Ivetta Siket Mányiné
Ivetta Siket Mányiné
Division of Clinical Physiology, Department of Cardiology, Faculty of Medicine, University of Debrecen, Debrecen, Hungary.
Publications (3)
The majority of severe COVID-19 patients develop anti-cardiac autoantibodies.
Miklós Fagyas
Béla Nagy
Arnold Péter Ráduly
Lilla Mártha
Gábor Erdősi
Sándor Sipka
Enikő Enyedi
Attila Ádám Szabó
Zsófia Pólik
János Kappelmayer
Zoltán Papp
Attila Borbély
Tamás Szabó
József Balla
György Balla
Péter Bai
Attila Bácsi
Attila Tóth
Changes in the SARS-CoV-2 cellular receptor ACE2 levels in cardiovascular patients: a potential biomarker for the stratification of COVID-19 patients.
Miklós Fagyas
Viktor Bánhegyi
Katalin Úri
Attila Enyedi
Erzsébet Lizanecz
Lilla Mártha
Gábor Áron Fülöp
Tamás Radovits
Miklós Pólos
Béla Merkely
Árpád Kovács
Zoltán Szilvássy
Zoltán Ungvári
István Édes
Zoltán Csanádi
Judit Boczán
István Takács
Gábor Szabó
József Balla
György Balla
Petar Seferovic
Zoltán Papp
Attila Tóth
Get reliable laboratory findings - how to recognize the deceptive effects of angiotensin-converting enzyme inhibitor therapy in the laboratory diagnostics of sarcoidosis?
Clinical chemistry and laboratory medicine
Attila Ádám Szabó
Enikő Edit Enyedi
István Tibor Altorjay
Péter Hajnal
Tamás Bence Pintér
Csongor Váradi
Emese Bányai
Attila Tóth
Zoltán Papp
Miklós Fagyas
Réseau de co-auteurs
Miklós Fagyas
3 collaborations
Zoltán Papp
3 collaborations
Attila Tóth
3 collaborations
Lilla Mártha
2 collaborations
Attila Ádám Szabó
2 collaborations
József Balla
2 collaborations
György Balla
2 collaborations
Béla Nagy
1 collaboration
Arnold Péter Ráduly
1 collaboration
Gábor Erdősi
1 collaboration
Sándor Sipka
1 collaboration
Enikő Enyedi
1 collaboration
Zsófia Pólik
1 collaboration
János Kappelmayer
1 collaboration
Attila Borbély
1 collaboration
Tamás Szabó
1 collaboration
Péter Bai
1 collaboration
Attila Bácsi
1 collaboration
Viktor Bánhegyi
1 collaboration
Katalin Úri
1 collaboration
Attila Enyedi
1 collaboration
Erzsébet Lizanecz
1 collaboration
Gábor Áron Fülöp
1 collaboration
Tamás Radovits
1 collaboration
Miklós Pólos
1 collaboration
Béla Merkely
1 collaboration
Árpád Kovács
1 collaboration
Zoltán Szilvássy
1 collaboration
Zoltán Ungvári
1 collaboration
István Édes
1 collaboration
Zoltán Csanádi
1 collaboration
Judit Boczán
1 collaboration
István Takács
1 collaboration
Gábor Szabó
1 collaboration
Petar Seferovic
1 collaboration
Enikő Edit Enyedi
1 collaboration
István Tibor Altorjay
1 collaboration
Péter Hajnal
1 collaboration
Tamás Bence Pintér
1 collaboration
Csongor Váradi
1 collaboration
Emese Bányai
1 collaboration