Current treatment options in cardiovascular medicine
Anna Grodzinsky
Karen Florio
John A Spertus
Tara Daming
John Lee
Valerie Rader
Lynne Nelson
Rebecca Gray
Darcy White
Kate Swearingen
Merrill Thomas
Annapoorna Singh
Laura Schmidt
The American journal of cardiology
Current treatment options in cardiovascular medicine
Anna Grodzinsky
Karen Florio
John A Spertus
Tara Daming
Laura Schmidt
John Lee
Valerie Rader
Lynne Nelson
Rebecca Gray
Darcy White
Kate Swearingen
Journal of the American College of Cardiology
Craig S Broberg
Alexandra van Dissel
Jessica Minnier
Jamil Aboulhosn
Robert M Kauling
Salil Ginde
Eric V Krieger
Fred Rodriguez
Tripti Gupta
Sangeeta Shah
Anitha S John
Timothy Cotts
W Aaron Kay
Marissa Kuo
Cindy Dwight
Patricia Woods
Jeremy Nicolarsen
Berardo Sarubbi
Flavia Fusco
Petra Antonova
Susan Fernandes
Jasmine Grewal
Jonathan Cramer
Paul Khairy
Pastora Gallego
Clare O'Donnell
Jane Hannah
Mikael Dellborg
Carla P Rodriguez-Monserrate
Isabelle Vonder Muhll
Stephen Pylypchuk
Frank Han
Adam M Lubert
Joseph Kay
Elizabeth Yeung
Jolien Roos-Hesselink
David Baker
David S Celermajer
Luke J Burchill
William M Wilson
Joshua Wong
Shelby Kutty
Alexander R Opotowsky
Circulation. Heart failure
Nael Aldweib
Payam Deghani
Craig S Broberg
Alexandra van Dissel
Ahmad Altibi
Joshua Wong
David Baker
Salil Gindi
Paul Khairy
Ahmad Alitibi
Alexander R Opotowsky
Sangeeta Shah
Jonathan Cramer
Robert M Kauling
Mikael Dellborg
Eric V Krieger
Elizabeth Yeung
Jolien Roos-Hesselink
Jamil Aboulhosn
Jeremy Nicolarsen
Luke Masha
Pastora Gallego
David S Celermajer
Joseph Kay
Isabelle Vonder Muhll
Susan M Jameson
Clare O'Donnell
Flavia Fusco
Anitha S John
Conrad Macon
Petra Antonova
Timothy Cotts
Berardo Sarubbi
Fred Rodriguez
Christopher DeZorzi
Pavithra S Jayadeva
Marissa Kuo
Shelby Kutty
Tripti Gupta
Luke J Burchill
Carla P Rodriguez Monserrate
Adam M Lubert
Jasmine Grewal
Stephen Pylypchuk
Michael Belkin
William M Wilson
Journal of cardiac failure
Brett W Sperry
Raed Qarajeh
Mohamed A Omer
Hunter Brandt
David Safley
A Michael Borkon
Mark P Everley
Timothy J Fendler
Taiyeb M Khumri
Stephanie L Lawhorn
Michael E Nassif
Deepthi Vodnala
Andrew C Kao
Bethany A Austin
Echocardiography (Mount Kisco, N.Y.)
Journal of cardiac failure
Yasser Sammour
Christopher Dezorzi
Bethany A Austin
A Michael Borkon
Mark P Everley
Timothy J Fendler
Taiyeb M Khumri
Stephanie L Lawhorn
Michael E Nassif
Deepthi Vodnala
Andrew C Kao
Brett W Sperry
European heart journal
Alexandra C van Dissel
Alexander R Opotowsky
Luke J Burchill
Jamil Aboulhosn
Jasmine Grewal
Adam M Lubert
Petra Antonova
Sangeeta Shah
Timothy Cotts
Anitha S John
William Aaron Kay
Christopher DeZorzi
Frank Han
David Baker
Joseph Kay
Elizabeth Yeung
Isabelle Vonder Muhll
Stephen Pylypchuk
Marissa C Kuo
Jeremy Nicolarsen
Berardo Sarubbi
Flavia Fusco
Susan M Jameson
Jonathan Cramer
Tripti Gupta
Pastora Gallego
Clare O'Donnell
Jane Hannah
Mikael Dellborg
Robert M Kauling
Salil Ginde
Eric V Krieger
Fred Rodriguez
Payam Dehghani
Shelby Kutty
Joshua Wong
William M Wilson
Carla P Rodriguez-Monserrate
Jolien Roos-Hesselink
David S Celermajer
Paul Khairy
Craig S Broberg
Cardiovascular revascularization medicine : including molecular interventions
Clinical journal of sport medicine : official journal of the Canadian Academy of Sport Medicine
The American journal of cardiology
Europace : European pacing, arrhythmias, and cardiac electrophysiology : journal of the working groups on cardiac pacing, arrhythmias, and cardiac cellular electrophysiology of the European Society of Cardiology
JACC. Heart failure
Yasser Sammour
John A Spertus
Bethany A Austin
Sanjaya K Gupta
Islam Shatla
Evelyn Dean
Kevin F Kennedy
Philip G Jones
Michael E Nassif
Michael L Main
Brett W Sperry
Journal of cardiac failure
Clinical transplantation
Keerthi T Gondi
Andrew Kao
Jodie Linard
Bethany A Austin
Mark P Everley
Timothy J Fendler
Taiyeb Khumri
Stephanie L Lawhorn
Michael E Nassif
Brett W Sperry
Deepthi Vodnala
A Michael Borkon
The American journal of cardiology
Radiographics : a review publication of the Radiological Society of North America, Inc
The journal of maternal-fetal & neonatal medicine : the official journal of the European Association of Perinatal Medicine, the Federation of Asia and Oceania Perinatal Societies, the International Society of Perinatal Obstetricians
Tara N B Daming
Karen L Florio
Laura M Schmidt
Anna Grodzinsky
Lynne A Nelson
Kathleen C Swearingen
Darcy L White
Neil B Patel
Rebecca A Gray
Valerie J Rader
John K Lee
John A Spertus
Journal of cardiac failure
Journal of cardiovascular development and disease
Karen L Florio
Darcy White
Kensey Gosch
Neil Patel
Tara Daming
Emily M Williams
Sarah Hostetter
Rebecca Gray
Lynne Nelson
Kathleen Swearingen
Christine Henricks
Anna Grodzinsky
Valerie Rader
John Lee
Laura Schmidt
American journal of obstetrics & gynecology MFM
Karen L Florio
Emily M Williams
Darcy White
Tara Daming
Sarah Hostetter
Tabitha Schrufer-Poland
Rebecca Gray
Laura Schmidt
Anna Grodzinsky
John Lee
Valerie Rader
Kathleen Swearingen
Lynne Nelson
Neil Patel
Kensey Gosch
Philip Jones
Zhuxuan Fu
John A Spertus