Entropy (Basel, Switzerland)
Archives of suicide research : official journal of the International Academy for Suicide Research
Iranian journal of medical sciences
American journal of preventive medicine
Jack Tsai
Dorota Szymkowiak
Dina Hooshyar
Sarah M Gildea
Irving Hwang
Chris J Kennedy
Andrew J King
Katherine A Koh
Alex Luedtke
Brian P Marx
Ann E Montgomery
Robert W O'Brien
Maria V Petukhova
Nancy A Sampson
Murray B Stein
Robert J Ursano
Ronald C Kessler
Alzheimer's & dementia : the journal of the Alzheimer's Association
Rhode Island medical journal (2013)
Current pharmaceutical design
Quality of life research : an international journal of quality of life aspects of treatment, care and rehabilitation
Perspectives in public health
Frontiers in psychology
Maurand Robinson
Ryan Holliday
Lindsey L Monteith
John R Blosnich
Eric B Elbogen
Lillian Gelberg
Dina Hooshyar
Shawn Liu
D Keith McInnes
Ann Elizabeth Montgomery
Jack Tsai
Riley Grassmeyer
Lisa A Brenner
Law and human behavior
Eric B Elbogen
Megan Amuan
Eamonn Kennedy
Shannon M Blakey
Robert C Graziano
Dina Hooshyar
Jack Tsai
Richard E Nelson
Megan E Vanneman
Audrey L Jones
Mary Jo Pugh
Npj mental health research
Preventive medicine reports