Effects of Airway Localization Device Use During Surgical Cricothyrotomy on Procedural Times and Confidence Levels of Pre-Hospital Personnel.

SOF Special Operations Forces airway hospital corpsmen military medicine operator confidence procedural time surgical cricothyrotomy trauma


Journal of special operations medicine : a peer reviewed journal for SOF medical professionals
ISSN: 1553-9768
Titre abrégé: J Spec Oper Med
Pays: United States
ID NLM: 101158402

Informations de publication

Date de publication:
12 Dec 2023
pubmed: 17 11 2023
medline: 17 11 2023
entrez: 17 11 2023
Statut: aheadofprint


This study evaluated the effect of an airway localization device (ALD) on surgical cricothyrotomy (SC) success rates and prehospital provider confidence. SC is indicated in 0.62% to 1.8% of all patients with military trauma, especially those presenting with traumatic airway obstruction. The effect of ALD was evaluated in an airway mannequin model during SC with the Committee on Tactical Combat Casualty Care (CoTCCC)-recommended Control-Cric Cricothyrotomy System. Outcomes included procedural time, Likert measures of operator confidence, and qualitative data/feedback for suggested future improvements in device design and training. The average procedural times of the hospital corpsmen (HM) including 20 men and 8 women were 67 seconds (without ALD) and 87 seconds (with ALD) respectively, which were statistically significant. Provider confidence for all SC procedural steps increased significantly after SC with and without ALD. The average procedural times of the Navy Special Operations Forces (SOF) group comprising 8 males were 56 seconds (without ALD) and 64 seconds (with ALD), which was not statistically significant. Provider confidence for two SC procedural steps (adequate hook retraction and first-attempt SC tube insertion) increased significantly after SC with and without ALD. First-attempt SC success rates were 90% in each group. Both groups provided feedback on the Control-Cric and ALD, with qualitative feedback analyzed for further SC training recommendations. Procedural times were increased with ALD when compared to those without ALD, although the increase may not be clinically significant in this classroom setting.


pubmed: 37976434
pii: 5TNR-B19B
doi: 10.55460/5TNR-B19B

Types de publication

Journal Article



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