Progress in biophysics and molecular biology
Microscopy research and technique
Modeling earth systems and environment
The American journal of tropical medicine and hygiene
Frontiers in genetics
Riaz Muhammad Khan
Ping Yu
Lianping Sun
Adil Abbas
Liaqat Shah
Xiaojiao Xiang
Dongfei Wang
Amir Sohail
Yingxin Zhang
Qunen Liu
Shihua Cheng
Liyong Cao
Acta neuropathologica communications
Neural processing letters
Molecules (Basel, Switzerland)
Journal of parasitic diseases : official organ of the Indian Society for Parasitology
PLoS pathogens
Aaqib Sohail
Azeem A Iqbal
Nishika Sahini
Fangfang Chen
Mohamed Tantawy
Syed F H Waqas
Moritz Winterhoff
Thomas Ebensen
Kristin Schultz
Robert Geffers
Klaus Schughart
Matthias Preusse
Mahmoud Shehata
Heike Bähre
Marina C Pils
Carlos A Guzman
Ahmed Mostafa
Stephan Pleschka
Christine Falk
Alessandro Michelucci
Frank Pessler