Journal of colloid and interface science
Tommaso A Salamone
Lavinia Rutigliano
Beatrice Pennacchi
Sara Cerra
Roberto Matassa
Stefania Nottola
Fabio Sciubba
Chiara Battocchio
Martina Marsotto
Alessandra Del Giudice
Andrei Chumakov
Souren Grigorian
Gianluca Canettieri
Enzo Agostinelli
Ilaria Fratoddi
Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences of the United States of America
Nanoscale research letters
Journal of functional biomaterials
Kamila Iskhakova
D C Florian Wieland
Romy Marek
Uwe Y Schwarze
Hanna Cwieka
Tamadur AlBaraghtheh
Jan Reimers
Birte Hindenlang
Sandra Sefa
André Lopes Marinho
Regine Willumeit-Römer
Berit Zeller-Plumhoff
Materials (Basel, Switzerland)
Bioactive materials
Kamila Iskhakova
Hanna Cwieka
Svenja Meers
Heike Helmholz
Malte Storm
Ivo Matteo Baltruschat
Silvia Galli
Daniel Pröfrock
Olga Will
Mirko Gerle
Timo Damm
Sandra Sefa
Weilue He
Keith MacRenaris
Malte Soujon
Felix Beckmann
Julian Moosmann
Thomas O'Hallaran
Roger J Guillory
D C Florian Wieland
Berit Zeller-Plumhoff
Regine Willumeit-Römer
Journal of structural biology
Journal of bone and mineral research : the official journal of the American Society for Bone and Mineral Research