Nature ecology & evolution
Nature communications
Jeremy McCormack
Michael L Griffiths
Sora L Kim
Kenshu Shimada
Molly Karnes
Harry Maisch
Sarah Pederzani
Nicolas Bourgon
Klervia Jaouen
Martin A Becker
Niels Jöns
Nicolas Straube
Jürgen Pollerspöck
Jean-Jacques Hublin
Robert A Eagle
Thomas Tütken
Marine pollution bulletin
B Herut
R Goldman
T Ozer
A Lazar
E Biton
I Gertman
J Silverman
Y Segal
G Sisma-Ventura
Y Gertner
M Rubin-Blum
N Belkin
E Rahav
Marine environmental research
Marine pollution bulletin
Frontiers in microbiology
Environment international
FEMS microbiology ecology
Environmental science & technology
Environmental science & technology
The Science of the total environment