Amaal Eman Abdulle

  • Department of Internal Medicine, division vascular medicine, University Medical Center Groningen, University of Groningen, 9700 RB Groningen, The Netherlands.

Publications (21)

Réseau de co-auteurs

Harry van Goor 20 collaborations
Arno R Bourgonje 15 collaborations
Douwe J Mulder 14 collaborations
Amaal E Abdulle 14 collaborations
Stephan J L Bakker 11 collaborations
Ron T Gansevoort 9 collaborations
Robin P F Dullaart 8 collaborations
Martin F Bourgonje 8 collaborations
Sanne J Gordijn 7 collaborations
Marian L C Bulthuis 6 collaborations
Lyanne M Kieneker 6 collaborations
Tom Nilsen 5 collaborations
Clara Hidden 5 collaborations
Jan-Luuk Hillebrands 5 collaborations
Andreas Pasch 5 collaborations
Anniek M van Roon 3 collaborations
Andries J Smit 3 collaborations
Eline H van den Berg 2 collaborations
Hans Blokzijl 2 collaborations
Yehya Al-Adwi 2 collaborations
Alja Stel 2 collaborations
Gerard Dijkstra 2 collaborations
Peter Hj van der Voort 2 collaborations
Martin H de Borst 2 collaborations
Hendrika Bootsma 2 collaborations
Peter R van Dijk 1 collaboration
Frank G Perton 1 collaboration
Margery A Connelly 1 collaboration
Isabella M Atzeni 1 collaboration
Johanna Westra 1 collaboration
Wim Timens 1 collaboration
Gerjan J Navis 1 collaboration
Marieke C Bolling 1 collaboration
Adriaan A Voors 1 collaboration
Albert Dme Osterhaus 1 collaboration
Larissa E van Eijk 1 collaboration
Mathijs Binkhorst 1 collaboration
Annette K Offringa 1 collaboration
Eelke M Bos 1 collaboration
Nikola Kolundzic 1 collaboration
Marcel Gm Olde Rikkert 1 collaboration
Wilfred Fa den Dunnen 1 collaboration
S Heleen Binnenmars 1 collaboration
Sara Sokooti 1 collaboration
André van Beek 1 collaboration
Karina de Leeuw 1 collaboration
Elisabeth Brouwer 1 collaboration
Suzanne Arends 1 collaboration
Christiaan Tji Gan 1 collaboration
Douwe Johannes Mulder 1 collaboration
Anne M Koning 1 collaboration
Klaas Nico Faber 1 collaboration
Reinold O B Gans 1 collaboration
Zheng Wang 1 collaboration
Henk Groen 1 collaboration
Astrid E P Cantineau 1 collaboration
Anne M van Oers 1 collaboration
Lotte van Dammen 1 collaboration
Vincent Wekker 1 collaboration
Ben W J Mol 1 collaboration
Tessa J Roseboom 1 collaboration
Annemieke Hoek 1 collaboration
Adrian Post 1 collaboration
Turtushikh Damba 1 collaboration
Svenja Sydor 1 collaboration
Han Moshage 1 collaboration
Areej M Al-Rawas 1 collaboration
Muna Al-Maqbali 1 collaboration
Mohsin Al-Saleh 1 collaboration
Marvin B Enriquez 1 collaboration
Sultan Al-Siyabi 1 collaboration
Khamis Al-Hashmi 1 collaboration
Intisar Al-Lawati 1 collaboration
Jumana Saleh 1 collaboration
Michiel Kuijpers 1 collaboration
Saskia C van de Zande 1 collaboration
Arie M van Roon 1 collaboration
Reinhard Bos 1 collaboration
Wobbe Bouma 1 collaboration
Theo J Klinkenberg 1 collaboration
Mike J L DeJongste 1 collaboration
Massimo A Mariani 1 collaboration
Matijs van Meurs 1 collaboration
Mohammad Y Said 1 collaboration
Bernadette O Fernandez 1 collaboration
Martin Feelisch 1 collaboration
Mirthe H Schoots 1 collaboration
Jelmer R Prins 1 collaboration
Eline G M van Hoorn 1 collaboration
Anneke C Muller Kobold 1 collaboration
Martin van der Heide 1 collaboration