Addiction research & theory
Journal of interpersonal violence
Alcohol and alcoholism (Oxford, Oxfordshire)
Journal of interpersonal violence
Archives of sexual behavior
Journal of interpersonal violence
Contemporary clinical trials
Lara N Coughlin
Maya Campbell
Tiffany Wheeler
Chavez Rodriguez
Susobhan Ghosh
Yongyi Guo
Pei-Yao Hung
Mark W Newman
Huijie Pan
Kelly W Zhang
Lauren Zimmermann
Erin E Bonar
Maureen Walton
Susan Murphy
Inbal Nahum-Shani
Substance abuse : research and treatment
Drug and alcohol dependence
Sexual health & compulsivity
Journal of personality assessment
Drug and alcohol dependence
Erin E Bonar
José A Bauermeister
Frederic C Blow
Amy S B Bohnert
Carrie Bourque
Lara N Coughlin
Alan K Davis
Jason E Goldstick
Diane M Wisnieski
Sean D Young
Maureen A Walton
Archives of sexual behavior