Blood transfusion = Trasfusione del sangue
Manuel Muñoz
Jakob Stensballe
Marie-Pierre Bonnet
Edoardo De Robertis
Ino Fornet
François Goffinet
Stefan Hofer
Wolfgang Holzgreve
Susana Manrique
Jacky Nizard
François Christory
Charles-Marc Samama
Jean-François Hardy
Nephrology, dialysis, transplantation : official publication of the European Dialysis and Transplant Association - European Renal Association
Fleuria Meibody
Matthieu Jamme
Vassilis Tsatsaris
François Provot
Jérôme Lambert
Véronique Frémeaux-Bacchi
Mercédès Jourdain
Yahsou Delmas
Pierre Perez
Julien Darmian
Alain Wynckel
Jean-Michel Rebibou
Paul Coppo
Cédric Rafat
Eric Rondeau
Luc Frimat
Alexandre Hertig
European journal of obstetrics, gynecology, and reproductive biology
Loïc Sentilhes
Fabienne Galley-Raulin
Claire Boithias
Michel Sfez
François Goffinet
Sylvie Le Roux
Dan Benhamou
Jean-Michel Garnier
Sabine Paysant
Stéphane Bounan
Christine Michel
Jean Coudray
Jean-Christophe Rozé
Benoit Elleboode
European journal of anaesthesiology
BJOG : an international journal of obstetrics and gynaecology
S Meher
A Cuthbert
J J Kirkham
P Williamson
E Abalos
N Aflaifel
Z A Bhutta
A Bishop
J Blum
P Collins
D Devane
A-S Ducloy-Bouthors
B Fawole
A M Gülmezoglu
K Gutteridge
G Gyte
Cse Homer
S Mallaiah
J M Smith
A D Weeks
Z Alfirevic
Canadian journal of anaesthesia = Journal canadien d'anesthesie
Gynecologie, obstetrique, fertilite & senologie
L Sentilhes
F Galley-Raulin
C Boithias
M Sfez
F Goffinet
S Le Roux
D Benhamou
J-M Garnier
S Paysant
S Bounan
C Michel
J Coudray
B Elleboode
J-C Rozé
A-S Ducloy-Bouthors
Gynecologie, obstetrique, fertilite & senologie
British journal of anaesthesia
Sixtine Gilliot
Maeva Kyheng
David Faraoni
Alexandre Turbelin
Hawa Keita-Meyer
Agnès Rigouzzo
Gabriela Moyanotidou
Benjamin Constant
Francoise Broisin
Agnès L Gouez
Rémi Favier
Edith Peynaud
Louise Ghesquiere
Gilles Lebuffe
Alain Duhamel
Delphine Allorge
Sophie Susen
Benjamin Hennart
Emmanuelle Jeanpierre
Pascal Odou
Auteur inconnu
Anaesthesia, critical care & pain medicine
Alexandre Theissen
Gilles Folléa
Frédéric Garban
Monique Carlier
Silvia Pontone
Bernard Lassale
Bertrand Boyer
Eric Noll
Chloé Arthuis
Eddy Cotte
Julie Veziant
Nicolas Retur
Sandrine Sarma
Alexandra Faure-Munoz
Isabelle Evans
Alexandre Pitard
Michel Kindo
Emmanuel Rineau
Auteur inconnu