Pediatric physical therapy : the official publication of the Section on Pediatrics of the American Physical Therapy Association
Journal of neurologic physical therapy : JNPT
Courtney D Hall
Susan J Herdman
Susan L Whitney
Eric R Anson
Wendy J Carender
Stephen P Cass
Jennifer B Christy
Helen S Cohen
Terry D Fife
Joseph M Furman
Neil T Shepard
Richard A Clendaniel
J Donald Dishman
Joel A Goebel
Dara Meldrum
Cynthia Ryan
Richard L Wallace
Nakia J Woodward
Journal of vestibular research : equilibrium & orientation
Journal of neurologic physical therapy : JNPT
American journal of audiology
Journal of athletic training
Journal of neurologic physical therapy : JNPT
Archives of physical medicine and rehabilitation
International journal of sports physical therapy
Bioengineering (Basel, Switzerland)
Journal of neurologic physical therapy : JNPT
Military medicine
Susan L Whitney
Victoria Ou
Pedram Hovareshti
Cláudia M Costa
Amy R Cassidy
Pamela M Dunlap
Shamus Roeder
Lisa Holt
Devendra Tolani
Brooke N Klatt
The Journal of manual & manipulative therapy
Journal of athletic training