Anne Karien C A Marijnissen
Anne Karien C A Marijnissen
Department of Rheumatology & Clinical Immunology, HP G02.228 Heidelberglaan 100 3584CX, Utrecht, The Netherlands.
Publications (1)
Exploring the differences between radiographic joint space width and MRI cartilage thickness changes using data from the IMI-APPROACH cohort.
Skeletal radiology
Mylène P Jansen
Frank W Roemer
Margreet Kloppenburg
Francisco J Blanco
Ida K Haugen
Francis Berenbaum
Floris P J G Lafeber
Paco M J Welsing
Simon C Mastbergen
Wolfgang Wirth
Réseau de co-auteurs
Mylène P Jansen
1 collaboration
Frank W Roemer
1 collaboration
Margreet Kloppenburg
1 collaboration
Francisco J Blanco
1 collaboration
Ida K Haugen
1 collaboration
Francis Berenbaum
1 collaboration
Floris P J G Lafeber
1 collaboration
Paco M J Welsing
1 collaboration
Simon C Mastbergen
1 collaboration
Wolfgang Wirth
1 collaboration