Neurodevelopmental profiles of 4-year-olds in the Navajo Birth Cohort Study.

American Indian Native American indigenous language neurodevelopment


ISSN: 2949-7329
Titre abrégé: JAACAP Open
Pays: United States
ID NLM: 9918627288306676

Informations de publication

Date de publication:
Nov 2023
medline: 19 1 2024
pubmed: 19 1 2024
entrez: 19 1 2024
Statut: ppublish


Native American children disproportionally face many risk factors for poor developmental outcomes; these factors include poverty, environmental toxicant exposure, and limited medical, and intervention services. To understand these risks, comprehensive documentation of developmental and behavioral phenotypes are needed. In the current descriptive study, we assessed the neurodevelopment of young Diné (Navajo) children using standardized assessment instruments in combination with expert clinician judgment. As part of an ongoing, population-based, prospective birth cohort study, we conducted comprehensive neurodevelopmental assessments of 138, 3-5-year-old, Diné children residing on or near the Navajo Nation. We report results from standardized parent reports, psychiatric examinations, and direct assessments of children's language, cognitive, adaptive, and social-emotional development, as well as best estimate clinical diagnoses. Forty-nine percent of our sample met DSM-5 criteria for a neurodevelopmental disorder (NDD) diagnosis. Language and speech sound disorders were most common, although autism spectrum disorder (ASD) was also elevated compared to the general population. Though language performance was depressed amongst all groups of children with, and without, NDDs, those meeting criteria for certain NDDs performed significantly lower on all language measures, when compared to those without. Social-emotional, behavioral, and nonverbal cognitive ability were in the average range overall. Diné children in our study were found to have a high percentage of clinically significant developmental delays. Overall, children presented with a pervasive pattern of depressed language performance across measures, irrespective of diagnosis (or no diagnosis), while other domains of functioning were similar to normative samples. Findings support the need to identify appropriate intervention and educational efforts for affected youth, while also exploring the causes of the specific developmental delays. However, longitudinal studies are necessary to establish best practices for identifying delays and delineating resilience factors to optimize development of Diné children.


pubmed: 38239266
doi: 10.1016/j.jaacop.2023.06.003
pmc: PMC10795771

Types de publication

Journal Article






Brandon J Rennie (BJ)

University of New Mexico, Center for Development and Disability.

Somer L Bishop (SL)

University of California San Francisco Weill Institute for Neurosciences.

Bennett L Leventhal (BL)

Community Environmental Health Program, Health Sciences Center, College of Pharmacy, University of New Mexico.
The University of Chicago.

Shuting Zheng (S)

University of California San Francisco Weill Institute for Neurosciences.

Ellen Geib (E)

Nationwide Children's Hospital, Child Development Center.

Young Shin Kim (YS)

University of California San Francisco Weill Institute for Neurosciences.

Courtney Burnette (C)

University of New Mexico, Center for Development and Disability.

Emma Salzman (E)

University of California San Francisco Weill Institute for Neurosciences.

Sara S Nozadi (SS)

Community Environmental Health Program, Health Sciences Center, College of Pharmacy, University of New Mexico.

Hosanna Kim (H)

University of California San Francisco Weill Institute for Neurosciences.
University of California Davis Health.

Whitney Ence (W)

University of California San Francisco Weill Institute for Neurosciences.

Mina Park (M)

University of California San Francisco Weill Institute for Neurosciences.

Sheila Ghods (S)

University of California San Francisco Weill Institute for Neurosciences.

Maria Welch (M)

Community Environmental Health Program, Health Sciences Center, College of Pharmacy, University of New Mexico.

Debra MacKenzie (D)

Community Environmental Health Program, Health Sciences Center, College of Pharmacy, University of New Mexico.

Johnnye L Lewis (JL)

Community Environmental Health Program, Health Sciences Center, College of Pharmacy, University of New Mexico.

Classifications MeSH