Prevalence of chronic endometritis in infertile women undergoing hysteroscopy and its association with intrauterine abnormalities: A Cross-Sectional study.

chronic endometritis hysteroscopy in-vitro fertilization intrauterine abnormalities


JBRA assisted reproduction
ISSN: 1518-0557
Titre abrégé: JBRA Assist Reprod
Pays: Brazil
ID NLM: 101684552

Informations de publication

Date de publication:
28 Mar 2024
medline: 28 3 2024
pubmed: 28 3 2024
entrez: 28 3 2024
Statut: aheadofprint


Chronic endometritis (CE) is an inflammatory condition with several different risk factors. We aimed to examine whether intrauterine abnormalities, such as endometrial polyps, submucosal myomas, intrauterine adhesions, or a septate uterus, were associated with an increased likelihood of developing chronic endometritis. A cross-sectional study was conducted on 335 infertile women who underwent hysteroscopy surgery at the Ayatollah Taleghani Hospital Infertility Center, affiliated by Shahid Beheshti University of Medical Sciences, in 2022. All participants in the study underwent hysteroscopic surgery, which allowed for direct visualization of the intrauterine cavity, and endometrial biopsies were taken for further analysis. To characterize endometritis, plasma cell infiltration was assessed. Patients with ≥5 plasma cells observed in 10 high-power fields were defined as having chronic endometritis. Endometritis was observed in 51.3% of the patients, totaling 172 individuals. Logistic regression analysis revealed that patients with endometrial polyps had 5.2 times higher odds of developing endometritis compared to patients without polyps (95% CI = 2.9, 9.2) (p-value <0.001). Similarly, patients with intrauterine adhesions had a significant increase in the odds of endometritis (OR = 4.6, 95% CI = 2.1, 10.1) (p-value <0.001). Treatment or removal of endometrial abnormalities through hysteroscopic procedures may help to reduce the risk of chronic endometritis and improve fertility outcomes. Further research is necessary.


pubmed: 38546120
doi: 10.5935/1518-0557.20240011

Types de publication

Journal Article



Sous-ensembles de citation



Sedigheh Hosseini (S)

Preventative Gynecology Research Center, Shahid Beheshti University of Medical Sciences, Tehran, Iran.

Hajar Abbasi (H)

Preventative Gynecology Research Center, Shahid Beheshti University of Medical Sciences, Tehran, Iran.

Saghar Salehpour (S)

Preventative Gynecology Research Center, Shahid Beheshti University of Medical Sciences, Tehran, Iran.

Nasrin Saharkhiz (N)

Preventative Gynecology Research Center, Shahid Beheshti University of Medical Sciences, Tehran, Iran.

Mitra Nemati (M)

Preventative Gynecology Research Center, Shahid Beheshti University of Medical Sciences, Tehran, Iran.

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