Donald M Bushnell
Donald M Bushnell
Evidera (Pharmaceutical Product Development, LLC), Bethesda, Maryland, USA.
Publications (7)
Responsiveness and meaningful change thresholds of the Living with Pulmonary Fibrosis (L-PF) questionnaire Dyspnoea and Cough scores in patients with progressive fibrosing interstitial lung diseases.
BMJ open respiratory research
Jeffrey J Swigris
Klaus Rohr
Heiko Mueller
Michael Baldwin
Yoshikazu Inoue
Assessing the Impact of Growth Hormone Deficiency (GHD) in Adults: Interpreting Change of the Treatment-Related Impact Measure-Adult Growth Hormone Deficiency (TRIM-AGHD).
PharmacoEconomics - open
Meryl Brod
Jane F Beck
Lise Højbjerre
Johan Erpur Adalsteinsson
Lars Wilkinson
Michael Højby Rasmussen
Use of the Evaluating Respiratory Symptoms™ in COPD as an Outcome Measure in Clinical Trials: A Rapid Systematic Review.
Chronic obstructive pulmonary diseases (Miami, Fla.)
Rozanne Wilson
Florian S Gutzwiller
Nancy K Leidy
Carolina Hache
Chau Thach
Claus F Vogelmeier
The psychometric properties of the King's Brief Interstitial Lung Disease questionnaire and thresholds for meaningful treatment response in patients with progressive fibrosing interstitial lung diseases.
The European respiratory journal
Surinder S Birring
Michael Baldwin
Heiko Mueller
Natalia Male
Klaus B Rohr
Yoshikazu Inoue
The Living with Pulmonary Fibrosis questionnaire in progressive fibrosing interstitial lung disease.
ERJ open research
Jeffrey Swigris
Katelyn Cutts
Natalia Male
Michael Baldwin
Klaus B Rohr
Comparing patient global impression of severity and patient global impression of change to evaluate test-retest reliability of depression, non-small cell lung cancer, and asthma measures.
Quality of life research : an international journal of quality of life aspects of treatment, care and rehabilitation
Sonya Eremenco
Wen-Hung Chen
Steven I Blum
Elizabeth Nicole Bush
Kendra DeBusk
Adam Gater
Linda Nelsen
Stephen Joel Coons
Auteur inconnu
Psychometric Validation of the Growth Hormone Deficiency-Child Impact Measure (GHD-CIM).
PharmacoEconomics - open
Meryl Brod
Michael Højby Rasmussen
Knud Vad
Suzanne Alolga
Jacques Bedoin
Aristides Maniatis
Réseau de co-auteurs
Michael Baldwin
3 collaborations
Heiko Mueller
2 collaborations
Yoshikazu Inoue
2 collaborations
Meryl Brod
2 collaborations
Michael Højby Rasmussen
2 collaborations
Natalia Male
2 collaborations
Klaus B Rohr
2 collaborations
Jeffrey J Swigris
1 collaboration
Klaus Rohr
1 collaboration
Jane F Beck
1 collaboration
Lise Højbjerre
1 collaboration
Johan Erpur Adalsteinsson
1 collaboration
Lars Wilkinson
1 collaboration
Rozanne Wilson
1 collaboration
Florian S Gutzwiller
1 collaboration
Nancy K Leidy
1 collaboration
Carolina Hache
1 collaboration
Chau Thach
1 collaboration
Claus F Vogelmeier
1 collaboration
Surinder S Birring
1 collaboration
Jeffrey Swigris
1 collaboration
Katelyn Cutts
1 collaboration
Sonya Eremenco
1 collaboration
Wen-Hung Chen
1 collaboration
Steven I Blum
1 collaboration
Elizabeth Nicole Bush
1 collaboration
Kendra DeBusk
1 collaboration
Adam Gater
1 collaboration
Linda Nelsen
1 collaboration
Stephen Joel Coons
1 collaboration
None None
1 collaboration
Knud Vad
1 collaboration
Suzanne Alolga
1 collaboration
Jacques Bedoin
1 collaboration
Aristides Maniatis
1 collaboration