Biosignatures of defective sebaceous gland activity in sebum-rich and sebum-poor skin areas in adult atopic dermatitis.

aminoacids cholesterol epidermal lipids fatty acids fatty alcohols sapienate sebaceous gland squalene


Experimental dermatology
ISSN: 1600-0625
Titre abrégé: Exp Dermatol
Pays: Denmark
ID NLM: 9301549

Informations de publication

Date de publication:
Mar 2024
revised: 07 03 2024
received: 28 08 2023
accepted: 14 03 2024
medline: 27 3 2024
pubmed: 27 3 2024
entrez: 27 3 2024
Statut: ppublish


Atopic dermatitis (AD) is a composite disease presenting disruption of the skin permeability barrier (SPB) in the stratum corneum (SC). Recent evidence supports derangement of the sebaceous gland (SG) activity in the AD pathomechanisms. The objective of this study was to delineate profiles of both sebaceous and epidermal lipids and of aminoacids from SG-rich (SGR) and SG-poor (SGP) areas in AD. Both sebum and SC were sampled from SGR areas, while SC was sampled also from SGP areas in 54 adult patients with AD, consisting of 34 and 20 subjects, respectively with and without clinical involvement of face, and in 44 age and sex-matched controls. Skin biophysics were assessed in all sampling sites. Disruption of the SBP was found to be associated with dysregulated lipidome. Abundance of sapienate and lignocerate, representing, respectively, sebum and the SC type lipids, were decreased in sebum and SC from both SGR and SGP areas. Analogously, squalene was significantly diminished in AD, regardless the site. Extent of lipid derangement in SGR areas was correlated with the AD severity. The abundance of aminoacids in the SC from SGR areas was altered more than that determined in SGP areas. Several gender-related differences were found in both controls and AD subgroups. In conclusion, the SG activity was differently compromised in adult females and males with AD, in both SGR and SGP areas. In AD, alterations in the aminoacidome profiles were apparent in the SGR areas. Lipid signatures in association with aminoacidome and skin physical properties may serve the definition of phenotype clusters that associate with AD severity and gender.


pubmed: 38532571
doi: 10.1111/exd.15066

Types de publication

Journal Article



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Organisme : National Ministry of Health
ID : RC-2024
Organisme : NAOS, Institute of Life Science

Informations de copyright

© 2024 The Authors. Experimental Dermatology published by John Wiley & Sons Ltd.


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Alessia Cavallo (A)

Laboratory of Cutaneous Physiopathology, San Gallicano Dermatological Institute-IRCCS, Rome, Italy.

Emanuela Camera (E)

Laboratory of Cutaneous Physiopathology, San Gallicano Dermatological Institute-IRCCS, Rome, Italy.

Grazia Bottillo (G)

Laboratory of Cutaneous Physiopathology, San Gallicano Dermatological Institute-IRCCS, Rome, Italy.

Miriam Maiellaro (M)

Laboratory of Cutaneous Physiopathology, San Gallicano Dermatological Institute-IRCCS, Rome, Italy.

Mauro Truglio (M)

Laboratory of Cutaneous Physiopathology, San Gallicano Dermatological Institute-IRCCS, Rome, Italy.

Federico Marini (F)

Department of Chemistry, 'La Sapienza' University, Rome, Italy.

Marlène Chavagnac-Bonneville (M)

Research and Development Department, NAOS Ecobiology Company (Bioderma- Institute Esthederm - Etat Pur), Aix-en-Provence, France.

Aurélie Fauger (A)

Research and Development Department, NAOS Ecobiology Company (Bioderma- Institute Esthederm - Etat Pur), Aix-en-Provence, France.

Eric Perrier (E)

NAOS, Institute of Life Science, Aix-en-Provence, France.
Department of Dermatological Clinic and Research, San Gallicano Dermatological Institute-IRCCS, Rome, Italy.

Flavia Pigliacelli (F)

Department of Dermatological Clinic and Research, San Gallicano Dermatological Institute-IRCCS, Rome, Italy.

Mauro Picardo (M)

Laboratory of Cutaneous Physiopathology, San Gallicano Dermatological Institute-IRCCS, Rome, Italy.

Antonio Cristaudo (A)

Department of Dermatological Clinic and Research, San Gallicano Dermatological Institute-IRCCS, Rome, Italy.

Maria Mariano (M)

Department of Dermatological Clinic and Research, San Gallicano Dermatological Institute-IRCCS, Rome, Italy.

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