Igor Stenin

  • Klinik für Hals-Nasen-Ohrenheilkunde, UniversitätsAllergieZentrum (UAZ), Universitätsklinikum Düsseldorf.

Publications (10)

Influence of patient-specific anatomy on medical computed tomography and risk evaluation of minimally invasive surgery at the otobasis.

European archives of oto-rhino-laryngology : official journal of the European Federation of Oto-Rhino-Laryngological Societies (EUFOS) : affiliated with the German Society for Oto-Rhino-Laryngology - Head and Neck Surgery

Robotic cochlear implantation: feasibility of a multiport approach in an ex vivo model.

European archives of oto-rhino-laryngology : official journal of the European Federation of Oto-Rhino-Laryngological Societies (EUFOS) : affiliated with the German Society for Oto-Rhino-Laryngology - Head and Neck Surgery

Réseau de co-auteurs

Julia Kristin 6 collaborations
Thomas Klenzner 5 collaborations
Jörg Schipper 5 collaborations
Anirban Mukhopadhyay 4 collaborations
Alexander Romanov 2 collaborations
Dmitry Ponomarev 2 collaborations
Vitaliy Shabanov 2 collaborations
Denis Losik 2 collaborations
Dmitry Elesin 2 collaborations
Ilya Stenin 2 collaborations
Igor Mikheenko 2 collaborations
Evgeny Pokushalov 2 collaborations
Sunny S Po 2 collaborations
Jonathan S Steinberg 2 collaborations
David Kügler 2 collaborations
Johannes Fauser 2 collaborations
Judith Bredemann 2 collaborations
I Stenin 2 collaborations
T Klenzner 2 collaborations
Alexander Cherniavskiy 1 collaboration
Nataliya Novikova 1 collaboration
Alexander Edemskiy 1 collaboration
Roman Zhizhov 1 collaboration
Evgeny Kretov 1 collaboration
Tamila V Martynyuk 1 collaboration
Martin Wagenmann 1 collaboration
Kathrin Scheckenbach 1 collaboration
Jannik Sehring 1 collaboration
Andrei Stefanov 1 collaboration
Markus Bauer 1 collaboration
Wei-Hung Hsu 1 collaboration
Sevda Bayramova 1 collaboration
Artem Strelnikov 1 collaboration
David Sergeevichev 1 collaboration
Boris Kozlov 1 collaboration
Vanessa Schieferbein 1 collaboration
R Schmitt 1 collaboration
C Plettenberg 1 collaboration
K Geipel 1 collaboration
M Wagenmann 1 collaboration
J Schipper 1 collaboration
K Scheckenbach 1 collaboration
Simon Bohlender 1 collaboration
Daniel Schneider 1 collaboration
Juan Ansó 1 collaboration
Jan Hermann 1 collaboration
Fabian Mueller 1 collaboration
Christoph Rathgeb 1 collaboration
Wilhelm Wimmer 1 collaboration
Joerg Schipper 1 collaboration
Marco Caversaccio 1 collaboration
Lukas Anschuetz 1 collaboration
Stefan Weber 1 collaboration
Henry Krumb 1 collaboration
Robert Schmitt 1 collaboration
Georgios Sakas 1 collaboration