I F Reijnders
I F Reijnders
Department of Obstetrics and Gynecology, Erasmus MC, University Medical Centre Rotterdam, PO Box 2040, 3000, CA, Rotterdam, the Netherlands.
Publications (5)
First-trimester utero-placental (vascular) development and embryonic and fetal growth: The Rotterdam periconception cohort.
A G M G J Mulders
M P H Koster
A T M Kropman
E S de Vos
A H J Koning
S P Willemsen
M Rousian
E A P Steegers
R P M Steegers-Theunissen
The influence of frozen-thawed and fresh embryo transfer on utero-placental (vascular) development: the Rotterdam Periconception cohort.
Human reproduction (Oxford, England)
Linette van Duijn
Melek Rousian
Igna F Reijnders
Sten P Willemsen
Esther B Baart
Joop S E Laven
Régine P M Steegers-Theunissen
First-trimester maternal haemodynamic adaptation to pregnancy and placental, embryonic and fetal development: the prospective observational Rotterdam Periconception cohort.
BJOG : an international journal of obstetrics and gynaecology
Agmgj Mulders
Mph Koster
Atm Kropman
Ahj Koning
S P Willemsen
Eap Steegers
Rpm Steegers-Theunissen
Corpus luteum number and the maternal renin-angiotensin-aldosterone system as determinants of utero-placental (vascular) development: the Rotterdam Periconceptional Cohort.
Reproductive biology and endocrinology : RB&E
Rosalieke E Wiegel
Maud J H Karsten
Igna F Reijnders
Lenie van Rossem
Sten P Willemsen
Annemarie G M G J Mulders
Anton H J Koning
Eric A P Steegers
A H Jan Danser
Régine P M Steegers-Theunissen
Periconceptional maternal and paternal homocysteine levels and early utero-placental (vascular) growth trajectories: The Rotterdam periconception cohort.
Jeffrey Hoek
Sam Schoenmakers
Bianca Ringelberg
Igna F Reijnders
Sten P Willemsen
Yolanda B De Rijke
Annemarie G M G J Mulders
Régine P M Steegers-Theunissen
Réseau de co-auteurs
Igna F Reijnders
3 collaborations
Sten P Willemsen
3 collaborations
Régine P M Steegers-Theunissen
3 collaborations
S P Willemsen
2 collaborations
Annemarie G M G J Mulders
2 collaborations
A G M G J Mulders
1 collaboration
M P H Koster
1 collaboration
A T M Kropman
1 collaboration
E S de Vos
1 collaboration
A H J Koning
1 collaboration
M Rousian
1 collaboration
E A P Steegers
1 collaboration
R P M Steegers-Theunissen
1 collaboration
Linette van Duijn
1 collaboration
Melek Rousian
1 collaboration
Esther B Baart
1 collaboration
Joop S E Laven
1 collaboration
Agmgj Mulders
1 collaboration
Mph Koster
1 collaboration
Atm Kropman
1 collaboration
Ahj Koning
1 collaboration
Eap Steegers
1 collaboration
Rpm Steegers-Theunissen
1 collaboration
Rosalieke E Wiegel
1 collaboration
Maud J H Karsten
1 collaboration
Lenie van Rossem
1 collaboration
Anton H J Koning
1 collaboration
Eric A P Steegers
1 collaboration
A H Jan Danser
1 collaboration
Jeffrey Hoek
1 collaboration
Sam Schoenmakers
1 collaboration
Bianca Ringelberg
1 collaboration
Yolanda B De Rijke
1 collaboration