Diagnosis, monitoring, and management of axial spondyloarthritis.

Ankylosing spondylitis Axial spondyloarthritis Diagnosis Disease management Spondylarthritis Telehealth Treatment


Rheumatology international
ISSN: 1437-160X
Titre abrégé: Rheumatol Int
Pays: Germany
ID NLM: 8206885

Informations de publication

Date de publication:
17 May 2024
received: 27 03 2024
accepted: 02 05 2024
medline: 17 5 2024
pubmed: 17 5 2024
entrez: 17 5 2024
Statut: aheadofprint


Axial spondyloarthritis (axSpA) is a chronic condition predominantly affecting the spine and sacroiliac joints. This article provides an in-depth overview of the current approaches to diagnosing, monitoring, and managing axSpA, including insights into developing terminology and diagnostic difficulties. A substantial portion of the debate focuses on the challenging diagnostic procedure, noting the difficulty of detecting axSpA early, particularly before the appearance of radiologic structural changes. Despite normal laboratory parameters, more than half of axSpA patients experience symptoms. X-ray and magnetic resonance imaging (MRI) are essential for evaluating structural damage and inflammation. MRI can be beneficial when there is no visible structural damage on X-ray as it can help unravel bone marrow edema (BME) as a sign of ongoing inflammation. The management covers both non-pharmacological and pharmacological approaches. Lifestyle modifications, physical activity, and patient education are essential components of the management. Pharmacological therapy, including nonsteroidal anti-inflammatory drugs (NSAIDs) and biologic disease-modifying anti-rheumatic drugs (bDMARDs), are explored, emphasizing individualized treatment. To effectively manage axSpA, a comprehensive and well-coordinated approach is necessary, emphasizing the significance of a multidisciplinary team. Telehealth applications play a growing role in axSpA management, notably in reducing diagnostic delays and facilitating remote monitoring. In conclusion, this article underlines diagnostic complexities and emphasizes the changing strategy of axSpA treatment. The nuanced understanding offered here is designed to guide clinicians, researchers, and healthcare providers toward a more comprehensive approach to axSpA diagnosis and care.


pubmed: 38758383
doi: 10.1007/s00296-024-05615-3
pii: 10.1007/s00296-024-05615-3

Types de publication

Journal Article Review



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Organisme : Narodowe Centrum Badań i Rozwoju
ID : 0026/2019-00

Informations de copyright

© 2024. The Author(s).


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Olena Zimba (O)

Department of Rheumatology, Immunology and Internal Medicine, University Hospital in Krakow, Krakow, Poland.
National Institute of Geriatrics, Rheumatology and Rehabilitation, Warsaw, Poland.
Department of Internal Medicine N2, Danylo Halytsky Lviv National Medical University, Lviv, Ukraine.

Burhan Fatih Kocyigit (BF)

Department of Physical Medicine and Rehabilitation, University of Health Sciences, Adana City Research and Training Hospital, Adana, Türkiye.

Mariusz Korkosz (M)

Department of Rheumatology, Immunology and Internal Medicine, University Hospital in Krakow, Krakow, Poland. mariusz.korkosz@uj.edu.pl.
Department of Rheumatology and Immunology, Jagiellonian University Medical College, Jakubowskiego 2 Str., 30-688, Kraków, Poland. mariusz.korkosz@uj.edu.pl.

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