Head and Neck Airbag Penetrating Injuries.
The Journal of craniofacial surgery
ISSN: 1536-3732
Titre abrégé: J Craniofac Surg
Pays: United States
ID NLM: 9010410
Informations de publication
Date de publication:
09 Sep 2024
09 Sep 2024
Airbags have significantly decreased fatalities in frontal vehicle accidents, but their deployment can lead to more severe injuries and rarely death. The authors present a case of a penetrating injury causing tissue loss in the left cheek, an "explosion" of the zygomatic arch, and facial nerve damage, discussing the management in the contest of literature examining similar injuries in the head and neck region. Reviewing English literature from 1995 to 2023, 9 patients experienced severe airbag-related penetrating head and neck injuries, in 3 cases resulting in death. In addition, we describe the case of a young male reporting a deep cheek laceration with facial nerve damage, tissue loss, and comminuted maxilla-zygomatic fracture; 48 hours after trauma, he underwent surgical reconstruction using a bilobed flap, direct suture of the resected masseter muscle, closed reduction of the comminuted zygomatic arch fracture, and direct neurorrhaphy of the lacerated facial nerve. Five months after surgery, facial nerve function recovery was observed. Mouth opening was restored, but a mixed low-medium hearing loss persisted for high frequencies. In another case marginal nerve damage was reported, but management is not described. The use of seat belts and airbags has led to a significant reduction in the incidence of facial fractures and fatalities after motor vehicle accidents, but at the same time, in some cases, complex facial trauma and/or penetrating injury can be observed. In case of suspected or certain facial nerve damage, it is mandatory to perform exploration and eventual reconstruction within 72 hours.
Sections du résumé
Airbags have significantly decreased fatalities in frontal vehicle accidents, but their deployment can lead to more severe injuries and rarely death. The authors present a case of a penetrating injury causing tissue loss in the left cheek, an "explosion" of the zygomatic arch, and facial nerve damage, discussing the management in the contest of literature examining similar injuries in the head and neck region.
Reviewing English literature from 1995 to 2023, 9 patients experienced severe airbag-related penetrating head and neck injuries, in 3 cases resulting in death. In addition, we describe the case of a young male reporting a deep cheek laceration with facial nerve damage, tissue loss, and comminuted maxilla-zygomatic fracture; 48 hours after trauma, he underwent surgical reconstruction using a bilobed flap, direct suture of the resected masseter muscle, closed reduction of the comminuted zygomatic arch fracture, and direct neurorrhaphy of the lacerated facial nerve.
Five months after surgery, facial nerve function recovery was observed. Mouth opening was restored, but a mixed low-medium hearing loss persisted for high frequencies. In another case marginal nerve damage was reported, but management is not described.
The use of seat belts and airbags has led to a significant reduction in the incidence of facial fractures and fatalities after motor vehicle accidents, but at the same time, in some cases, complex facial trauma and/or penetrating injury can be observed. In case of suspected or certain facial nerve damage, it is mandatory to perform exploration and eventual reconstruction within 72 hours.
pubmed: 39248757
doi: 10.1097/SCS.0000000000010563
pii: 00001665-990000000-01899
Types de publication
Journal Article
Sous-ensembles de citation
Informations de copyright
Copyright © 2024 by Mutaz B. Habal, MD.
Déclaration de conflit d'intérêts
The authors report no conflicts of interest.
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