J Stephen Billing

  • From McMaster University (P.J.D., A.L., M.H.M., E.P.B.-C., N.D., D.C., P.A.K., M.J.M., J.S., Y.L.M., R.M., S.F.L., S.I.B., S.H., F.K.B., G.H.G., S.Y., R.P.W.), Hamilton Health Sciences (P.J.D., A.L., E.P.B.-C., N.D., D.C., P.A.K., Y.L.M., F.K.B., G.H.G., S.Y., R.P.W.), and the Population Health Research Institute (P.J.D., A.L., M.H.M., E.P.B.-C., D.C., M.J.M., K.B., J.S., Y.L.M., R.M., S.F.L., S.I.B., F.K.B., S.P., J.V., S.Y., R.P.W.), Hamilton, Queen's University, Kingston (R.V.A., J.L.P.), and Sunnybrook Health Sciences Centre and the University of Toronto, Toronto (S.C., S.F.) - all in Ontario, Canada; the Chinese University of Hong Kong, Hong Kong (M.T.V.C., M.J.U.), and the First Affiliated Hospital of Xinjiang Medical University, Urumqi (H.Z.) - both in China; E. Meshalkin National Medical Research Center (V.V.L., M.A.) and Novosibirsk State University (V.V.L.), Novosibirsk, and the Research Institute for Complex Issues of Cardiovascular Diseases, Kemerovo (D.S.) - all in Russia; IRCCS San Raffaele Scientific Institute (G.L., E.F., F.M.) and Vita-Salute San Raffaele University (G.L., F.M.), Milan, the University of Foggia, Foggia (D.P.), and Santa Maria Hospital GVM Care and Research, Bari (D.P., V.M.) - all in Italy; the University of Malaya, Kuala Lumpur, Malaysia (C.Y.W.); Hospital de la Santa Creu i Sant Pau (G.U., M.M.) and Institut d'Investigació Biomèdica Sant Pau-CIBERESP (G.U.) - both in Barcelona; Instituto do Coração, Hospital das Clinicas, Faculdade de Medicina da Universidade de São Paulo, São Paulo (L.A.H.), and Hospital Moinhos de Vento (C.A.P.), Hospital de Clínicas de Porto Alegre (C.A.P.), and Instituto de Cardiologia do Rio Grande do Sul (R.S.), Porto Alegre - all in Brazil; Royal Perth Hospital and the University of Western Australia - both in Perth (G.S.H.); the University of Edinburgh, Edinburgh (N.L.M.), the Liverpool Heart and Chest Hospital NHS Foundation Trust, Liverpool (J.D.M.), and the Royal Wolverhampton NHS Trust, Wolverhampton (J.S.B.) - all in the United Kingdom; the University of California, Los Angeles, Los Angeles (E.M.); the University of Arizona College of Medicine, Tucson (J.S.A.); and Auckland City Hospital and the University of Auckland - both in Auckland, New Zealand (H.D.W.).

Réseau de co-auteurs

P J Devereaux 1 collaboration
Andre Lamy 1 collaboration
Matthew T V Chan 1 collaboration
René V Allard 1 collaboration
Vladimir V Lomivorotov 1 collaboration
Giovanni Landoni 1 collaboration
Hong Zheng 1 collaboration
Domenico Paparella 1 collaboration
Michael H McGillion 1 collaboration
Emilie P Belley-Côté 1 collaboration
Joel L Parlow 1 collaboration
Malcolm J Underwood 1 collaboration
Chew Yin Wang 1 collaboration
Nazari Dvirnik 1 collaboration
Marat Abubakirov 1 collaboration
Evgeny Fominskiy 1 collaboration
Stephen Choi 1 collaboration
Stephen Fremes 1 collaboration
Fabrizio Monaco 1 collaboration
Gerard Urrútia 1 collaboration
Marialuz Maestre 1 collaboration
Ludhmila A Hajjar 1 collaboration
Graham S Hillis 1 collaboration
Nicholas L Mills 1 collaboration
Vito Margari 1 collaboration
Joseph D Mills 1 collaboration
Emily Methangkool 1 collaboration
Carisi A Polanczyk 1 collaboration
Roberto Sant'Anna 1 collaboration
Dmitry Shukevich 1 collaboration
David Conen 1 collaboration
Peter A Kavsak 1 collaboration
Matthew J McQueen 1 collaboration
Katheryn Brady 1 collaboration
Jessica Spence 1 collaboration
Yannick Le Manach 1 collaboration
Rajibul Mian 1 collaboration
Shun Fu Lee 1 collaboration
Shrikant I Bangdiwala 1 collaboration
Sara Hussain 1 collaboration
Flavia K Borges 1 collaboration
Shirley Pettit 1 collaboration
Jessica Vincent 1 collaboration
Gordon H Guyatt 1 collaboration
Salim Yusuf 1 collaboration
Joseph S Alpert 1 collaboration
Harvey D White 1 collaboration
Richard P Whitlock 1 collaboration
None None 1 collaboration
Giuseppe Rescigno 1 collaboration
Sandeep Hothi 1 collaboration
Christopher Bond 1 collaboration
Mauin Uddin 1 collaboration
Veena Bhatti 1 collaboration
John Stephen Billing 1 collaboration