Journal of strength and conditioning research
Journal of sports sciences
Journal of human kinetics
Sports (Basel, Switzerland)
Research in sports medicine (Print)
European journal of sport science
Journal of strength and conditioning research
International journal of environmental research and public health
Journal of strength and conditioning research
Journal of human kinetics
International journal of environmental research and public health
Journal of human kinetics
Journal of leukocyte biology
Fernando Díaz-Basilio
Moisés Vergara-Mendoza
Jessica Romero-Rodríguez
Sharik Hernández-Rizo
Alejandro Escobedo-Calvario
Luis-León Fuentes-Romero
Santiago Pérez-Patrigeon
Akio Murakami-Ogasawara
María Gomez-Palacio
Gustavo Reyes-Terán
Wei Jiang
Joel-Armando Vázquez-Pérez
Álvaro Marín-Hernández
María-Concepción Gutiérrez-Ruiz
Mónica Viveros-Rogel
Enrique Espinosa
Journal of human kinetics
Discover. Oncology
Laura Castañeda-Partida
Rodolfo Ocadiz-Delgado
José Manuel Sánchez-López
Enrique García-Villa
José Gabriel Peñaloza-González
Martha Margarita Velázquez-Aviña
José Refugio Torres-Nava
Jorge Alfonso Martín-Trejo
Karina Solís-Labastida
Francisco Xavier Guerra-Castillo
Vilma Carolina Bekker-Méndez
Víctor Hugo Rosales-García
Dámaris Romero-Rodríguez
Raúl Mojica-Espinoza
Alfonso Mendez-Tenorio
Crystel A Ramírez-Calzada
Elízabeth Álvarez-Ríos
Juan Manuel Mejía-Aranguré
Patricio Gariglio
International journal of sports physiology and performance