The Science of the total environment
Child and adolescent psychiatry and mental health
Katharina Bernhardt
Saskia Le Beherec
Jana R Uppendahl
Melia Fleischmann
Matthias Klosinski
Luisa M Rivera
Georgia Samaras
Martha Kenney
Ruth Müller
Volker Mall
Andrea Hahnefeld
Children (Basel, Switzerland)
European journal of pediatrics
Andrea Hahnefeld
Thorsten Sukale
Elena Weigand
Verena Dudek
Katharina Münch
Sigrid Aberl
Lea V Eckler
Anna Friedmann
Paul L Plener
Jörg M Fegert
Volker Mall
Marine pollution bulletin
Journal of pediatric rehabilitation medicine
The Science of the total environment
Environmental science and pollution research international
Environmental pollution (Barking, Essex : 1987)
The Science of the total environment
Child and adolescent psychiatry and mental health
Child and adolescent psychiatry and mental health