From the Department of Internal Medicine, Center for Clinical Research and Evidence-Based Medicine, and Department of Pediatrics, University of Texas McGovern Medical School, Houston, Texas, USA.
M. Buni, MD, Rheumatology Fellow, McGovern Medical School; J. Joseph, MD, Washington DC VA Medical Center; C. Pedroza, PhD, Associate Professor, McGovern Medical School; S. Theodore, MD, Research Coordinator I, McGovern Medical School; D. Nair, MS, Data Manager Contractor; T.A. McNearney, MD; H.T. Draeger, MD, University Health System - University Medicine Associates; J.D. Reveille, MD, Professor, McGovern Medical School; S. Assassi, MD, Associate Professor, McGovern Medical School; M.D. Mayes, MD, Professor, McGovern Medical School. Dr. Buni and Dr. Joseph contributed equally to this paper and are co-first authors.