BMJ open diabetes research & care
The Journal of neuroscience : the official journal of the Society for Neuroscience
R A I Bethlehem
J Seidlitz
S R White
J W Vogel
K M Anderson
C Adamson
S Adler
G S Alexopoulos
E Anagnostou
A Areces-Gonzalez
D E Astle
B Auyeung
M Ayub
J Bae
G Ball
S Baron-Cohen
R Beare
S A Bedford
V Benegal
F Beyer
J Blangero
M Blesa Cábez
J P Boardman
M Borzage
J F Bosch-Bayard
N Bourke
V D Calhoun
M M Chakravarty
C Chen
C Chertavian
G Chetelat
Y S Chong
J H Cole
A Corvin
M Costantino
E Courchesne
F Crivello
V L Cropley
J Crosbie
N Crossley
M Delarue
R Delorme
S Desrivieres
G A Devenyi
M A Di Biase
R Dolan
K A Donald
G Donohoe
K Dunlop
A D Edwards
J T Elison
C T Ellis
J A Elman
L Eyler
D A Fair
E Feczko
P C Fletcher
P Fonagy
C E Franz
L Galan-Garcia
A Gholipour
J Giedd
J H Gilmore
D C Glahn
I M Goodyer
P E Grant
N A Groenewold
F M Gunning
R E Gur
R C Gur
C F Hammill
O Hansson
T Hedden
A Heinz
R N Henson
K Heuer
J Hoare
B Holla
A J Holmes
R Holt
H Huang
K Im
J Ipser
C R Jack
A P Jackowski
T Jia
K A Johnson
P B Jones
D T Jones
R S Kahn
H Karlsson
L Karlsson
R Kawashima
E A Kelley
S Kern
K W Kim
M G Kitzbichler
W S Kremen
F Lalonde
B Landeau
S Lee
J Lerch
J D Lewis
J Li
W Liao
C Liston
M V Lombardo
J Lv
C Lynch
T T Mallard
M Marcelis
R D Markello
S R Mathias
B Mazoyer
P McGuire
M J Meaney
A Mechelli
N Medic
B Misic
S E Morgan
D Mothersill
J Nigg
M Q W Ong
C Ortinau
R Ossenkoppele
M Ouyang
L Palaniyappan
L Paly
P M Pan
C Pantelis
M M Park
T Paus
Z Pausova
D Paz-Linares
A Pichet Binette
K Pierce
X Qian
J Qiu
A Qiu
A Raznahan
T Rittman
A Rodrigue
C K Rollins
R Romero-Garcia
L Ronan
M D Rosenberg
D H Rowitch
G A Salum
T D Satterthwaite
H L Schaare
R J Schachar
A P Schultz
G Schumann
M Schöll
D Sharp
R T Shinohara
I Skoog
C D Smyser
R A Sperling
D J Stein
A Stolicyn
J Suckling
G Sullivan
Y Taki
B Thyreau
R Toro
N Traut
K A Tsvetanov
N B Turk-Browne
J J Tuulari
C Tzourio
É Vachon-Presseau
M J Valdes-Sosa
P A Valdes-Sosa
S L Valk
T van Amelsvoort
S N Vandekar
L Vasung
L W Victoria
S Villeneuve
A Villringer
P E Vértes
K Wagstyl
Y S Wang
S K Warfield
V Warrier
E Westman
M L Westwater
H C Whalley
A V Witte
N Yang
B Yeo
H Yun
A Zalesky
H J Zar
A Zettergren
J H Zhou
H Ziauddeen
A Zugman
X N Zuo
Auteur inconnu
Auteur inconnu
Auteur inconnu
Auteur inconnu
Auteur inconnu
Auteur inconnu
Auteur inconnu
Auteur inconnu
Auteur inconnu
Auteur inconnu
Auteur inconnu
Auteur inconnu
Auteur inconnu
Auteur inconnu
Auteur inconnu
Auteur inconnu
Auteur inconnu
Auteur inconnu
Auteur inconnu
Auteur inconnu
E T Bullmore
A F Alexander-Bloch
International journal of obesity (2005)
Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences of the United States of America
Molecular psychiatry
J Haarsma
P C Fletcher
J D Griffin
H J Taverne
H Ziauddeen
T J Spencer
C Miller
T Katthagen
I Goodyer
K M J Diederen
G K Murray
European neuropsychopharmacology : the journal of the European College of Neuropsychopharmacology
Social psychiatry and psychiatric epidemiology
Developmental cognitive neuroscience
Journal of the Royal Society of Medicine
Deepti Gurdasani
Samir Bhatt
Anthony Costello
Spiros Denaxas
Seth Flaxman
Trisha Greenhalgh
Stephen Griffin
Zoë Hyde
Aris Katzourakis
Martin McKee
Susan Michie
Oliver Ratmann
Stephen Reicher
Gabriel Scally
Christopher Tomlinson
Christian Yates
Christina Pagel
Biological psychiatry. Cognitive neuroscience and neuroimaging
Biological psychiatry. Cognitive neuroscience and neuroimaging
Current opinion in psychiatry