Journal of comparative physiology. A, Neuroethology, sensory, neural, and behavioral physiology
Developmental psychobiology
Royal Society open science
Science advances
J B Smaers
R S Rothman
D R Hudson
A M Balanoff
B Beatty
D K N Dechmann
D de Vries
J C Dunn
J G Fleagle
C C Gilbert
A Goswami
W L Jungers
M Kerney
D T Ksepka
P R Manger
C S Mongle
F J Rohlf
N A Smith
C Soligo
V Weisbecker
K Safi
Brain, behavior and evolution
Royal Society open science
Brain structure & function
Behavioural brain research
Brain, behavior and evolution
Brain, behavior and evolution
The Journal of comparative neurology
Brain, behavior and evolution
Brain structure & function