A Elosegi

  • University of the Basque Country (UPV/EHU), Barrio Sarriena s/n. 48940 Leioa, Spain.

Publications (18)

Latitude dictates plant diversity effects on instream decomposition.

Science advances

Human activities shape global patterns of decomposition rates in rivers.

Science (New York, N.Y.)
Avec: S D Tiegs , K A Capps , D M Costello , J P Schmidt , C J Patrick , J J Follstad Shah , C J LeRoy , Auteur inconnu , Vicenç Acuña , Ricardo Albariño , Daniel C Allen , Cecilia Alonso , Patricio Andino , Clay Arango , Jukka Aroviita , Marcus V M Barbosa , Leon A Barmuta , Colden Baxter , Brent Bellinger , Luz Boyero , Lyubov Bragina , Lee E Brown , Andreas Bruder , Denise A Bruesewitz , Francis Burdon , Marcos Callisto , Antonio Camacho , Cristina Canhoto , María M Castillo , Eric Chauvet , Joanne Clapcott , Fanny Colas , Checo Colón-Gaud , Julien Cornut , Verónica Crespo-Pérez , Wyatt F Cross , Joseph Culp , Michael Danger , Olivier Dangles , Elvira de Eyto , Alison M Derry , Veronica Díaz Villanueva , Michael M Douglas , Arturo Elosegi , Andrea C Encalada , Sally Entrekin , Rodrigo Espinosa , Verónica Ferreira , Carmen Ferriol , Kyla M Flanagan , Alexander S Flecker , Tadeusz Fleituch , André Frainer , Nikolai Friberg , Paul C Frost , Erica A Garcia , Liliana García-Lago , Pavel Ernesto García Soto , Mark O Gessner , Sudeep Ghate , Darren P Giling , Alan Gilmer , José Francisco Gonçalves , Rosario Karina Gonzales , Manuel A S Graça , Mike Grace , Natalie A Griffiths , Hans-Peter Grossart , François Guérold , Vlad Gulis , Pablo E Gutiérrez-Fonseca , Luiz U Hepp , Scott Higgins , Takuo Hishi , Joseph Huddart , John Hudson , Moss Imberger , Carlos Iñiguez-Armijos , Mark W Isken , Tomoya Iwata , David J Janetski , Andrea E Kirkwood , Aaron A Koning , Sarian Kosten , Kevin A Kuehn , Hjalmar Laudon , Peter R Leavitt , Aurea L Lemes da Silva , Shawn Leroux , Peter J Lisi , Richard MacKenzie , Amy M Marcarelli , Frank O Masese , Peter B McIntyre , Brendan G McKie , Adriana Medeiros , Kristian Meissner , Marko Miliša , Shailendra Mishra , Yo Miyake , Ashley Moerke , Shorok Mombrikotb , Rob Mooney , Timothy Moulton , Timo Muotka , Junjiro Negishi , Vinicius Neres-Lima , Mika L Nieminen , Jorge Nimptsch , Jakub Ondruch , Riku Paavola , Isabel Pardo , Edwin T H M Peeters , Jesus Pozo , Aaron Prussian , Estefania Quenta , Brian Reid , John S Richardson , Anna Rigosi , José Rincón , Geta Risnoveanu , Christopher T Robinson , Lorena Rodríguez-Gallego , Todd V Royer , James A Rusak , Anna C Santamans , Géza B Selmeczy , Gelas Simiyu , Agnija Skuja , Jerzy Smykla , Ryan Sponseller , Kandikere R Sridhar , Aaron Stoler , Christopher M Swan , Franco Teixeira de Mello , Jonathan D Tonkin , Sari Uusheimo , Allison M Veach , Sirje Vilbaste , Lena B-M Vought , Chiao-Ping Wang , Jackson R Webster , Paul B Wilson , Stefan Woelfl , Guy Woodward , Marguerite A Xenopoulos , Adam G Yates , Chihiro Yoshimura , Catherine M Yule , Yixin Zhang , Jacob A Zwart

Global patterns and drivers of ecosystem functioning in rivers and riparian zones.

Science advances
Avec: Scott D Tiegs , David M Costello , Mark W Isken , Guy Woodward , Peter B McIntyre , Mark O Gessner , Eric Chauvet , Natalie A Griffiths , Alex S Flecker , Vicenç Acuña , Ricardo Albariño , Daniel C Allen , Cecilia Alonso , Patricio Andino , Clay Arango , Jukka Aroviita , Marcus V M Barbosa , Leon A Barmuta , Colden V Baxter , Thomas D C Bell , Brent Bellinger , Luz Boyero , Lee E Brown , Andreas Bruder , Denise A Bruesewitz , Francis J Burdon , Marcos Callisto , Cristina Canhoto , Krista A Capps , María M Castillo , Joanne Clapcott , Fanny Colas , Checo Colón-Gaud , Julien Cornut , Verónica Crespo-Pérez , Wyatt F Cross , Joseph M Culp , Michael Danger , Olivier Dangles , Elvira de Eyto , Alison M Derry , Veronica Díaz Villanueva , Michael M Douglas , Arturo Elosegi , Andrea C Encalada , Sally Entrekin , Rodrigo Espinosa , Diana Ethaiya , Verónica Ferreira , Carmen Ferriol , Kyla M Flanagan , Tadeusz Fleituch , Jennifer J Follstad Shah , André Frainer Barbosa , Nikolai Friberg , Paul C Frost , Erica A Garcia , Liliana García Lago , Pavel Ernesto García Soto , Sudeep Ghate , Darren P Giling , Alan Gilmer , José Francisco Gonçalves , Rosario Karina Gonzales , Manuel A S Graça , Mike Grace , Hans-Peter Grossart , François Guérold , Vlad Gulis , Luiz U Hepp , Scott Higgins , Takuo Hishi , Joseph Huddart , John Hudson , Samantha Imberger , Carlos Iñiguez-Armijos , Tomoya Iwata , David J Janetski , Eleanor Jennings , Andrea E Kirkwood , Aaron A Koning , Sarian Kosten , Kevin A Kuehn , Hjalmar Laudon , Peter R Leavitt , Aurea L Lemes da Silva , Shawn J Leroux , Carri J LeRoy , Peter J Lisi , Richard MacKenzie , Amy M Marcarelli , Frank O Masese , Brendan G McKie , Adriana Oliveira Medeiros , Kristian Meissner , Marko Miliša , Shailendra Mishra , Yo Miyake , Ashley Moerke , Shorok Mombrikotb , Rob Mooney , Tim Moulton , Timo Muotka , Junjiro N Negishi , Vinicius Neres-Lima , Mika L Nieminen , Jorge Nimptsch , Jakub Ondruch , Riku Paavola , Isabel Pardo , Christopher J Patrick , Edwin T H M Peeters , Jesus Pozo , Catherine Pringle , Aaron Prussian , Estefania Quenta , Antonio Quesada , Brian Reid , John S Richardson , Anna Rigosi , José Rincón , Geta Rîşnoveanu , Christopher T Robinson , Lorena Rodríguez-Gallego , Todd V Royer , James A Rusak , Anna C Santamans , Géza B Selmeczy , Gelas Simiyu , Agnija Skuja , Jerzy Smykla , Kandikere R Sridhar , Ryan Sponseller , Aaron Stoler , Christopher M Swan , David Szlag , Franco Teixeira-de Mello , Jonathan D Tonkin , Sari Uusheimo , Allison M Veach , Sirje Vilbaste , Lena B M Vought , Chiao-Ping Wang , Jackson R Webster , Paul B Wilson , Stefan Woelfl , Marguerite A Xenopoulos , Adam G Yates , Chihiro Yoshimura , Catherine M Yule , Yixin X Zhang , Jacob A Zwart

Simulating rewetting events in intermittent rivers and ephemeral streams: A global analysis of leached nutrients and organic matter.

Global change biology

Unravelling large-scale patterns and drivers of biodiversity in dry rivers.

Nature communications
Avec: Arnaud Foulquier , Thibault Datry , Roland Corti , Daniel von Schiller , Klement Tockner , Rachel Stubbington , Mark O Gessner , Frédéric Boyer , Marc Ohlmann , Wilfried Thuiller , Delphine Rioux , Christian Miquel , Ricardo Albariño , Daniel C Allen , Florian Altermatt , Maria Isabel Arce , Shai Arnon , Damien Banas , Andy Banegas-Medina , Erin Beller , Melanie L Blanchette , Joanna Blessing , Iola Gonçalves Boëchat , Kate Boersma , Michael Bogan , Núria Bonada , Nick Bond , Katherine Brintrup , Andreas Bruder , Ryan Burrows , Tommaso Cancellario , Cristina Canhoto , Stephanie Carlson , Núria Cid , Julien Cornut , Michael Danger , Bianca de Freitas Terra , Anna Maria De Girolamo , Rubén Del Campo , Verónica Díaz Villanueva , Fiona Dyer , Arturo Elosegi , Catherine Febria , Ricardo Figueroa Jara , Brian Four , Sarig Gafny , Rosa Gómez , Lluís Gómez-Gener , Simone Guareschi , Björn Gücker , Jason Hwan , J Iwan Jones , Patrick S Kubheka , Alex Laini , Simone Daniela Langhans , Bertrand Launay , Guillaume Le Goff , Catherine Leigh , Chelsea Little , Stefan Lorenz , Jonathan Marshall , Eduardo J Martin Sanz , Angus McIntosh , Clara Mendoza-Lera , Elisabeth I Meyer , Marko Miliša , Musa C Mlambo , Manuela Morais , Nabor Moya , Peter Negus , Dev Niyogi , Iluminada Pagán , Athina Papatheodoulou , Giuseppe Pappagallo , Isabel Pardo , Petr Pařil , Steffen U Pauls , Marek Polášek , Pablo Rodríguez-Lozano , Robert J Rolls , Maria Mar Sánchez-Montoya , Ana Savić , Oleksandra Shumilova , Kandikere R Sridhar , Alisha Steward , Amina Taleb , Avi Uzan , Yefrin Valladares , Ross Vander Vorste , Nathan J Waltham , Dominik H Zak , Annamaria Zoppini

Réseau de co-auteurs

Arturo Elosegi 16 collaborations
Daniel von Schiller 9 collaborations
Aitor Larrañaga 7 collaborations
Mark O Gessner 5 collaborations
Manuel A S Graça 4 collaborations
Vicenç Acuña 4 collaborations
Andreas Bruder 4 collaborations
Michael Danger 4 collaborations
Marko Miliša 4 collaborations
Isabel Pardo 4 collaborations
Sergi Sabater 4 collaborations
Luz Boyero 3 collaborations
Leon A Barmuta 3 collaborations
Marcos Callisto 3 collaborations
Eric Chauvet 3 collaborations
Checo Colón-Gaud 3 collaborations
Michael M Douglas 3 collaborations
Andrea C Encalada 3 collaborations
Elvira de Eyto 3 collaborations
Tadeusz Fleituch 3 collaborations
Luiz U Hepp 3 collaborations
Tomoya Iwata 3 collaborations
Frank O Masese 3 collaborations
Brendan G McKie 3 collaborations
Timo Muotka 3 collaborations
John S Richardson 3 collaborations
José Rincón 3 collaborations
Christopher M Swan 3 collaborations
Catherine M Yule 3 collaborations
Ricardo Albariño 3 collaborations
Daniel C Allen 3 collaborations
Cristina Canhoto 3 collaborations
Julien Cornut 3 collaborations
Kandikere R Sridhar 3 collaborations
Olatz Pereda 3 collaborations
Francis J Burdon 2 collaborations
Ricardo Figueroa 2 collaborations
Alexander S Flecker 2 collaborations
André Frainer 2 collaborations
Junjiro N Negishi 2 collaborations
Scott D Tiegs 2 collaborations
Ioar de Guzman 2 collaborations
Jose M González 2 collaborations
José M Montoya 2 collaborations
Cecilia Alonso 2 collaborations
Patricio Andino 2 collaborations
Clay Arango 2 collaborations
Jukka Aroviita 2 collaborations
Marcus V M Barbosa 2 collaborations
Brent Bellinger 2 collaborations
Lee E Brown 2 collaborations
Denise A Bruesewitz 2 collaborations
María M Castillo 2 collaborations
Joanne Clapcott 2 collaborations
Fanny Colas 2 collaborations
Verónica Crespo-Pérez 2 collaborations
Wyatt F Cross 2 collaborations
Olivier Dangles 2 collaborations
Alison M Derry 2 collaborations
Sally Entrekin 2 collaborations
Rodrigo Espinosa 2 collaborations
Verónica Ferreira 2 collaborations
Carmen Ferriol 2 collaborations
Kyla M Flanagan 2 collaborations
Nikolai Friberg 2 collaborations
Paul C Frost 2 collaborations
Erica A Garcia 2 collaborations
Sudeep Ghate 2 collaborations
Darren P Giling 2 collaborations
Alan Gilmer 2 collaborations
Rosario Karina Gonzales 2 collaborations
Mike Grace 2 collaborations
Natalie A Griffiths 2 collaborations
Hans-Peter Grossart 2 collaborations
François Guérold 2 collaborations
Vlad Gulis 2 collaborations
Scott Higgins 2 collaborations
Takuo Hishi 2 collaborations
Joseph Huddart 2 collaborations
John Hudson 2 collaborations
Carlos Iñiguez-Armijos 2 collaborations
Mark W Isken 2 collaborations
David J Janetski 2 collaborations
Andrea E Kirkwood 2 collaborations
Aaron A Koning 2 collaborations
Sarian Kosten 2 collaborations
Kevin A Kuehn 2 collaborations
Hjalmar Laudon 2 collaborations
Peter R Leavitt 2 collaborations
Aurea L Lemes da Silva 2 collaborations
Peter J Lisi 2 collaborations
Richard MacKenzie 2 collaborations
Amy M Marcarelli 2 collaborations
Peter B McIntyre 2 collaborations
Kristian Meissner 2 collaborations
Shailendra Mishra 2 collaborations
Yo Miyake 2 collaborations
Ashley Moerke 2 collaborations
Shorok Mombrikotb 2 collaborations
Rob Mooney 2 collaborations
Vinicius Neres-Lima 2 collaborations
Mika L Nieminen 2 collaborations
Jorge Nimptsch 2 collaborations
Jakub Ondruch 2 collaborations
Riku Paavola 2 collaborations
Edwin T H M Peeters 2 collaborations
Jesus Pozo 2 collaborations
Aaron Prussian 2 collaborations
Estefania Quenta 2 collaborations
Brian Reid 2 collaborations
Anna Rigosi 2 collaborations
Christopher T Robinson 2 collaborations
Todd V Royer 2 collaborations
James A Rusak 2 collaborations
Anna C Santamans 2 collaborations
Géza B Selmeczy 2 collaborations
Gelas Simiyu 2 collaborations
Agnija Skuja 2 collaborations
Jerzy Smykla 2 collaborations
Ryan Sponseller 2 collaborations
Aaron Stoler 2 collaborations
Jonathan D Tonkin 2 collaborations
Sari Uusheimo 2 collaborations
Allison M Veach 2 collaborations
Sirje Vilbaste 2 collaborations
Chiao-Ping Wang 2 collaborations
Jackson R Webster 2 collaborations
Paul B Wilson 2 collaborations
Stefan Woelfl 2 collaborations
Guy Woodward 2 collaborations
Marguerite A Xenopoulos 2 collaborations
Adam G Yates 2 collaborations
Chihiro Yoshimura 2 collaborations
Jacob A Zwart 2 collaborations
Oleksandra Shumilova 2 collaborations
Thibault Datry 2 collaborations
Roland Corti 2 collaborations
Arnaud Foulquier 2 collaborations
Klement Tockner 2 collaborations
Florian Altermatt 2 collaborations
Shai Arnon 2 collaborations
Damien Banas 2 collaborations
Andy Banegas-Medina 2 collaborations
Erin Beller 2 collaborations
Melanie L Blanchette 2 collaborations
Joanna Blessing 2 collaborations
Kate Boersma 2 collaborations
Núria Bonada 2 collaborations
Ryan Burrows 2 collaborations
Tommaso Cancellario 2 collaborations
Núria Cid 2 collaborations
Bianca de Freitas Terra 2 collaborations
Anna Maria De Girolamo 2 collaborations
Fiona Dyer 2 collaborations
Catherine Febria 2 collaborations
Brian Four 2 collaborations
Simone Guareschi 2 collaborations
Björn Gücker 2 collaborations
Simone Daniela Langhans 2 collaborations
Catherine Leigh 2 collaborations
Stefan Lorenz 2 collaborations
Jonathan Marshall 2 collaborations
Angus McIntosh 2 collaborations
Clara Mendoza-Lera 2 collaborations
Musa C Mlambo 2 collaborations
Peter Negus 2 collaborations
Dev Niyogi 2 collaborations
Athina Papatheodoulou 2 collaborations
Robert J Rolls 2 collaborations
Ana Savić 2 collaborations
Alisha Steward 2 collaborations
Rachel Stubbington 2 collaborations
Amina Taleb 2 collaborations
Ross Vander Vorste 2 collaborations
Annamaria Zoppini 2 collaborations
J M González 1 collaboration
I de Guzmán 1 collaboration
A Larrañaga 1 collaboration
Miriam Colls 1 collaboration
Maite Arroita 1 collaboration
Iñaki Bañares 1 collaboration
Javier Pérez 1 collaboration
Naiara López-Rojo 1 collaboration
Alan M Tonin 1 collaboration
Richard G Pearson 1 collaboration
Jaime Bosch 1 collaboration
Ricardo J Albariño 1 collaboration
Sankarappan Anbalagan 1 collaboration
Leah Beesley 1 collaboration
Adriano Caliman 1 collaboration
Ian C Campbell 1 collaboration
Bradley J Cardinale 1 collaboration
J Jesús Casas 1 collaboration
Ana M Chará-Serna 1 collaboration
Szymon Ciapała 1 collaboration
Aydeé Cornejo 1 collaboration
Aaron M Davis 1 collaboration
Monika Degebrodt 1 collaboration
Emerson S Dias 1 collaboration
María E Díaz 1 collaboration
Juliana S França 1 collaboration
Erica A García 1 collaboration
Gabriela García 1 collaboration
Pavel García 1 collaboration
Paul S Giller 1 collaboration
Jesús E Gómez 1 collaboration
Sergio Gómez 1 collaboration
Jose F Gonçalves 1 collaboration
Robert O Hall 1 collaboration
Neusa Hamada 1 collaboration
Cang Hui 1 collaboration
Daichi Imazawa 1 collaboration
Edson S A Junior 1 collaboration
Samuel Kariuki 1 collaboration
María Leal 1 collaboration
Kaisa Lehosmaa 1 collaboration
Charles M'Erimba 1 collaboration
Richard Marchant 1 collaboration
Renato T Martins 1 collaboration
Megan Camden 1 collaboration
Adriana O Medeiros 1 collaboration
Jen A Middleton 1 collaboration
Jesús Pozo 1 collaboration
Alonso Ramírez 1 collaboration
Renan S Rezende 1 collaboration
Juan Rubio-Ríos 1 collaboration
Claudia Serrano 1 collaboration
Angela R Shaffer 1 collaboration
Fran Sheldon 1 collaboration
Nathalie S D Tenkiano 1 collaboration
Janine R Tolod 1 collaboration
Michael Vernasky 1 collaboration
Anne Watson 1 collaboration
Mourine J Yegon 1 collaboration
Paula Altieri 1 collaboration
Mario Brauns 1 collaboration
S D Tiegs 1 collaboration
K A Capps 1 collaboration
D M Costello 1 collaboration
J P Schmidt 1 collaboration
C J Patrick 1 collaboration
J J Follstad Shah 1 collaboration
C J LeRoy 1 collaboration
None None 1 collaboration
Colden Baxter 1 collaboration
Lyubov Bragina 1 collaboration
Francis Burdon 1 collaboration
Antonio Camacho 1 collaboration
Joseph Culp 1 collaboration
Liliana García-Lago 1 collaboration
Moss Imberger 1 collaboration
Shawn Leroux 1 collaboration
Adriana Medeiros 1 collaboration
Timothy Moulton 1 collaboration
Junjiro Negishi 1 collaboration
Geta Risnoveanu 1 collaboration
Lena B-M Vought 1 collaboration
Yixin Zhang 1 collaboration
Amaiur Esnaola 1 collaboration
Joxerra Aihartza 1 collaboration
Ralf Ludwig 1 collaboration
David M Costello 1 collaboration
Alex S Flecker 1 collaboration
Colden V Baxter 1 collaboration
Thomas D C Bell 1 collaboration
Krista A Capps 1 collaboration
Joseph M Culp 1 collaboration
Diana Ethaiya 1 collaboration
André Frainer Barbosa 1 collaboration
Liliana García Lago 1 collaboration
Samantha Imberger 1 collaboration
Eleanor Jennings 1 collaboration
Shawn J Leroux 1 collaboration
Carri J LeRoy 1 collaboration
Tim Moulton 1 collaboration
Christopher J Patrick 1 collaboration
Catherine Pringle 1 collaboration
Antonio Quesada 1 collaboration
Geta Rîşnoveanu 1 collaboration
David Szlag 1 collaboration
Lena B M Vought 1 collaboration
Yixin X Zhang 1 collaboration
Jordi-René Mor 1 collaboration
P S Keller 1 collaboration
N Catalán 1 collaboration
D von Schiller 1 collaboration
H-P Grossart 1 collaboration
M Koschorreck 1 collaboration
B Obrador 1 collaboration
M A Frassl 1 collaboration
N Karakaya 1 collaboration
N Barros 1 collaboration
J A Howitt 1 collaboration
C Mendoza-Lera 1 collaboration
A Pastor 1 collaboration
G Flaim 1 collaboration
R Aben 1 collaboration
T Riis 1 collaboration
M I Arce 1 collaboration
G Onandia 1 collaboration
J R Paranaíba 1 collaboration
A Linkhorst 1 collaboration
R Del Campo 1 collaboration
A M Amado 1 collaboration
S Cauvy-Fraunié 1 collaboration
S Brothers 1 collaboration
J Condon 1 collaboration
R F Mendonça 1 collaboration
F Reverey 1 collaboration
E-I Rõõm 1 collaboration
T Datry 1 collaboration
F Roland 1 collaboration
A Laas 1 collaboration
U Obertegger 1 collaboration
J-H Park 1 collaboration
H Wang 1 collaboration
S Kosten 1 collaboration
R Gómez 1 collaboration
C Feijoó 1 collaboration
M M Sánchez-Montoya 1 collaboration
C M Finlayson 1 collaboration
M Melita 1 collaboration
E S Oliveira Junior 1 collaboration
C C Muniz 1 collaboration
L Gómez-Gener 1 collaboration
C Leigh 1 collaboration
Q Zhang 1 collaboration
R Marcé 1 collaboration
Dominik Zak 1 collaboration
Biel Obrador 1 collaboration
Daniel C Allan 1 collaboration
María Isabel Arce 1 collaboration
Juan F Blanco-Libreros 1 collaboration
Michael T Bogan 1 collaboration
Nick R Bond 1 collaboration
Kate Brintrup 1 collaboration
Stephanie M Carlson 1 collaboration
Sophie Cauvy-Fraunié 1 collaboration
Ruben Del Campo 1 collaboration
Emile Faye 1 collaboration
Pierre Gnohossou 1 collaboration
Rosa Gómez Cerezo 1 collaboration
Lluís Gomez-Gener 1 collaboration
Jason L Hwan 1 collaboration
Skhumbuzo Kubheka 1 collaboration
Chelsea J Little 1 collaboration
Marcos Moleón 1 collaboration
Petr Paril 1 collaboration
Vladimir Pešić 1 collaboration
Pablo Rodriguez-Lozano 1 collaboration
Nathan Waltham 1 collaboration
Christiane Zarfl 1 collaboration
Marius Dhamelincourt 1 collaboration
Jacques Rives 1 collaboration
Marie Pons 1 collaboration
Cédric Tentelier 1 collaboration
Evangelia Smeti 1 collaboration
Ioannis Karaouzas 1 collaboration
Sofia Laschou 1 collaboration
Leonidas Vardakas 1 collaboration
Elisabet Tornés 1 collaboration
Nuria Guillem-Argiles 1 collaboration
Elena Martinez 1 collaboration
Damià Barceló 1 collaboration
Miren López de Alda 1 collaboration
Eleni Kalogianni 1 collaboration
Nikolaos Skoulikidis 1 collaboration
Libe Solagaistua 1 collaboration
Miren Atristain 1 collaboration
Ioar de Guzmán 1 collaboration
Laura E Paz 1 collaboration
Benoit Gauzens 1 collaboration
Ulrich Brose 1 collaboration
Alvaro Antón 1 collaboration
Nuria Olarte 1 collaboration
Frédéric Boyer 1 collaboration
Marc Ohlmann 1 collaboration
Wilfried Thuiller 1 collaboration
Delphine Rioux 1 collaboration
Christian Miquel 1 collaboration
Maria Isabel Arce 1 collaboration
Michael Bogan 1 collaboration
Nick Bond 1 collaboration
Katherine Brintrup 1 collaboration
Stephanie Carlson 1 collaboration
Rubén Del Campo 1 collaboration
Ricardo Figueroa Jara 1 collaboration
Sarig Gafny 1 collaboration
Rosa Gómez 1 collaboration
Lluís Gómez-Gener 1 collaboration
Jason Hwan 1 collaboration
J Iwan Jones 1 collaboration
Patrick S Kubheka 1 collaboration
Alex Laini 1 collaboration
Bertrand Launay 1 collaboration
Guillaume Le Goff 1 collaboration
Chelsea Little 1 collaboration
Eduardo J Martin Sanz 1 collaboration
Elisabeth I Meyer 1 collaboration
Manuela Morais 1 collaboration
Nabor Moya 1 collaboration
Iluminada Pagán 1 collaboration
Giuseppe Pappagallo 1 collaboration
Petr Pařil 1 collaboration
Steffen U Pauls 1 collaboration
Marek Polášek 1 collaboration
Avi Uzan 1 collaboration
Yefrin Valladares 1 collaboration
Nathan J Waltham 1 collaboration
Dominik H Zak 1 collaboration