TAG. Theoretical and applied genetics. Theoretische und angewandte Genetik
International journal of molecular sciences
PloS one
Karina Y Morales
Namrata Singh
Francisco Agosto Perez
John Carlos Ignacio
Ranjita Thapa
Juan D Arbelaez
Rodante E Tabien
Adam Famoso
Diane R Wang
Yuxin Shi
Tobias Kretzschmar
Susan R McCouch
Michael J Thomson
International journal of molecular sciences
Plants (Basel, Switzerland)
International journal of molecular sciences
International journal of molecular sciences
International journal of molecular sciences
Frontiers in plant science
Frontiers in plant science
International journal of molecular sciences
International journal of molecular sciences
International journal of molecular sciences
Scientific reports
Anuradha Singh
Yashi Singh
Ajay K Mahato
Pawan K Jayaswal
Sangeeta Singh
Renu Singh
Neera Yadav
A K Singh
P K Singh
Rakesh Singh
Rajesh Kumar
H S Balyan
Nagendra K Singh
Vandna Rai
International journal of molecular sciences
Plants (Basel, Switzerland)
Frontiers in plant science
Molecules (Basel, Switzerland)
BMC genomics
Darlene L Sanchez
Stanley Omar Pb Samonte
Jasper Benedict B Alpuerto
Peyton A Croaker
Karina Y Morales
Yubin Yang
Lloyd T Wilson
Rodante E Tabien
Zongbu Yan
Michael J Thomson
Plants (Basel, Switzerland)
Frontiers in plant science