Frontiers in microbiology
Frontiers in pharmacology
Frontiers in microbiology
Sarah A Naudin
Aude A Ferran
Pedro Henrique Imazaki
Nathalie Arpaillange
Camille Marcuzzo
Maïna Vienne
Sofia Demmou
Alain Bousquet-Mélou
Felipe Ramon-Portugal
Marlene Z Lacroix
Claire Hoede
Maialen Barret
Véronique Dupouy
Delphine Bibbal
Journal of veterinary pharmacology and therapeutics
Clinical pharmacokinetics
Frontiers in microbiology
Plants (Basel, Switzerland)
Dounia Dhaou
Virginie Baldy
Dao Van Tan
Jean-Rémi Malachin
Nicolas Pouchard
Anaïs Roux
Sylvie Dupouyet
Stéphane Greff
Gérald Culioli
Thomas Michel
Catherine Fernandez
Anne Bousquet-Mélou
Frontiers in microbiology
Elodie A Lallemand
Alain Bousquet-Mélou
Laura Chapuis
Jennifer Davis
Aude A Ferran
Butch Kukanich
Taisuke Kuroda
Marlène Z Lacroix
Yohei Minamijima
Lena Olsén
Ludovic Pelligand
Felipe Ramon Portugal
Béatrice B Roques
Elizabeth M Santschi
Katherine E Wilson
Pierre-Louis Toutain
Plants (Basel, Switzerland)
Antibiotics (Basel, Switzerland)
Frontiers in veterinary science
Véronique Dupouy
Mouni Abdelli
Gabriel Moyano
Nathalie Arpaillange
Delphine Bibbal
Marie-Christine Cadiergues
Diego Lopez-Pulin
Sakina Sayah-Jeanne
Jean de Gunzburg
Nathalie Saint-Lu
Bruno Gonzalez-Zorn
Antoine Andremont
Alain Bousquet-Mélou
Frontiers in microbiology
Journal of veterinary pharmacology and therapeutics
Clinical pharmacokinetics
Equine veterinary journal
Frontiers in microbiology
Plants (Basel, Switzerland)
Elodie Quer
Susana Pereira
Thomas Michel
Mathieu Santonja
Thierry Gauquelin
Guillaume Simioni
Jean-Marc Ourcival
Richard Joffre
Jean-Marc Limousin
Adriane Aupic-Samain
Caroline Lecareux
Sylvie Dupouyet
Jean-Philippe Orts
Anne Bousquet-Mélou
Raphaël Gros
Marketa Sagova-Mareckova
Jan Kopecky
Catherine Fernandez
Virginie Baldy
Environmental research
Marlene Z Lacroix
Felipe Ramon-Portugal
Alicia Huesca
Kyriacos Angastiniotis
Maro Simitopoulou
George Kefalas
Paolo Ferrari
Pierre Levallois
Christine Fourichon
Maaike Wolthuis-Fillerup
Kees De Roest
Alain Bousquet-Mélou
Environmental toxicology and pharmacology
CPT: pharmacometrics & systems pharmacology
Open research Europe
Peter Damborg
Fergus Allerton
Alain Bousquet-Mélou
Chantal Britt
Petra Cagnardi
Luis Pedro Carmo
Iskra Cvetkovikj
Marcel Erhard
Annet Heuvelink
Lisbeth Rem Jessen
Gudrun Overesch
Ludovic Pelligand
Jonathan Gómez Raja
Karolina Scahill
Dorina Timofte
Ana P Vale
Kees Veldman
Els M Broens