Euro surveillance : bulletin Europeen sur les maladies transmissibles = European communicable disease bulletin
Guillaume Velut
François Delon
Jean Paul Mérigaud
Christelle Tong
François Boissan
Stéphanie Watier-Grillot
Mickaël Boni
Clement Derkenne
Aissata Dia
Gaëtan Texier
Philippe Vest
Jean Baptiste Meynard
Pierre Edouard Fournier
Aurélie Chesnay
Vincent Pommier de Santi
The Science of the total environment
Ludovic Hermabessiere
Justine Receveur
Charlotte Himber
David Mazurais
Arnaud Huvet
Fabienne Lagarde
Christophe Lambert
Ika Paul-Pont
Alexandre Dehaut
Ronan Jezequel
Philippe Soudant
Environmental science and pollution research international
Périne Doyen
Ludovic Hermabessiere
Alexandre Dehaut
Charlotte Himber
Marion Decodts
Thiefaine Degraeve
Léna Delord
Marie Gaboriaud
Pauline Moné
Jade Sacco
Eric Tavernier
Thierry Grard
Environmental science and pollution research international
Maria Kazour
Sharif Jemaa
Maria El Rakwe
Ludovic Hermabassiere
Alexandre Dehaut
Florane Le Bihanic
Jerome Cachot
Vincent Cornille
Khalef Rabhi
Gaby Khalaf
Rachid Amara
Environmental monitoring and assessment
The Science of the total environment
David Leistenschneider
Adèle Wolinski
Jingguang Cheng
Alexandra Ter Halle
Arnaud Huvet
Ika Paul-Pont
Franck Lartaud
François Galgani
Édouard Lavergne
Anne-Leila Meistertzheim
Jean-François Ghiglione
Environmental research
Madjid Djouina
Cécile Vignal
Alexandre Dehaut
Ségolène Caboche
Nell Hirt
Christophe Waxin
Charlotte Himber
Delphine Beury
David Hot
Laurent Dubuquoy
David Launay
Mathilde Body-Malapel
The Science of the total environment
Environmental pollution (Barking, Essex : 1987)
Ludovic Hermabessiere
Ika Paul-Pont
Anne-Laure Cassone
Charlotte Himber
Justine Receveur
Ronan Jezequel
Maria El Rakwe
Emmanuel Rinnert
Gilles Rivière
Christophe Lambert
Arnaud Huvet
Alexandre Dehaut
Philippe Soudant
International journal of food microbiology
The Science of the total environment
The Science of the total environment
The Science of the total environment
Environment international
Waste management (New York, N.Y.)