Single Ventricular Assist Device Care and Outcomes for Failed Stage I Palliation: A Single-Center Decade of Experience.


ASAIO journal (American Society for Artificial Internal Organs : 1992)
ISSN: 1538-943X
Titre abrégé: ASAIO J
Pays: United States
ID NLM: 9204109

Informations de publication

Date de publication:
09 Feb 2024
medline: 12 2 2024
pubmed: 12 2 2024
entrez: 12 2 2024
Statut: aheadofprint


Single ventricular assist device (SVAD) use before and after stage I palliation (S1P) is increasing with limited data on outcomes. To address this knowledge gap, we conducted a single-center retrospective review to assess pre- and post-SVAD clinical status, complications, and outcomes. We leveraged a granular, longitudinal, local database that captures end-organ support, procedural interventions, hematologic events, laboratory data, and antithrombotic strategy. We identified 25 patients between 2013 and 2023 implanted at median age of 53 days (interquartile range [IQR] = 16-130); 80% had systemic right ventricles and underwent S1P. Median SVAD days were 54 (IQR = 29-86), and 40% were implanted directly from ECMO. Compared to preimplant, there was a significant reduction in inotrope use (p = 0.013) and improved weight gain (p = 0.008) post-SVAD. Complications were frequent including bleeding (80%), stroke (40%), acute kidney injury (AKI) (40%), infection (36%), and unanticipated catheterization (56%). Patients with in-hospital mortality had significantly more bleeding complications (p = 0.02) and were more likely to have had Blalock-Thomas-Taussig shunts pre-SVAD (p = 0.028). Survival to 1 year postexplant was 40% and included three recovered and explanted patients. At 1 year posttransplant, all survivors have technology dependence or neurologic injury. This study highlights the clinical outcomes and ongoing support required for successful SVAD use in failed single-ventricle physiology before or after S1P.


pubmed: 38346282
doi: 10.1097/MAT.0000000000002149
pii: 00002480-990000000-00413

Types de publication

Journal Article



Sous-ensembles de citation


Informations de copyright

Copyright © ASAIO 2024.


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Blaire E Kulp (BE)

From the Washington University School of Medicine in St Louis Department of Pediatrics and St Louis Children's Hospital, St Louis, MO.

Marium N Khan (MN)

From the Washington University School of Medicine in St Louis Department of Pediatrics and St Louis Children's Hospital, St Louis, MO.
Division of Pediatric Critical Care Medicine, St Louis, MO.

Avihu Z Gazit (AZ)

From the Washington University School of Medicine in St Louis Department of Pediatrics and St Louis Children's Hospital, St Louis, MO.
Division of Pediatric Critical Care Medicine, St Louis, MO.
Division of Pediatric Cardiology, St Louis, MO.

Pirooz Eghtesady (P)

From the Washington University School of Medicine in St Louis Department of Pediatrics and St Louis Children's Hospital, St Louis, MO.
Division of Cardiothoracic Surgery, St Louis, MO.

Janet N Scheel (JN)

From the Washington University School of Medicine in St Louis Department of Pediatrics and St Louis Children's Hospital, St Louis, MO.
Division of Pediatric Cardiology, St Louis, MO.

Ahmed S Said (AS)

From the Washington University School of Medicine in St Louis Department of Pediatrics and St Louis Children's Hospital, St Louis, MO.
Division of Pediatric Critical Care Medicine, St Louis, MO.

Edon J Rabinowitz (EJ)

Division of Pediatric Critical Care Medicine, St Louis, MO.
Division of Pediatric Cardiology, St Louis, MO.

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