The International journal of neuroscience
Current reviews in clinical and experimental pharmacology
European review for medical and pharmacological sciences
K Kagkelaris
P Plotas
N Amasiadi
A Gerakaris
V Giorgalla
P Efthymiou
I Efstathiou
I Ziakas
A Katsifara
C Kitsos
S Kolios
A Konstantopoulou
E Kyprioti
S Mastronikolis
M-M Papadopoulou
N Razos
I Schinas
K Skourou
G Panayiotakopoulos
C D Georgakopoulos
E Jelastopulu
Experimental and therapeutic medicine
Medicina (Kaunas, Lithuania)
Pharmaceuticals (Basel, Switzerland)
Vision (Basel, Switzerland)
Clinical ophthalmology (Auckland, N.Z.)
European journal of ophthalmology
Retinal cases & brief reports
Therapeutic advances in ophthalmology
Vision (Basel, Switzerland)
Medical sciences (Basel, Switzerland)
Vision (Basel, Switzerland)
European review for medical and pharmacological sciences
K Kagkelaris
S Mastronikolis
N Amasiadi
A Gerakaris
V Giorgalla
P Efthymiou
I Efstathiou
I Ziakas
A Katsifara
C Kitsos
S Kolios
A Konstantopoulou
E Kyprioti
M-M Papadopoulou
N Razos
I Schinas
K Skourou
G Panayiotakopoulos
I Koniari
N G Kounis
C D Georgakopoulos
E Jelastopulu
P Plotas
Medical hypothesis, discovery & innovation ophthalmology journal