Deborah Steensels

  • Department of Clinical Microbiology, CUB-Erasme, Université Libre de Bruxelles, Brussels, Belgium.

Publications (8)

Nationwide Harmonization Effort for Semi-Quantitative Reporting of SARS-CoV-2 PCR Test Results in Belgium.

Avec: Lize Cuypers , Jannes Bode , Kurt Beuselinck , Lies Laenen , Klaas Dewaele , Reile Janssen , Arnaud Capron , Yves Lafort , Henry Paridaens , Bertrand Bearzatto , Mathieu Cauchie , Aline Huwart , Jonathan Degosserie , Olivier Fagnart , Yarah Overmeire , Arlette Rouffiange , Ilse Vandecandelaere , Marine Deffontaine , Thomas Pilate , Nicolas Yin , Isabel Micalessi , Sandrine Roisin , Veronique Moons , Marijke Reynders , Sophia Steyaert , Coralie Henin , Elena Lazarova , Dagmar Obbels , François E Dufrasne , Hendri Pirenne , Raf Schepers , Anaëlle Collin , Bruno Verhasselt , Laurent Gillet , Stijn Jonckheere , Philippe Van Lint , Bea Van den Poel , Yolien Van der Beken , Violeta Stojkovic , Maria-Grazia Garrino , Hannah Segers , Kevin Vos , Maaike Godefroid , Valerie Pede , Friedel Nollet , Vincent Claes , Inge Verschraegen , Pierre Bogaerts , Marjan Van Gysel , Judith Leurs , Veroniek Saegeman , Oriane Soetens , Merijn Vanhee , Gilberte Schiettekatte , Evelyne Huyghe , Steven Martens , Ann Lemmens , Heleen Nailis , Kim Laffineur , Elke Vanlaere , Jérémie Gras , Gatien Roussel , Koenraad Gijbels , Michael Boudewijns , Catherine Sion , Wim Achtergael , Wim Maurissen , Luc Iliano , Marianne Chantrenne , Geert Vanheule , Reinoud Flies , Nicolas Hougardy , Mario Berth , Vanessa Verbeke , Robin Morent , Anne Vankeerberghen , Sébastien Bontems , Kaat Kehoe , Anneleen Schallier , Giang Ho , Kristof Bafort , Marijke Raymaekers , Yolande Pypen , Amelie Heinrichs , Wim Schuermans , Dominique Cuigniez , Salah Eddine Lali , Stefanie Drieghe , Dieter Ory , Marie Le Mercier , Kristel Van Laethem , Inge Thoelen , Sarah Vandamme , Iqbal Mansoor , Carl Vael , Maxime De Sloovere , Katrien Declerck , Elisabeth Dequeker , Stefanie Desmet , Piet Maes , Katrien Lagrou , Emmanuel André

Réseau de co-auteurs

Marijke Reynders 4 collaborations
Isabel Montesinos 2 collaborations
Vincent Claes 2 collaborations
Steven Thiessen 2 collaborations
Line Heylen 2 collaborations
Katrien Lagrou 2 collaborations
Patrick Descheemaeker 1 collaboration
Martin D Curran 1 collaboration
Maya Hites 1 collaboration
Isabelle Etienne 1 collaboration
Julien Coussement 1 collaboration
David Lebeaux 1 collaboration
Najla El Bizri 1 collaboration
Michel Kohnen 1 collaboration
Isabelle Étienne 1 collaboration
Hélène Salord 1 collaboration
Emmanuelle Bergeron 1 collaboration
Marie-Luce Delforge 1 collaboration
Joëlle Eykmans 1 collaboration
Elena Costa 1 collaboration
Catherine Donner 1 collaboration
Katrien Nulens 1 collaboration
Els Papy 1 collaboration
Katrien Tartaglia 1 collaboration
Isabelle Dehaene 1 collaboration
Hilde Logghe 1 collaboration
Joachim Van Keirsbilck 1 collaboration
Frédéric Chantraine 1 collaboration
Veronique Masson 1 collaboration
Eva Simoens 1 collaboration
Willem Gysemans 1 collaboration
Liesbeth Bruckers 1 collaboration
Sarah Lebeer 1 collaboration
Camille Nina Allonsius 1 collaboration
Eline Oerlemans 1 collaboration
Dirk Timmerman 1 collaboration
Roland Devlieger 1 collaboration
Caroline Van Holsbeke 1 collaboration
Bas de Laat 1 collaboration
Hendrik Stragier 1 collaboration
Romy de Laat-Kremers 1 collaboration
Marisa Ninivaggi 1 collaboration
Dieter Mesotten 1 collaboration
Kristien Van Pelt 1 collaboration
Mark Roest 1 collaboration
Joris Penders 1 collaboration
Pascal Vanelderen 1 collaboration
Dana Huskens 1 collaboration
Raf De Jongh 1 collaboration
Margot Vander Laenen 1 collaboration
Tom Fivez 1 collaboration
Hugo Ten Cate 1 collaboration
Rene Heylen 1 collaboration
Jens Van Praet 1 collaboration
Dirk De Bacquer 1 collaboration
Liesbeth Viaene 1 collaboration
Melanie K Schoutteten 1 collaboration
Rogier Caluwé 1 collaboration
Peter Doubel 1 collaboration
Annelies V De Bel 1 collaboration
Bruno Van Vlem 1 collaboration
An S De Vriese 1 collaboration
Julie Oosterbos 1 collaboration
Maaike Schalkwijk 1 collaboration
Els Oris 1 collaboration
Guy Coppens 1 collaboration
Lize Cuypers 1 collaboration
Jannes Bode 1 collaboration
Kurt Beuselinck 1 collaboration
Lies Laenen 1 collaboration
Klaas Dewaele 1 collaboration
Reile Janssen 1 collaboration
Arnaud Capron 1 collaboration
Yves Lafort 1 collaboration
Henry Paridaens 1 collaboration
Bertrand Bearzatto 1 collaboration
Mathieu Cauchie 1 collaboration
Aline Huwart 1 collaboration
Jonathan Degosserie 1 collaboration
Olivier Fagnart 1 collaboration
Yarah Overmeire 1 collaboration
Arlette Rouffiange 1 collaboration
Ilse Vandecandelaere 1 collaboration
Marine Deffontaine 1 collaboration
Thomas Pilate 1 collaboration
Nicolas Yin 1 collaboration
Isabel Micalessi 1 collaboration
Sandrine Roisin 1 collaboration
Veronique Moons 1 collaboration
Sophia Steyaert 1 collaboration
Coralie Henin 1 collaboration
Elena Lazarova 1 collaboration
Dagmar Obbels 1 collaboration
François E Dufrasne 1 collaboration
Hendri Pirenne 1 collaboration
Raf Schepers 1 collaboration
Anaëlle Collin 1 collaboration
Bruno Verhasselt 1 collaboration
Laurent Gillet 1 collaboration
Stijn Jonckheere 1 collaboration
Philippe Van Lint 1 collaboration
Bea Van den Poel 1 collaboration
Yolien Van der Beken 1 collaboration
Violeta Stojkovic 1 collaboration
Maria-Grazia Garrino 1 collaboration
Hannah Segers 1 collaboration
Kevin Vos 1 collaboration
Maaike Godefroid 1 collaboration
Valerie Pede 1 collaboration
Friedel Nollet 1 collaboration
Inge Verschraegen 1 collaboration
Pierre Bogaerts 1 collaboration
Marjan Van Gysel 1 collaboration
Judith Leurs 1 collaboration
Veroniek Saegeman 1 collaboration
Oriane Soetens 1 collaboration
Merijn Vanhee 1 collaboration
Gilberte Schiettekatte 1 collaboration
Evelyne Huyghe 1 collaboration
Steven Martens 1 collaboration
Ann Lemmens 1 collaboration
Heleen Nailis 1 collaboration
Kim Laffineur 1 collaboration
Elke Vanlaere 1 collaboration
Jérémie Gras 1 collaboration
Gatien Roussel 1 collaboration
Koenraad Gijbels 1 collaboration
Michael Boudewijns 1 collaboration
Catherine Sion 1 collaboration
Wim Achtergael 1 collaboration
Wim Maurissen 1 collaboration
Luc Iliano 1 collaboration
Marianne Chantrenne 1 collaboration
Geert Vanheule 1 collaboration
Reinoud Flies 1 collaboration
Nicolas Hougardy 1 collaboration
Mario Berth 1 collaboration
Vanessa Verbeke 1 collaboration
Robin Morent 1 collaboration
Anne Vankeerberghen 1 collaboration
Sébastien Bontems 1 collaboration
Kaat Kehoe 1 collaboration
Anneleen Schallier 1 collaboration
Giang Ho 1 collaboration
Kristof Bafort 1 collaboration
Marijke Raymaekers 1 collaboration
Yolande Pypen 1 collaboration
Amelie Heinrichs 1 collaboration
Wim Schuermans 1 collaboration
Dominique Cuigniez 1 collaboration
Salah Eddine Lali 1 collaboration
Stefanie Drieghe 1 collaboration
Dieter Ory 1 collaboration
Marie Le Mercier 1 collaboration
Kristel Van Laethem 1 collaboration
Inge Thoelen 1 collaboration
Sarah Vandamme 1 collaboration
Iqbal Mansoor 1 collaboration
Carl Vael 1 collaboration
Maxime De Sloovere 1 collaboration
Katrien Declerck 1 collaboration
Elisabeth Dequeker 1 collaboration
Stefanie Desmet 1 collaboration
Piet Maes 1 collaboration
Emmanuel André 1 collaboration