Archives of sexual behavior
Hormone research in paediatrics
Martine Cools
Earl Y Cheng
Joanne Hall
Julie Alderson
Anne-Marie Amies Oelschlager
Adam H Balen
Yee-Ming Chan
Mitchell E Geffner
Claus H Gravholt
Tülay Güran
Piet Hoebeke
Peter Lee
Ellie Magritte
Dina Matos
Ken McElreavey
Richard C Rink
Alexander Springer
Konrad M Szymanski
Eric Vilain
Jo Williams
Katja P Wolffenbuttel
David E Sandberg
Ramnath Subramaniam
Archives of sexual behavior
Archives of sexual behavior
Neuropsychopharmacology : official publication of the American College of Neuropsychopharmacology
Christoph Anacker
Ezra Sydnor
Briana K Chen
Christina C LaGamma
Josephine C McGowan
Alessia Mastrodonato
Holly C Hunsberger
Ryan Shores
Rushell S Dixon
Bruce S McEwen
William Byne
Walter Bockting
Anke A Ehrhardt
Christine A Denny
Hormone research in paediatrics
Focus (American Psychiatric Publishing)
Archives of sexual behavior