Bodil Arnbak
Bodil Arnbak
Institut for Idræt og Biomekanik, Syddansk Universitet.
Røntgenafdelingen, Sygehus Lillebælt, Vejle Sygehus.
Publications (7)
Ugeskrift for laeger
Line Dragsbæk
Tue Secher Jensen
Janus Laust Thomsen
Susanne Axelsen
Christin Isaksen
Estrid Muff
Rikke Krüger Jensen
The association between cervical degenerative MRI findings and self-reported neck pain, disability and headache: a cross-sectional exploratory study.
Chiropractic & manual therapies
Rikke K Jensen
Kristina B Dissing
Tue S Jensen
Stine H Clausen
Ultrasound imaging in patients with hip pain and suspected hip osteoarthritis: an inter-rater and intra-rater reliability study.
BMJ open
Stine Clausen
Søren Kjær
Ulrich Fredberg
Lene Terslev
Jan Hartvigsen
What Level of Inflammation Leads to Structural Damage in the Sacroiliac Joints? A Four-Year Magnetic Resonance Imaging Follow-Up Study of Low Back Pain Patients.
Arthritis & rheumatology (Hoboken, N.J.)
Tue S Jensen
Berit Schiøttz-Christensen
Susanne J Pedersen
Mikkel Østergaard
Ulrich Weber
Oliver Hendricks
Anna Zejden
Claus Manniche
Anne G Jurik
Prognostic factors of total hip replacement during a 2-year period in participants enrolled in supervised education and exercise therapy: a prognostic study of 3657 participants with hip osteoarthritis.
Arthritis research & therapy
Stine Clausen
Jan Hartvigsen
Eleanor Boyle
Ewa M Roos
Dorte Thalund Grønne
Martin Thomsen Ernst
Søren T Skou
Prognostic value of the clinical and imaging arm of the ASAS criteria for progression of structural sacroiliac joint lesions.
Modern rheumatology
Tue Secher Jensen
Oliver Hendricks
Mikkel Østergaard
Anna Zejden
Anne Grethe Jurik
Claus Manniche
Do imaging findings modify the effect of non-surgical treatment in patients with knee and hip osteoarthritis? A systematic literature review.
BMJ open
Stine Clausen
Joshua Heerey
Jan Hartvigsen
Joanne L Kemp
Réseau de co-auteurs
Stine Clausen
3 collaborations
Jan Hartvigsen
3 collaborations
Tue Secher Jensen
2 collaborations
Tue S Jensen
2 collaborations
Mikkel Østergaard
2 collaborations
Oliver Hendricks
2 collaborations
Anna Zejden
2 collaborations
Claus Manniche
2 collaborations
Line Dragsbæk
1 collaboration
Janus Laust Thomsen
1 collaboration
Susanne Axelsen
1 collaboration
Christin Isaksen
1 collaboration
Estrid Muff
1 collaboration
Rikke Krüger Jensen
1 collaboration
Rikke K Jensen
1 collaboration
Kristina B Dissing
1 collaboration
Stine H Clausen
1 collaboration
Søren Kjær
1 collaboration
Ulrich Fredberg
1 collaboration
Lene Terslev
1 collaboration
Berit Schiøttz-Christensen
1 collaboration
Susanne J Pedersen
1 collaboration
Ulrich Weber
1 collaboration
Anne G Jurik
1 collaboration
Eleanor Boyle
1 collaboration
Ewa M Roos
1 collaboration
Dorte Thalund Grønne
1 collaboration
Martin Thomsen Ernst
1 collaboration
Søren T Skou
1 collaboration
Anne Grethe Jurik
1 collaboration
Joshua Heerey
1 collaboration
Joanne L Kemp
1 collaboration