Multiple sclerosis and related disorders
Journal of oncology pharmacy practice : official publication of the International Society of Oncology Pharmacy Practitioners
Supportive care in cancer : official journal of the Multinational Association of Supportive Care in Cancer
Journal of oncology pharmacy practice : official publication of the International Society of Oncology Pharmacy Practitioners
Primary health care research & development
Internal and emergency medicine
European journal of hospital pharmacy : science and practice
Supportive care in cancer : official journal of the Multinational Association of Supportive Care in Cancer
Rheumatology (Oxford, England)
Irish journal of medical science
Journal of managed care & specialty pharmacy
Antimicrobial agents and chemotherapy
Supportive care in cancer : official journal of the Multinational Association of Supportive Care in Cancer
International journal of clinical pharmacy
Journal of oncology pharmacy practice : official publication of the International Society of Oncology Pharmacy Practitioners
Lisa M Holle
Tegan Bilse
Ramatu Masud Alabelewe
Polly E Kintzel
Esin Aysel Kandemir
Chia Jie Tan
Irene Weru
Carole R Chambers
Roxanne Dobish
Evelyn Handel
Karunrat Tewthanom
Manit Saeteaw
Luh Komang Mela Dewi
Rowena Schwartz
Brooke Bernhardt
Manju Garg
Ashraf Chatterjee
Pinky Manyau
Alexandre Chan
Elif Aras-Atik
R Donald Harvey
Barry R Goldspiel
European journal of hospital pharmacy : science and practice
The American journal of managed care