A human centred innovative approach based on persona in hereditary angioedema.
Hereditary angioedema
Human center design
Psycholosocial well-being
Qualitative interviews
Rare disease
Unmet needs
Orphanet journal of rare diseases
ISSN: 1750-1172
Titre abrégé: Orphanet J Rare Dis
Pays: England
ID NLM: 101266602
Informations de publication
Date de publication:
10 Aug 2024
10 Aug 2024
Hereditary Angioedema (HAE) due to C1-inhibitor deficiency (C1INH) is a rare condition, clinically characterised by recurrent swelling. The unpredictability of attacks affects the patients' quality of life (QoL). HAE patients and their families have vast unmet physical, psychological, and social needs. A human-centred design (HCD) approach to describing the needs of different user types is to utilise personas, a data-driven narrative tool for communicating user archetypes that capture the individuals' attitudes, goals, and behaviours. The aim of this study was to create and analyse personas based on HAE patients' and their caregivers' interviews. Semi-structured interviews were conducted through anthropological conversations with patients, patient-caregivers (double role of patient and caregiver), and non-affected caregivers. Qualitative and quantitative insights from analyses formed the basis to create personas. We enrolled 17 subjects: 15 patients (6 of them were patient-caregivers) and 2 non-affected caregivers. The mean age of participants was 50.3 ± 14.4 years. Eight patients were on treatment with prophylactic therapy. The mean percentage score of Angioedema Quality of Life (AE-QoL) for HAE patients was 19.8 ± 12.0. Six personas were identified describing the participants' personal history, disease management, and needs: four personas referred to patients, one to patient-caregivers, and one non-affected caregiver personas were identified. Across patient personas, the most expressed needs were psychological support and better awareness amongst healthcare professionals. Caregivers, on their side, desired better information about the disease, including the latest therapies, and higher awareness within the community. A Human Centred Innovative Approach Based on Persona extends beyond the physical symptoms to encompass the psychological and social aspects of the individual's well-being also including the family in the evaluation.
Sections du résumé
Hereditary Angioedema (HAE) due to C1-inhibitor deficiency (C1INH) is a rare condition, clinically characterised by recurrent swelling. The unpredictability of attacks affects the patients' quality of life (QoL). HAE patients and their families have vast unmet physical, psychological, and social needs. A human-centred design (HCD) approach to describing the needs of different user types is to utilise personas, a data-driven narrative tool for communicating user archetypes that capture the individuals' attitudes, goals, and behaviours. The aim of this study was to create and analyse personas based on HAE patients' and their caregivers' interviews. Semi-structured interviews were conducted through anthropological conversations with patients, patient-caregivers (double role of patient and caregiver), and non-affected caregivers. Qualitative and quantitative insights from analyses formed the basis to create personas.
We enrolled 17 subjects: 15 patients (6 of them were patient-caregivers) and 2 non-affected caregivers. The mean age of participants was 50.3 ± 14.4 years. Eight patients were on treatment with prophylactic therapy. The mean percentage score of Angioedema Quality of Life (AE-QoL) for HAE patients was 19.8 ± 12.0. Six personas were identified describing the participants' personal history, disease management, and needs: four personas referred to patients, one to patient-caregivers, and one non-affected caregiver personas were identified. Across patient personas, the most expressed needs were psychological support and better awareness amongst healthcare professionals. Caregivers, on their side, desired better information about the disease, including the latest therapies, and higher awareness within the community.
A Human Centred Innovative Approach Based on Persona extends beyond the physical symptoms to encompass the psychological and social aspects of the individual's well-being also including the family in the evaluation.
pubmed: 39127675
doi: 10.1186/s13023-024-03302-x
pii: 10.1186/s13023-024-03302-x
Types de publication
Journal Article
Sous-ensembles de citation
291Informations de copyright
© 2024. The Author(s).
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