Antonia V Seligowski

  • Department of Psychiatry, Harvard Medical School, Boston, MA, USA; Division of Depression and Anxiety, McLean Hospital, Belmont, MA, USA.

Publications (32)

Enhancing Discovery of Genetic Variants for Posttraumatic Stress Disorder Through Integration of Quantitative Phenotypes and Trauma Exposure Information.

Biological psychiatry
Avec: Adam X Maihofer , Karmel W Choi , Jonathan R I Coleman , Nikolaos P Daskalakis , Christy A Denckla , Elizabeth Ketema , Rajendra A Morey , Renato Polimanti , Andrew Ratanatharathorn , Katy Torres , Aliza P Wingo , Clement C Zai , Allison E Aiello , Lynn M Almli , Ananda B Amstadter , Soren B Andersen , Ole A Andreassen , Paul A Arbisi , Allison E Ashley-Koch , S Bryn Austin , Esmina Avdibegović , Anders D Borglum , Dragan Babić , Marie Bækvad-Hansen , Dewleen G Baker , Jean C Beckham , Laura J Bierut , Jonathan I Bisson , Marco P Boks , Elizabeth A Bolger , Bekh Bradley , Meghan Brashear , Gerome Breen , Richard A Bryant , Angela C Bustamante , Jonas Bybjerg-Grauholm , Joseph R Calabrese , José M Caldas-de-Almeida , Chia-Yen Chen , Anders M Dale , Shareefa Dalvie , Jürgen Deckert , Douglas L Delahanty , Michelle F Dennis , Seth G Disner , Katharina Domschke , Laramie E Duncan , Alma Džubur Kulenović , Christopher R Erbes , Alexandra Evans , Lindsay A Farrer , Norah C Feeny , Janine D Flory , David Forbes , Carol E Franz , Sandro Galea , Melanie E Garrett , Aarti Gautam , Bizu Gelaye , Joel Gelernter , Elbert Geuze , Charles F Gillespie , Aferdita Goçi , Scott D Gordon , Guia Guffanti , Rasha Hammamieh , Michael A Hauser , Andrew C Heath , Sian M J Hemmings , David Michael Hougaard , Miro Jakovljević , Marti Jett , Eric Otto Johnson , Ian Jones , Tanja Jovanovic , Xue-Jun Qin , Karen-Inge Karstoft , Milissa L Kaufman , Ronald C Kessler , Alaptagin Khan , Nathan A Kimbrel , Anthony P King , Nastassja Koen , Henry R Kranzler , William S Kremen , Bruce R Lawford , Lauren A M Lebois , Catrin Lewis , Israel Liberzon , Sarah D Linnstaedt , Mark W Logue , Adriana Lori , Božo Lugonja , Jurjen J Luykx , Michael J Lyons , Jessica L Maples-Keller , Charles Marmar , Nicholas G Martin , Douglas Maurer , Matig R Mavissakalian , Alexander McFarlane , Regina E McGlinchey , Katie A McLaughlin , Samuel A McLean , Divya Mehta , Rebecca Mellor , Vasiliki Michopoulos , William Milberg , Mark W Miller , Charles Phillip Morris , Ole Mors , Preben B Mortensen , Elliot C Nelson , Merete Nordentoft , Sonya B Norman , Meaghan O'Donnell , Holly K Orcutt , Matthew S Panizzon , Edward S Peters , Alan L Peterson , Matthew Peverill , Robert H Pietrzak , Melissa A Polusny , John P Rice , Victoria B Risbrough , Andrea L Roberts , Alex O Rothbaum , Barbara O Rothbaum , Peter Roy-Byrne , Kenneth J Ruggiero , Ariane Rung , Bart P F Rutten , Nancy L Saccone , Sixto E Sanchez , Dick Schijven , Soraya Seedat , Julia S Seng , Christina M Sheerin , Derrick Silove , Alicia K Smith , Jordan W Smoller , Scott R Sponheim , Dan J Stein , Jennifer S Stevens , Martin H Teicher , Wesley K Thompson , Edward Trapido , Monica Uddin , Robert J Ursano , Leigh Luella van den Heuvel , Miranda Van Hooff , Eric Vermetten , Christiaan H Vinkers , Joanne Voisey , Yunpeng Wang , Zhewu Wang , Thomas Werge , Michelle A Williams , Douglas E Williamson , Sherry Winternitz , Christiane Wolf , Erika J Wolf , Rachel Yehuda , Keith A Young , Ross McD Young , Hongyu Zhao , Lori A Zoellner , Magali Haas , Heather Lasseter , Allison C Provost , Rany M Salem , Jonathan Sebat , Richard A Shaffer , Tianying Wu , Stephan Ripke , Mark J Daly , Kerry J Ressler , Karestan C Koenen , Murray B Stein , Caroline M Nievergelt

The Impact of Child Abuse on Relationships between Resource Loss and Posttraumatic Stress: A Cross-Lagged Panel Analysis.

Journal of trauma & dissociation : the official journal of the International Society for the Study of Dissociation (ISSD)

International meta-analysis of PTSD genome-wide association studies identifies sex- and ancestry-specific genetic risk loci.

Nature communications
Avec: Caroline M Nievergelt , Adam X Maihofer , Torsten Klengel , Elizabeth G Atkinson , Chia-Yen Chen , Karmel W Choi , Jonathan R I Coleman , Shareefa Dalvie , Laramie E Duncan , Joel Gelernter , Daniel F Levey , Mark W Logue , Renato Polimanti , Allison C Provost , Andrew Ratanatharathorn , Murray B Stein , Katy Torres , Allison E Aiello , Lynn M Almli , Ananda B Amstadter , Søren B Andersen , Ole A Andreassen , Paul A Arbisi , Allison E Ashley-Koch , S Bryn Austin , Esmina Avdibegovic , Dragan Babić , Marie Bækvad-Hansen , Dewleen G Baker , Jean C Beckham , Laura J Bierut , Jonathan I Bisson , Marco P Boks , Elizabeth A Bolger , Anders D Børglum , Bekh Bradley , Megan Brashear , Gerome Breen , Richard A Bryant , Angela C Bustamante , Jonas Bybjerg-Grauholm , Joseph R Calabrese , José M Caldas-de-Almeida , Anders M Dale , Mark J Daly , Nikolaos P Daskalakis , Jürgen Deckert , Douglas L Delahanty , Michelle F Dennis , Seth G Disner , Katharina Domschke , Alma Dzubur-Kulenovic , Christopher R Erbes , Alexandra Evans , Lindsay A Farrer , Norah C Feeny , Janine D Flory , David Forbes , Carol E Franz , Sandro Galea , Melanie E Garrett , Bizu Gelaye , Elbert Geuze , Charles Gillespie , Aferdita Goci Uka , Scott D Gordon , Guia Guffanti , Rasha Hammamieh , Supriya Harnal , Michael A Hauser , Andrew C Heath , Sian M J Hemmings , David Michael Hougaard , Miro Jakovljevic , Marti Jett , Eric Otto Johnson , Ian Jones , Tanja Jovanovic , Xue-Jun Qin , Angela G Junglen , Karen-Inge Karstoft , Milissa L Kaufman , Ronald C Kessler , Alaptagin Khan , Nathan A Kimbrel , Anthony P King , Nastassja Koen , Henry R Kranzler , William S Kremen , Bruce R Lawford , Lauren A M Lebois , Catrin E Lewis , Sarah D Linnstaedt , Adriana Lori , Bozo Lugonja , Jurjen J Luykx , Michael J Lyons , Jessica Maples-Keller , Charles Marmar , Alicia R Martin , Nicholas G Martin , Douglas Maurer , Matig R Mavissakalian , Alexander McFarlane , Regina E McGlinchey , Katie A McLaughlin , Samuel A McLean , Sarah McLeay , Divya Mehta , William P Milberg , Mark W Miller , Rajendra A Morey , Charles Phillip Morris , Ole Mors , Preben B Mortensen , Benjamin M Neale , Elliot C Nelson , Merete Nordentoft , Sonya B Norman , Meaghan O'Donnell , Holly K Orcutt , Matthew S Panizzon , Edward S Peters , Alan L Peterson , Matthew Peverill , Robert H Pietrzak , Melissa A Polusny , John P Rice , Stephan Ripke , Victoria B Risbrough , Andrea L Roberts , Alex O Rothbaum , Barbara O Rothbaum , Peter Roy-Byrne , Ken Ruggiero , Ariane Rung , Bart P F Rutten , Nancy L Saccone , Sixto E Sanchez , Dick Schijven , Soraya Seedat , Julia S Seng , Christina M Sheerin , Derrick Silove , Alicia K Smith , Jordan W Smoller , Scott R Sponheim , Dan J Stein , Jennifer S Stevens , Jennifer A Sumner , Martin H Teicher , Wesley K Thompson , Edward Trapido , Monica Uddin , Robert J Ursano , Leigh Luella van den Heuvel , Miranda Van Hooff , Eric Vermetten , Christiaan H Vinkers , Joanne Voisey , Yunpeng Wang , Zhewu Wang , Thomas Werge , Michelle A Williams , Douglas E Williamson , Sherry Winternitz , Christiane Wolf , Erika J Wolf , Jonathan D Wolff , Rachel Yehuda , Ross McD Young , Keith A Young , Hongyu Zhao , Lori A Zoellner , Israel Liberzon , Kerry J Ressler , Magali Haas , Karestan C Koenen

Réseau de co-auteurs

Kerry J Ressler 22 collaborations
Tanja Jovanovic 12 collaborations
Lauren A M Lebois 9 collaborations
Ronald C Kessler 9 collaborations
Karestan C Koenen 9 collaborations
Sarah D Linnstaedt 8 collaborations
Samuel A McLean 8 collaborations
Jennifer S Stevens 8 collaborations
Robert H Pietrzak 7 collaborations
Steven E Bruce 6 collaborations
Stacey L House 6 collaborations
Francesca L Beaudoin 6 collaborations
Xinming An 6 collaborations
Thomas C Neylan 6 collaborations
Gari D Clifford 6 collaborations
Laura T Germine 6 collaborations
Scott L Rauch 6 collaborations
Christopher Lewandowski 6 collaborations
Sophia Sheikh 6 collaborations
Christopher W Jones 6 collaborations
Brittany E Punches 6 collaborations
Lauren A Hudak 6 collaborations
Jose L Pascual 6 collaborations
Claire Pearson 6 collaborations
Robert M Domeier 6 collaborations
Niels K Rathlev 6 collaborations
Leon D Sanchez 6 collaborations
Vasiliki Michopoulos 6 collaborations
David A Peak 5 collaborations
Brian J O'Neil 5 collaborations
Diego A Pizzagalli 5 collaborations
Nathaniel G Harnett 5 collaborations
Karmel W Choi 5 collaborations
Guia Guffanti 5 collaborations
Mark W Miller 5 collaborations
Holly K Orcutt 5 collaborations
Jordan W Smoller 5 collaborations
Murray B Stein 5 collaborations
Julia B Merker 5 collaborations
John P Haran 5 collaborations
Alan B Storrow 5 collaborations
Paul I Musey 5 collaborations
Phyllis L Hendry 5 collaborations
Mark J Seamon 5 collaborations
Steven E Harte 5 collaborations
Shady Abohashem 5 collaborations
Michael T Osborne 5 collaborations
Ahmed Tawakol 5 collaborations
Sanne J H van Rooij 4 collaborations
Timothy D Ely 4 collaborations
Robert A Swor 4 collaborations
Jutta Joormann 4 collaborations
Deanna M Barch 4 collaborations
James M Elliott 4 collaborations
Charles F Gillespie 4 collaborations
Milissa L Kaufman 4 collaborations
Paul J Marvar 4 collaborations
Jonathan D Wolff 4 collaborations
Kenneth A Bollen 4 collaborations
Wesam Aldosoky 4 collaborations
Roland C Merchant 4 collaborations
Lisa M Shin 4 collaborations
Vishnu P Murty 3 collaborations
Donglin Zeng 3 collaborations
Meghan E McGrath 3 collaborations
Anna M Chang 3 collaborations
Adam X Maihofer 3 collaborations
Jonathan R I Coleman 3 collaborations
Katy Torres 3 collaborations
Ananda B Amstadter 3 collaborations
S Bryn Austin 3 collaborations
Dewleen G Baker 3 collaborations
Elizabeth A Bolger 3 collaborations
Bekh Bradley 3 collaborations
Gerome Breen 3 collaborations
Richard A Bryant 3 collaborations
Joseph R Calabrese 3 collaborations
Chia-Yen Chen 3 collaborations
Shareefa Dalvie 3 collaborations
Douglas L Delahanty 3 collaborations
Laramie E Duncan 3 collaborations
Lindsay A Farrer 3 collaborations
Norah C Feeny 3 collaborations
Janine D Flory 3 collaborations
David Forbes 3 collaborations
Sandro Galea 3 collaborations
Joel Gelernter 3 collaborations
Rasha Hammamieh 3 collaborations
Marti Jett 3 collaborations
Alaptagin Khan 3 collaborations
Henry R Kranzler 3 collaborations
Israel Liberzon 3 collaborations
Charles Marmar 3 collaborations
Matig R Mavissakalian 3 collaborations
Alexander McFarlane 3 collaborations
Victoria B Risbrough 3 collaborations
Andrea L Roberts 3 collaborations
Alex O Rothbaum 3 collaborations
Peter Roy-Byrne 3 collaborations
Christina M Sheerin 3 collaborations
Derrick Silove 3 collaborations
Alicia K Smith 3 collaborations
Dan J Stein 3 collaborations
Martin H Teicher 3 collaborations
Robert J Ursano 3 collaborations
Miranda Van Hooff 3 collaborations
Sherry Winternitz 3 collaborations
Rachel Yehuda 3 collaborations
Hongyu Zhao 3 collaborations
Lori A Zoellner 3 collaborations
Magali Haas 3 collaborations
Allison C Provost 3 collaborations
Caroline M Nievergelt 3 collaborations
Abigail Powers 3 collaborations
Giovanni Civieri 3 collaborations
Iqra Qamar 3 collaborations
Rachel P Rosovsky 3 collaborations
Charbel Gharios 3 collaborations
Elizabeth R Steuber 2 collaborations
Nikolaos P Daskalakis 2 collaborations
Rajendra A Morey 2 collaborations
Renato Polimanti 2 collaborations
Andrew Ratanatharathorn 2 collaborations
Allison E Aiello 2 collaborations
Lynn M Almli 2 collaborations
Ole A Andreassen 2 collaborations
Paul A Arbisi 2 collaborations
Allison E Ashley-Koch 2 collaborations
Dragan Babić 2 collaborations
Marie Bækvad-Hansen 2 collaborations
Jean C Beckham 2 collaborations
Laura J Bierut 2 collaborations
Jonathan I Bisson 2 collaborations
Marco P Boks 2 collaborations
Angela C Bustamante 2 collaborations
Jonas Bybjerg-Grauholm 2 collaborations
Anders M Dale 2 collaborations
Jürgen Deckert 2 collaborations
Michelle F Dennis 2 collaborations
Seth G Disner 2 collaborations
Katharina Domschke 2 collaborations
Christopher R Erbes 2 collaborations
Alexandra Evans 2 collaborations
Carol E Franz 2 collaborations
Melanie E Garrett 2 collaborations
Aarti Gautam 2 collaborations
Bizu Gelaye 2 collaborations
Elbert Geuze 2 collaborations
Scott D Gordon 2 collaborations
Michael A Hauser 2 collaborations
Andrew C Heath 2 collaborations
Sian M J Hemmings 2 collaborations
David Michael Hougaard 2 collaborations
Eric Otto Johnson 2 collaborations
Ian Jones 2 collaborations
Xue-Jun Qin 2 collaborations
Karen-Inge Karstoft 2 collaborations
Nathan A Kimbrel 2 collaborations
Anthony P King 2 collaborations
Nastassja Koen 2 collaborations
William S Kremen 2 collaborations
Bruce R Lawford 2 collaborations
Mark W Logue 2 collaborations
Adriana Lori 2 collaborations
Jurjen J Luykx 2 collaborations
Michael J Lyons 2 collaborations
Nicholas G Martin 2 collaborations
Douglas Maurer 2 collaborations
Regina E McGlinchey 2 collaborations
Katie A McLaughlin 2 collaborations
Divya Mehta 2 collaborations
Charles Phillip Morris 2 collaborations
Ole Mors 2 collaborations
Preben B Mortensen 2 collaborations
Elliot C Nelson 2 collaborations
Merete Nordentoft 2 collaborations
Sonya B Norman 2 collaborations
Meaghan O'Donnell 2 collaborations
Matthew S Panizzon 2 collaborations
Edward S Peters 2 collaborations
Alan L Peterson 2 collaborations
Matthew Peverill 2 collaborations
Melissa A Polusny 2 collaborations
John P Rice 2 collaborations
Barbara O Rothbaum 2 collaborations
Ariane Rung 2 collaborations
Bart P F Rutten 2 collaborations
Nancy L Saccone 2 collaborations
Sixto E Sanchez 2 collaborations
Dick Schijven 2 collaborations
Soraya Seedat 2 collaborations
Julia S Seng 2 collaborations
Scott R Sponheim 2 collaborations
Wesley K Thompson 2 collaborations
Edward Trapido 2 collaborations
Monica Uddin 2 collaborations
Eric Vermetten 2 collaborations
Christiaan H Vinkers 2 collaborations
Joanne Voisey 2 collaborations
Yunpeng Wang 2 collaborations
Zhewu Wang 2 collaborations
Thomas Werge 2 collaborations
Michelle A Williams 2 collaborations
Douglas E Williamson 2 collaborations
Christiane Wolf 2 collaborations
Erika J Wolf 2 collaborations
Keith A Young 2 collaborations
Ross McD Young 2 collaborations
Stephan Ripke 2 collaborations
Mark J Daly 2 collaborations
Natalie C Noble 2 collaborations
Rachel Gluck 2 collaborations
Ye Ji Kim 2 collaborations
Thaddeus W W Pace 2 collaborations
Guillermo Umpierrez 2 collaborations
Sarah B Hill 2 collaborations
Michael C Kurz 2 collaborations
Elizabeth M Datner 2 collaborations
John F Sheridan 2 collaborations
Hui Chong Lau 2 collaborations
Karlye A Phillips 2 collaborations
Lucie A Duffy 2 collaborations
Hadil Zureigat 2 collaborations
Roger K Pitman 2 collaborations
Theresa K Webber 2 collaborations
Noah S Philip 2 collaborations
Lana R Grasser 2 collaborations
Erica Harris 2 collaborations
Zahi A Fayad 2 collaborations
Supriya Harnal 2 collaborations
Angela G Junglen 2 collaborations
Ken Ruggiero 2 collaborations
Simran S Grewal 2 collaborations
Erin Hanlon 2 collaborations
Antonis Armoundas 2 collaborations
Alyssa R Roeckner 1 collaboration
Mariam Reda 1 collaboration
Christy A Denckla 1 collaboration
Elizabeth Ketema 1 collaboration
Aliza P Wingo 1 collaboration
Clement C Zai 1 collaboration
Soren B Andersen 1 collaboration
Esmina Avdibegović 1 collaboration
Anders D Borglum 1 collaboration
Meghan Brashear 1 collaboration
Aferdita Goçi 1 collaboration
Miro Jakovljević 1 collaboration
Catrin Lewis 1 collaboration
Božo Lugonja 1 collaboration
Rebecca Mellor 1 collaboration
William Milberg 1 collaboration
Kenneth J Ruggiero 1 collaboration
Heather Lasseter 1 collaboration
Rany M Salem 1 collaboration
Jonathan Sebat 1 collaboration
Richard A Shaffer 1 collaboration
Tianying Wu 1 collaboration
Ida T Fonkoue 1 collaboration
Drew Dixon 1 collaboration
Arshed A Quyyumi 1 collaboration
Adam P Swiercz 1 collaboration
Jeanie Park 1 collaboration
Caitlin M Pinciotti 1 collaboration
Isabella Kahhale 1 collaboration
Sherry R Winternitz 1 collaboration
Büşra Tanriverdi 1 collaboration
David F Gregory 1 collaboration
Thomas M Olino 1 collaboration
Sinead M Sinnott 1 collaboration
Krystel Karam 1 collaboration
Maria Khalil 1 collaboration
Grace C George 1 collaboration
Kaitlyn R Gorman 1 collaboration
Erin E Beckham 1 collaboration
Kailyn Fan 1 collaboration
Courtney Beard 1 collaboration
Rebecca Hinrichs 1 collaboration
Mariam H Reda 1 collaboration
Charis N Wiltshire 1 collaboration
Cassandra P Wanna 1 collaboration
Sterling J Winters 1 collaboration
Beatriz Luna 1 collaboration
Anthony N Reffi 1 collaboration
Randy P Auerbach 1 collaboration
Burook Misganaw 1 collaboration
Stephanie Haering 1 collaboration
Nina T Gentile 1 collaboration
Kenechukwu Mezue 1 collaboration
Simran Grewal 1 collaboration
Alex Cardeiro 1 collaboration
Nicki Naddaf 1 collaboration
Taimur Abbasi 1 collaboration
Azar Radfar 1 collaboration
Meagan M Wasfy 1 collaboration
James Sawalla Guseh 1 collaboration
Timothy W Churchill 1 collaboration
Zahi Fayad 1 collaboration
Anthony Rosenzweig 1 collaboration
Aaron Baggish 1 collaboration
Jordan Smoller 1 collaboration
Mohammad Se Sendi 1 collaboration
Samantha R Linton 1 collaboration
Amit Etkin 1 collaboration
Wei Wu 1 collaboration
Jordyn Hurly 1 collaboration
Emily Mellen 1 collaboration
Teniel S Ramikie 1 collaboration
Sonia Jain 1 collaboration
Naomi M Simon 1 collaboration
James C West 1 collaboration
Eric Bui 1 collaboration
Feng He 1 collaboration
David M Benedek 1 collaboration
Paolo Cassano 1 collaboration
James L Griffith 1 collaboration
Jonathan Howlett 1 collaboration
Matteo Malgaroli 1 collaboration
Andrew Melaragno 1 collaboration
I-Wei Shu 1 collaboration
Suzan Song 1 collaboration
Kristin Szuhany 1 collaboration
Charles T Taylor 1 collaboration
None None 1 collaboration
Negar Fani 1 collaboration
Sierra Carter 1 collaboration
Grace E Rowland 1 collaboration
William M Davie 1 collaboration
Camilo Guzman 1 collaboration
Sterling Winters 1 collaboration
Laura M Hack 1 collaboration
Shota Nishitani 1 collaboration
Anna K Knight 1 collaboration
Varun Kilaru 1 collaboration
Stephanie A Maddox 1 collaboration
Mandy M T van Leent 1 collaboration
Helena L Chang 1 collaboration
David O'Connor 1 collaboration
Cheuk Y Tang 1 collaboration
Audrey E Kaufman 1 collaboration
Philip M Robson 1 collaboration
Sarayu Ramachandran 1 collaboration
Claudia Calcagno 1 collaboration
Venkatesh Mani 1 collaboration
Sharon Dekel 1 collaboration
Willem J M Mulder 1 collaboration
James W Murrough 1 collaboration
Leslie A Brick 1 collaboration
Nicole R Nugent 1 collaboration
Meaghan O' Donnell 1 collaboration
Sara J Himmerich 1 collaboration
Torsten Klengel 1 collaboration
Elizabeth G Atkinson 1 collaboration
Daniel F Levey 1 collaboration
Søren B Andersen 1 collaboration
Esmina Avdibegovic 1 collaboration
Anders D Børglum 1 collaboration
Megan Brashear 1 collaboration
Alma Dzubur-Kulenovic 1 collaboration
Charles Gillespie 1 collaboration
Aferdita Goci Uka 1 collaboration
Miro Jakovljevic 1 collaboration
Catrin E Lewis 1 collaboration
Bozo Lugonja 1 collaboration
Jessica Maples-Keller 1 collaboration
Alicia R Martin 1 collaboration
Sarah McLeay 1 collaboration
William P Milberg 1 collaboration
Benjamin M Neale 1 collaboration
Jennifer A Sumner 1 collaboration
H Drew Dixon 1 collaboration
Ann C Schwartz 1 collaboration
Camila Cosmo 1 collaboration
Emily M Aiken 1 collaboration
Omar Alani 1 collaboration
Sandeep C Bollepalli 1 collaboration
Robyn A Ellis 1 collaboration
Mubeena Hanif 1 collaboration
Charis Wiltshire 1 collaboration
Paulina Sergot 1 collaboration
Sarah M Turgeon 1 collaboration
Francesco Tona 1 collaboration
Jason H Wasfy 1 collaboration
Sabino Iliceto 1 collaboration
Jill Goldstein 1 collaboration
Catherine Gebhard 1 collaboration