboration
G Hermans 1 collaboration
S Jansen 1 collaboration
K Lagrou 1 collaboration
A Liston 1 collaboration
P Meersseman 1 collaboration
T Mercier 1 collaboration
J Neyts 1 collaboration
J Odent 1 collaboration
D Panovska 1 collaboration
P A Penttila 1 collaboration
E Pollet 1 collaboration
P Proost 1 collaboration
J Qian 1 collaboration
K Quintelier 1 collaboration
J Raes 1 collaboration
S Rex 1 collaboration
Y Saeys 1 collaboration
J Sprooten 1 collaboration
S Tejpar 1 collaboration
K Thevissen 1 collaboration
T Van Buyten 1 collaboration
J Vandenhaute 1 collaboration
S Van Gassen 1 collaboration
L C Velásquez Pereira 1 collaboration
B Weynand 1 collaboration
A Wilmer 1 collaboration
A D Garg 1 collaboration
P Matthys 1 collaboration
C Wouters 1 collaboration
D Lambrechts 1 collaboration
Celine Aelbrecht 1 collaboration
Sascha Vermeer 1 collaboration
Laurens De Sadeleer 1 collaboration
Adriana Dubbeldam 1 collaboration
Iwein Gyselinck 1 collaboration
Bart Vanaudenaerde 1 collaboration
Birgit Weynand 1 collaboration
Johny Verschakelen 1 collaboration
Eline M Lambert 1 collaboration
Anna E Frick 1 collaboration
Annelies Vranckx 1 collaboration
Ruben Vanden Eynde 1 collaboration
Sebastiaan Tuyls 1 collaboration
Saskia Bos 1 collaboration
Hanne Beeckmans 1 collaboration
Amelie Franken 1 collaboration
Sam Vanmassenhove 1 collaboration
Elena Donders 1 collaboration
Nico De Crem 1 collaboration
Kristiaan Nackaerts 1 collaboration
Johan Vansteenkiste 1 collaboration